"Epic" Mickey Mouse Goes Retro in More Ways Than One


New member
Mar 11, 2009
KeyMaster45 said:
Towowo2 said:
More like, I don't have a Wii so I need to bawww about it. Grow up.
Actually I've been boycotting the Wii since before it came out. Its the name of the system really; it was once called the Revolution and came in colors other than white.(my favorite was the red and black ones) Then Nintendo decided it needed to rename it and only release it in one color.(that's the petty "wtf" reason I won't buy it)

There's also the lack-luster list of games that have no personal appeal to me, why should I buy a system for one game?

There's also the fact I have yet to play a game on the Wii that I can't play sitting down with minimal wrist movement. Oh sure they've released some games that have things like balance boards and what-not, but where are the REAL games that make full use of that wonderful motion control system they so highly spoke about in my Nintendo Power magazines all those years ago. All around I've been very disappointed with it as a system and as such have never had a desire to buy it. I was pumped up for the Wii even after they gave its god awful name, I was pumped for it when it came out and I had neglected to save up the fund for it, I was pumped for it when I went to play Twilight Princess at my friend's house, I no longer wanted it when I discovered I could easily beat TP without ever getting out of the chair.

If I ever want a Wii I'll go buy one. I mean cripes its dirt cheap for a console so its not like I don't have the funds for it.

I'm not "bawww"ing about it because I don't have one. I make my displeasure with the system known at every opportunity because even though my voice doesn't matter in a sea of millions I have the right to make my displeasure known in the hopes that future consoles by Nintendo will be more in line with the quality of product I used to enjoy.

CantFaketheFunk said:
Hey, your loss, mate.
You're entirely right john it is my loss, and its a loss that I'm sorry to say will occur. It looks like a great game, sounds like a great game, and probably will be a great game. Is it a game though that will finally convince me to invest in a Wii? No, sadly its not.

Honest and truly I invite anyone to give me solid reason to why the Wii is worth my time and money, because since its release I have yet to find any.
The same reason you would buy any console... you know, the games?

Despite whatever misconception you might be under, the Wii has a great many spectacular titles. Games like Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Dead Space: Extraction, Mario Galaxy, Muramasa the Demon Blade, Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess, The Conduit (for me, at least. I can understand why many don't like it, but I do), Mad World... I could go on.

Plus, there's the fact that it's only $199 now. That's a pretty sweet deal. This is the most opportune time to buy a Wii, what with all the great titles that'll be coming out for the next few months, and the boatload in 2010. Plus, if current-gen games there's the Virtual Console and WiiWare. There are tons of great games on both of those services.

Overall, you really should get a Wii.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
DrDeath3191 said:
The same reason you would buy any console... you know, the games?

Despite whatever misconception you might be under, the Wii has a great many spectacular titles. Games like Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Dead Space: Extraction, Mario Galaxy, Muramasa the Demon Blade, Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess, The Conduit (for me, at least. I can understand why many don't like it, but I do), Mad World... I could go on.

Plus, there's the fact that it's only $199 now. That's a pretty sweet deal. This is the most opportune time to buy a Wii, what with all the great titles that'll be coming out for the next few months, and the boatload in 2010. Plus, if current-gen games there's the Virtual Console and WiiWare. There are tons of great games on both of those services.

Overall, you really should get a Wii.
You're right, the numbers say I'm bat-shit-bonkers for not buying a Wii yet, the fact remains that only 3 of the games you listed hold any appeal to me. Zelda:TP fell out of my graces when I played it from the sitting position. TP was, however, a game meant for the gamecube that was hastily redone to be released on the Wii so it does receive some leeway.Brawl I kicked ass in by using a gamecube controller(and I kicked ass with Kirby at that) so the fact I performed better using an older generation controller in a game designed to be best played with a current gen controller makes me wonder what went wrong in the development process. As for Mario Galaxy its the only one of the three I must say I've never truly tried, and so you've got me there.

The virtual console holds no appeal for me either, being old enough to already own any games I would want from it. Wii ware holds even less because its basically steam or XBLA re-done Wii style and as it is I make very few purchases from steam or XBLA already

You're reasons are very good, but as it stands I'm still not convinced. I'm glad though to see someone making an attempt at fighting for the Wii, was getting rather boring smacking it around with no competition.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I love the looks and idea of this game. I really wish that I had a Wii...

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Al Michaels got traded for a cartoon

That's the funniest thing I have heard all week


New member
Mar 11, 2009
KeyMaster45 said:
DrDeath3191 said:
The same reason you would buy any console... you know, the games?

Despite whatever misconception you might be under, the Wii has a great many spectacular titles. Games like Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Dead Space: Extraction, Mario Galaxy, Muramasa the Demon Blade, Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess, The Conduit (for me, at least. I can understand why many don't like it, but I do), Mad World... I could go on.

Plus, there's the fact that it's only $199 now. That's a pretty sweet deal. This is the most opportune time to buy a Wii, what with all the great titles that'll be coming out for the next few months, and the boatload in 2010. Plus, if current-gen games there's the Virtual Console and WiiWare. There are tons of great games on both of those services.

