Escape to the Movies: Green Lantern

Korroth Dyahwanre

New member
Jul 3, 2010
didn't mean to double post stupid thing made me agree to stuff the while trying to do that I get a stupid capta BS that is near impossible to read cause of the blur only to find out it double posted for me good times.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Bob's Green Lantern Fanboy Nerd Rage is pretty strong in this one. I saw the movie this afternoon, is it a masterpiece? Hardly. It is pretty paint-by-numbers and the CG is a bit on the meh side, but you have to remember we're dealing with some pretty fantastical elements here; it's hard to make that look "real." An actual physical costume would have gone a long way. Regardless, saying it's Batman and Robin or Steel bad is a pretty over the top and unfaithful criticism.

It's not a good movie nor is it a bad movie, it's an "Ok" movie. If you're a gushing Green Lantern fan, it is going to piss you off. But, if you don't know anything about it, or can ignore the continuity flaws, and have an afternoon to blow on "Ok" super hero movie, you'll be entertained.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
I just saw it earlier. it wasn't that bad to me... wasn't fantastic by any means by i'd give it a nice 7/10. I dont feel like I wasted my money, at least. Ryan Reynolds isn't as bad as everyone is making him out to be if you ask me. i thought he did a good job. and the movie looked pretty fantastic, idk what he's saying about him looking all weird in space. i actually really liked the look of him flying and green energy leaving him as he did, looks pretty damn neat.

idk i mean it wasn't the dark knight but i really dont think it needs to be compared to batman and robin or whatever that other movie was that he considered even worse.


New member
May 6, 2009
To describe MovieBob as "jaded" in this review would be a total understatement.
That's all I'm going to say.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
But I still want to pay money to see it. Damn color attractions & Space fetishes.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
DC and Marvel made an agreement. DC won't mention Howard the Duck if Marvel won't mention Steel.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
vviki said:
Sorry you had to get this, Movie Bob. I have never been a comic book fan, but I know what is to expect something great from a beloved hero and get piss in the face instead with almost everyone phoning it in. It it would help, make a special and go all out on this movie a la Harry S. Plinkett style! 90min special on how much this sucks with every aspect.
I like this idea MovieBob, I get more out of something that's thorough and in depth than a quick scan. I'd really enjoy something 10 minutes or longer.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
*Sigh* You'd think they'd have learnt from the mistakes of the past... I guess this is just another mistake to attempt to learn from, now.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Monty McDougal said:
halofreak123 said:
Monty McDougal said:
hopefully this will scare Reynolds back to deadpool
Your avater.
your one of the first people to know that game.
Hey, I know!

or maybe that's just a glitch on my part.


OT: Damn, was hoping it'd be at least a little good. maybe wait for DVD~


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I haven't seen this movie yet, but I'm willing to bet that I will personally enjoy it anyway on the grounds of entertainment.

Also, I'm willing to bet that Bob is merely critically annihalating it more than it deserves because it fell short of his expectation that everything based on comic books must be pure gold.

Sylveria said:
It's not a good movie nor is it a bad movie, it's an "Ok" movie. If you're a gushing Green Lantern fan, it is going to piss you off. But, if you don't know anything about it, or can ignore the continuity flaws, and have an afternoon to blow on "Ok" super hero movie, you'll be entertained.
Yeah, I'm thinking that this will be my opinion of it too.

Zac Smith

New member
Apr 25, 2010
AgentLex said:
Zac Smith said:
Woodsey said:
Zac Smith said:
At least Bob explained why he didn't like it, rather then in Transformers just ranting "this sucks this sucks this sucks"
That's the about the only level of description Transformers deserves.
Regardless of actual opinions of the film, it is his job to "Review" films, not just berate them. If he thinks it sucks, justify it to us. I'm more inclined to believe him then. Besides, having known absolutely nothing to do with Transformers before, I quite liked the film
He lists quite of bit reasons in the review.

The CGI is bad.
It's full of superhero movie cliches.
Barely any of the other Green Lantern characters were in it.
It looks cheap.
Ryan Reynolds acting is terrible.
Awful script.
Ect, ect.

I mean....did you watch the review at all?
Sorry I meant to say it other way round, I'm more inclined to believe this review, because as you rightly pointed out, he actually gives a number of reasons, as opposed to just tearing into it like with Transformers which is what i felt he did before.

Sorry for the confusion


New member
Mar 24, 2009
A lot of Movie Bob's complaints, like the terrible costuming problems and bad CGI (and, to a lesser extent, Ryan Reynolds' poor acting) should have been evident from the trailers, yet Movie Bob built it up with two weeks of Big Picture anyway. This makes me seriously doubt how much the problems he should've seen coming are actually problems and, as a result, whether or not any of this review is at all reliable or just fanboy nerd rage that I can get for free by punching "Green Lantern forum" into Google and asking people what they thought of the movie. Why the Escapist would pay someone for this is beyond me.

Lonely Swordsman

New member
Jun 29, 2009
So a movie based on a comic that's not very good to begin with and DEFINATELY not well suited to live action adaptation turns out to be bad.

