Endings You Didn't Like (Expect Spoilers)


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Blue Dragon:
The bad guy does effectively destroy the world. Sure, you defeat him and the party seems happy, but they're blatantly ignoring the fact that the world is literally in pieces!

Fable 2:
No boss fight, no actual conclusion, presents a twist-cliff hanger that I assume functions as an ad for Fable 3.

Infinite Undiscovery:
The ending presents more problems than it solves. I assume it sets up for a sequel because there's just so many things I need to fix dammit!
By the end of it the main character ends up putting many important characters into a coma

I actually liked Oblivion's ending. Pretty much all the guild quests have you as the top-dog by the end of them, so I didn't mind stepping aside and playing the protector for the main quest.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Dave29 said:
Did gamers became stupidly predicible, and started expecting stupidly predictible endigs as well?

Arkham City had a bad ending? Really? FUCKING REALLY?
The Joker died, the Joker FUCKING DIED. Where any other comic-book videogame play it safe and choose to restore the status quo, Rocksteady had some fucking balls and KILLED THE FUCKING JOKER.

Wanna talk about bad endings? Indigo Prophecy.
Please put spoiler tags on your MASSIVE spoilers in the future. Thanks a lot for spoiling that.


New member
Sep 1, 2011

You know, Radiata Stories had so much going for it in the beginning. The areas you could explore were some stupid small trail pieces. But oh, not only did you have not much area to explore... it got worse. The world really isn't much bigger than is right in front of your eyes. Everything you see in the beginning of the game is awesome, because you get to see the one properly developed area of the game, the one castle. Oh yes, the main kingdom is amazing. Then everything goes downhill from there. You get a taste of show small the world is, giving you only tiny trails to go places outside the kingdom. They try to make up for it a little bit with the hundred of so quests while time goes by. But then, then time goes by, and the game wraps up. And boy, it ain't pretty. The ending, oh the ending, it's horrible.

If you want an epic jRPG, about classical themes like racism between humans and elves, get Tales of Symphonia. Radiata Stories does serve as much more than an anime toy. It's a great anime collectible and if you're a huge fan of that sort of thing like me, it's worth it. But gosh, is it ever unimpressive otherwise. Especially, especially the ending.

I at least hear, that Radiant Historia, for being of the same universe, is much better.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
A lot of those big name "canon" books, such as Catcher in the Rye, Of Mice and Men, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, etc. always kind of let me down in some way. Grapes of Wrath especially. I was always under the impression that it was this big thing about unions and what not, but that really only appeared as a kind of undercurrent in the second half of the novel so that was kind of let down. The ending though, holy crap, what the hell was up with that ending. Completely out of nowhere, and I do not know what to make of it.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
I Am Legend. Will Smith kills himself, chick and kid magically get to safety, end movie.

Is that really the best they could've come up with?! Turned an otherwise excellent movie into a pretty good one.

Sam Eskenazi

New member
Dec 26, 2008
Krion_Vark said:
As for me I have to say the first Assassin's Creed. You go through the entire game kill the final boss for Altair then the way it ends is seeing what subject 13 wrote all over the wall. They haven't even shown it sense or let you actually read any of it.
-sigh- ... For God's sake, man! Wait till the end of the credits! Does no one else actully read the credits? Do they just shut off the game? You can read the messages after.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Akira (the manga)

The ending felt very agressively nationalistic which made me feel rather uncomfortable.

Also, Kaneda basically proclaims himself as leader of The Great Tokyo Empire, eventhough it was these insane militant assholes that were the main enemy force in the second half of the story... And now Kaneda and Kei use that title as a banner for the entire nation of Japan?


New member
Oct 25, 2011
RDR's ending was kinda gay. Playing as someone else after the end is not the same. That and there are no more missions to do, not even random ones. Thats why i (will) love Skyrim, always something to do.

Also sh!te ending: Rainbow6 Vegas2


New member
May 13, 2009
Berserk - Ending? What ending?!
Cowboy Bebop - NOOOO!
Trigun - Wait... What?

Final Fantasy VIII: If it was any more saccharine, it would make my coffee taste like crap.
Final Fantasy X: Seriously? That's the twist?
Zelda II: Oh wait, no. That's the best ending of any in the series (the one and only time Link gets some play)


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Portal 2 co-op ending. I was so syked up for something that really deflated me and felt me really disappointed, alas, the DLC came out and I found that ended a million times better, that I think it should of been the original ending.

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Deus Ex Human Revolution, all the endings were rather meh and weren't as good as the original 2 games. (even though the 2nd game was shit the endings were good)

Red Bomb

New member
Nov 25, 2009
Borderlands had me like...."REALLY NOW!?"
I disliked and yet loved the ending in Red Dead. John Marston is such a badass character and they way he makes that last stand, epic and yet very frustrating.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Gears 3 felt a tad anti-climactic. After fighting against the Locust for 3 games, having some really memorable events (RAAM stabbing Kim was one of them, of course), then Adam Fenix sets off this device that just kills all the enemies of the humans, very conveniently without any real prior explanation seemed very... meh.

A lot of the Gears 3 plot just seemed a bit wishy-washy.

I was disappointed to say the least. Even if it is one of my favourite games of the decade, the campaign plot wasn't up to standard.

Another one is MW2. That ending was far too cheesy and... well... just plain terrible. Do I really need to explain that one?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Well, lets see here.

I had anime or games that either kill the main protagonist/everyone in the end (in a bad way), it just seems unfair after all that work and achievement. Or an ending where everyone goes there separate ways, kinda sad.

Also if it's the end, a bad epilogue always spoils everything!

My list!

Crisis 2 (Really, it didn't make any sense apart from that the other guy came back through YOUR guys body!)
Fable 2 (WTF, no climax or boss fight)
Dragon Age 2 (Meh, didn't satisfy)
Bulletstorm (Deliberate sequel plan)
Crackdown 1/2 (Just...ugh)

And I have quite a load of movies to explain, but that would take too long.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Fallout 1:
the vault dweller did all that stuff to save the vault, find the chip, defeat the master. and they kick him out, total bs imho


New member
Mar 4, 2010
cora mcstrap said:
Oblivion was the lamest ending of any game i have ever played. You play a very below par main quest to be faced with the big bad in the end. And you don't fight. You clap politly. Pretty much hell on earth for story line lovers
I'm going to agree with this. In Morrowind, you killed a god at the end. In Oblivion, you stand around and stare vapidly at nothing as someone else defeats a god. A large step down in both story and gameplay.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Saltyk said:
A while back, I watched The Departed (if you haven't seen it you should). In the end, Leonardo Dicaprio has caught Matt Damon red handed, has him hand cuffed and entirely beaten. Then, on the way out, he gets shot by another mole in the police department. The fuck? It came out of nowhere. One minute, we're looking at him and the next, he's dead! We didn't even know there was a second mole! Then, Damon shots the other mole and makes it look like they shot each other. Finally, Damon is shot by DiCaprio's former boss. Okay, so I was kinda happy that Damon got his comeuppance, but I didn't like that the only real hero (DiCaprio) died.
The problem with that movie is that they cut a lot of the stuff from the original Hong Kong trilogy that made it make sense.

For me I'm going to go with my usual bugbears of Lost (Fuck you Josh Abrams.), Battlestar Galactica (Fuck you Chris Carter).

There ought to be a law that if you create a show with grand and mysterious ideas that you know how to finish the fucker. So many show go the whole intriguing mystery route only to end up in a pile of nonsensical dogshit at the end.