"Epic" Mickey Mouse Goes Retro in More Ways Than One


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
raxer92 said:
KeyMaster45 said:
Its still on the Wii.....I see they've failed to fix that problem. No matter how awesome a game it is I refuse to buy it simply because its a Wii title.
TEll me this, how do you expect the wii to get better if you refuse to purchase any games on the wii, arent you all just being hippocritical by saying that their are no good games for the wii and when something comes out "exclusively" for it you guys say it shouldnt even be their?
>.>.........<.<..............O.O Did I suddenly gain the ability to self-replicate? Last I checked I'm a singular person, and dude seriously check your grammar and spelling before you post.

I don't expect the Wii to get better, its beyond help in my opinion, I expect Nintendo to do a better job when they decide to make a new console. My prior statements in the thread make my stance on the Wii clear I suggest you read them since judging by your quoting of me you only read my first post and opted to start arguing. Matter of fact my first post wasn't talking about the Wii as a console I meant that Epic Mickey still being on the Wii was a problem.

While I don't usually label people as fanboys that is only what I can assume you are since you seem to have read my post, got your knickers in a twist, and hastily wrote a spittle flecked response. So I say to you good day sir, I hope in the future you will think before you try to argue.

If anyone else cares to take pot-shots at my first post I'm done arguing my stance on the matter as its been made abundantly clear on page 1 of this thread. If you can't be bothered to read posts on the first page when forming an argument then you shouldn't be trying to argue at all. Actually if you're reading this and plan on arguing then I congratulate you in your efforts to make an intelligent argument.

I don't enjoy having to be such a douche, but I should have figured I would call down the wrath of the fan-base I once belonged to by denouncing the console.


New member
Jul 27, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
I don't expect the Wii to get better, its beyond help in my opinion, I expect Nintendo to do a better job when they decide to make a new console. My prior statements in the thread make my stance on the Wii clear I suggest you read them since judging by your quoting of me you only read my first post and opted to start arguing. Matter of fact my first post wasn't talking about the Wii as a console I meant that Epic Mickey still being on the Wii was a problem.

While I don't usually label people as fanboys that is only what I can assume you are since you seem to have read my post, got your knickers in a twist, and hastily wrote a spittle flecked response. So I say to you good day sir, I hope in the future you will think before you try to argue.

If anyone else cares to take pot-shots at my first post I'm done arguing my stance on the matter as its been made abundantly clear on page 1 of this thread. If you can't be bothered to read posts on the first page when forming an argument then you shouldn't be trying to argue at all. Actually if you're reading this and plan on arguing then I congratulate you in your efforts to make an intelligent argument.
Honestly I find this a bit harsh, I dislike Nintendo overall and wouldn't buy a DS if I won the lottery. But I did buy the Wii like the other two consoles it is a bit broken in some aspects, but it does have potential to shine as has been demonstrated by some games(Zack and Wiki, Metroid, No More Heroes) overall it's a bit of a stupid gimmick and the games would probably be just as good on any other console. But that gimmick allows them to be different and that can be a bit refreshing when I'm not playing my 360.

I used to be a total Sony fanboy, and while I still have my PSX and PS2 you won't see me with a PS3 anytime soon because honestly even with all the shovel ware, 360 > Wii > PS3 when it comes to exclusive titles at this moment.

EDIT: I would also like to say yes I did read your other post, before you say I didn't. I have to agree that the motion controls for the most part aren't being used to their full extent but at the same time that doesn't mean that most of the games are useless.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
*Prays Salvador Dalis Destino gets a look in*

I also hope that the original steamboat mickey is included somehow(Like in a previous Disney game)


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I'm actually looking forward to this, because A) I like dark reimaginings of kid stuff, and B) it has nothing to do with the "Tweenie" crap Disney seems to love shoving down our throats lately.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
im looking forward to it
about time mickey met his estranged brother so to speak :D
cant wait to see how this game comes out :D


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Towowo2 said:
KeyMaster45 said:
Its still on the Wii.....I see they've failed to fix that problem. No matter how awesome a game it is I refuse to buy it simply because its a Wii title.
More like, I don't have a Wii so I need to bawww about it. Grow up.
Or more like I don't want to buy a Wii to play this one game and the Wii doesn't interest me otherwise.

Must we make this a pathetic little flame war?


New member
Jan 5, 2008
raxer92 said:
TEll me this, how do you expect the wii to get better if you refuse to purchase any games on the wii, arent you all just being hippocritical by saying that their are no good games for the wii and when something comes out "exclusively" for it you guys say it shouldnt even be their?
So you're saying that because it doesn't have games I like, I should buy it so that eventually it will get better? Sorry, the abused housewife mentality doesn't work for me. I have nothing against the Wii but I don't see a point in buying something I don't like from the beginning. :/


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I do believe I am almost unreasonably excited for this game. I thought Kingdom Hearts sounded like a ridiculous crazy-person's dream at first, but those games have become some of my favorite ever.

So, do I believe that an Epic tale can be crafted from Disney's mascots? Hell yes, I do.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Alright, first of all this looks rather interesting, but what I am more excited about is the Disney game "Purge the tweenies" where you have to slaughter all of the icons Disney created in order to stop the apocalypse. It releases only in my head but man is it awesome.

Edit: Whoops, no second point. Had to edit it out because I couldn't word it right.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
I can't wait for this game. I believe that the concept of using really old characters like the Phantom Blot and the Mad Scientist is a really good idea.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Sure looks fun. I bet it'll be great because, unlike othr Wii games, the concept itself seems tailored for the Wii. Too bad I'll never know as I have a PC. There are other good games for the Wii though (mostly mario games) so maybe someday.

Dark Link

New member
Jul 27, 2009
I think that this looks interesting. Very interesting. I like how the game is true Disney, instead of Hannah Montana and her High School chums who make me phlegm a little everytime I see them.

Overall, more games need to be steampunk! And more games need to look as gorgeous as this!

I think that the reason it looks so good is because it knows that the Wii isn't the most powerful console in the world, so the game doesn't try to push its graphics so hard. All in all, looking forward to the "retro" gameplay.