Overall, you really should get a Wii.
You're right, the numbers say I'm bat-shit-bonkers for not buying a Wii yet, the fact remains that only 3 of the games you listed hold any appeal to me. Zelda:TP fell out of my graces when I played it from the sitting position. TP was, however, a game meant for the gamecube that was hastily redone to be released on the Wii so it does receive some leeway.Brawl I kicked ass in by using a gamecube controller(and I kicked ass with Kirby at that) so the fact I performed better using an older generation controller in a game designed to be best played with a current gen controller makes me wonder what went wrong in the development process. As for Mario Galaxy its the only one of the three I must say I've never truly tried, and so you've got me there.

The virtual console holds no appeal for me either, being old enough to already own any games I would want from it. Wii ware holds even less because its basically steam or XBLA re-done Wii style and as it is I make very few purchases from steam or XBLA already

You're reasons are very good, but as it stands I'm still not convinced. I'm glad though to see someone making an attempt at fighting for the Wii, was getting rather boring smacking it around with no competition.
I haven't mentioned many titles on Wii, because that might make my post obscenely long. There are great titles there if you wish to find them.

I actually like the Wii version over the GC version. The Wiimote usage felt just right. The fact that you prefer one control option over another isn't a problem at all: you prefer the Gamecube controller, while my friend prefers Wiimote/Nunchuk. I don't see how your preference is an issue. And Galaxy is tons of fun: just jumping around and seeing how gravity works is great.

Just becuase you are old enough to own them doesn't necessarily mean that you do. Plus, there are games like Sin and Punishment, which was originally a Japanese-only game. I'll admit that I don't download many games on WiiWare or XBLA either, but there are great games for download on both of those services. World of Goo, Dr. Mario RX, Lost Winds... there's some really cool stuff on there.

I'm pretty certain that no one's going to convince you that the Wii is worth purchasing, as you seem to have it set in your mind that it is not. But I tried.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
I have high hopes for this game but I'll wait till we see the finished prodcut before buying it.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
I am.....amazed. Just amazed at how awesome this game sounds and I HOPE TO WINSOR MCKAY THAT THIS GAME IS COMPLETED.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
CantFaketheFunk said:
The art for this game is still as awesome as it ever was, though I have to admit I was hoping for something more... well, paint-like - think Okami.
I was sort of hoping for something like that as well, but it looks like Disney is harkening to the style they used in the halcyon days of their youth ('20s and '30s), and I don't at all find that to be a bad decision.

Side note: I just realized that, in ten short years, we'll have to specify WHICH "'20s" we're talking about. I'm entirely unsure how I feel about that.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
the sorcerer Yensid (who must hang out with Alucard [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SdrawkcabName])
I'm going to put myself in the line of a big 'Duh' here, but we do all realise that Yensid is disneY backwards, right?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
This game looks very, very interesting. Days of yor Micky with ghostly Donald Ducks and a fantasia feel? I'm in.

kahlzun said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
the sorcerer Yensid (who must hang out with Alucard [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SdrawkcabName])
I'm going to put myself in the line of a big 'Duh' here, but we do all realise that Yensid is disneY backwards, right?
Read Alucard backwards.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Well, Mickey Mouse has a fairly good track record with games, but then again the best ones were platformers in the 16-bit era. If anybody can bring Mickey back, then it's Spector. He's made nothing but awesomeness, and he's one of the few game creators out there willing to take risks. Good luck to Warren Spector, he's gonna need it.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
This is the first time in a long time anything Disney has stirred anything more than mild contempt and apathy. I really must have it.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
KeyMaster45 said:
Its still on the Wii.....I see they've failed to fix that problem. No matter how awesome a game it is I refuse to buy it simply because its a Wii title.
TEll me this, how do you expect the wii to get better if you refuse to purchase any games on the wii, arent you all just being hippocritical by saying that their are no good games for the wii and when something comes out "exclusively" for it you guys say it shouldnt even be their?

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
The more I hear about this game, the more excited I get for it. I really, really hope it's good.

On another note, yet another TV Tropes link? I'm going to be trapped for three days now. Fantastic.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Space Spoons said:
The more I hear about this game, the more excited I get for it. I really, really hope it's good.

On another note, yet another TV Tropes link? I'm going to be trapped for three days now. Fantastic.
Tell me about it, lost another two hours to that damn page.


New member
May 31, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
"Epic" Mickey Mouse Goes Retro in More Ways Than One
Man...I was hoping for some gameplay footage...all we get is more concept art and while the stuff in the video was nice, its just not that refreshing considering the leaked Disney images sorta offered the same thing...

I'm still curious to know how much money GameInformer spent to get this exclusive though. (thats covered by that resolution you mentioned where magazines have to make public all monetary dealings with video game developers, right?)

Slick Samurai

New member
Jul 3, 2009
I wonder if this will turn out like Alice, a great take on the Wonderland landscape. It's a mature game with undertones of guilt and insanity. Much like the original story.