I know Bob subscribes to the "You can make a good movie out of anything" school of thought, but this should not have been a suprise. This isn't like Daredevil or Superman Returns or X-men origins where there are expectations to be ruined. It's Green fucking Lantern. If it wasn't for Geoff Johns' constant masturbating over Hal Jordan, the character would've taken his rightful place next to Wonder Woman and Aquaman in the DC trinity of walking punchlines by now.


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
? Pity the fanboyism got in the way of an unbiased review. You can say all the same things about nearly any adaption.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
No they made a bad comic film? Tell me its not so! I bet I will find it better than Xmen 2 and 3 and Transformers >>.

PS:3D is brain washingz!!!!!111
/tinfoil hat


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Korroth Dyahwanre said:
While deeply disappointed at this movie I have to say I was entertained and not upset I spent the $8.50 on the tickets. I sadly watched the review before seeing the movie and was unable to suspend the portion of my brain tallying everything Bob griped about.. .and sadly in most cases I do agree. Reynolds didn't seem to have his heart into the second half of the movie. And Blake Lively has no depth as an actress.... where did they find her? Did she blow her way into the role?

While GL is my favorite DC character (Batman is a close second)I had hoped for a lot more out of the film.... Comic books are like the story boards. 80% of the work is done all the directors and writers have to do is follow the damn story. open the damn comic and use that as a reference point. Stop rewriting the story in order to "make it work" cause it invariably never works. The Latest Batman series is excluded from this statement because they are easily the best Comic movies to date. Thor was really good(I enjoyed it as much as you did, Bob.) Although i really liked the Thomas Jane Punisher movie as well.

in all I'd give this a 3/5 stars I was entertained even with the countless flaws and Bob, you nailed a lot of them in your review and I can see where it would take you three or four to nit-pick the movie to death.
I have to disagree with you about "just film the comic" notion.

We're dealing with two very different mediums, least of all is that comics are serialized, while movies are much more stand-alone. Why are Star Trek movies of such variable quality? Because it's based on a TV show, where you don't have to save the universe every single outing and can throw in change-of-pace episode where you run your cast through a fun, light-weight plot with the Tribbles. The comics that are most closely adapted tend to be the stand-alone stories, such as Sin City or Watchmen. Serialized stories like Green Lantern or Spider-Man require the ability to distill the essence of these stories and these characters from a 22 page never-ending adventure and present them in a completely different form: a two-hour movie adventure. A villain's best adventure usually isn't the one that introduced him, so if you start at the beginning, you're not putting your best foot forward.

And they constant saddle themselves with not placing them in a universe filled with super-powered characters (which is how most of these stories originate in comics), so far too many movies are origin stories. Wouldn't it be cool for a Spider-Man movie to start off with a pre-credit battle with the Rhino? I know I would. But would you really want to see a two-hour movie about the Rhino's origin and his big epic battle with Spider-Man? Probably not. There's simply not enough there to warrant any major exploration of his character. Comics can toss a Rhino adventure at you any time they like, because they have 12 shots at the apple every year for the last several decades (multiple by three or four since Spidey has multiple books). You've got three, maybe four good movies in a super-hero franchise before the reboots start happening, so a very large part of what makes the comics good simply can't get to the Big Screen... it's simply not big or important enough.

I think the big problem Green Lantern is one that is shared with Judge Dredd and the Doctor Who TV movie. They're trying to introduce way too much of the lore in two hours. There's really no reason for the Corps to be in this movie. They're in it because they want the sequel to be a big galaxy-spanning adventure and this movie's marketing is to ready the audience for the next movie. I think they should have led with a good, solid Earthbound adventure against Green Lantern's most popular foe, instead of half-assing a space adventure on top of it.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
If Moviebob feels like doing five episodes about everything wrong with this movie I'd happily watch all of them and have a good laugh each time. Also
DAPLR said:
Thats it....Fuck MovieBob.
I always thought he had good reason for all his whining, and he is a funny guy with his own opinions, but come on! He just hates so much for seemingly no reason, he is the worst kind of nerd! ''Ow, it wasn't what I wanted, it had actual characters in it, but they weren't around all the time''. I'll be honest, I watched this movie yesterday, and I liked it. Sure its not Dark Knight good, but its a good movie with an excellent climax.
God, he just keeps harping on and on about how bad Micheal Bay is, how god-awful anything that has not gotten a positive receiption is, and just....just...FUCK!
He hates Transformers because it had teen drama. GROW THE FUCK UP. You can't have a live version full of robots that have personalities most people don't get without some 'filler'. It could've been a lot worse, but fat fucks like him just put another layer of paint onto the stereotype that all nerds hate anything that isn't 'straight from the comics'
Movie Bob, you're the single biggest douchebag I've ever encountered. Fuck you.
If I'm banned for this, fine. I'll get banned for voicing my opinion in the same way he voices his. Hypocrisy.
It's because the Escapist sees us a a big list of numbers, who all say how great it is, but any complaint results in lethal injection(banning). There are some good people on this site, and I've never complained about someones opinion, but its because people will miss out on a good movie that a lot of people worked really hard on.
So, MovieBob, I think you're just as childish and immature as that Jimquissition guy, have fun never reading this comment.
U mad bro?