Most of MovieBob's reviews are fairly entertaining, even if I often disagree with his opinions on what makes a good movie. A review like this, however, is one of those cases where I just wanna stop watching altogether. Mind you, it's not bad, just boring, and with more than half the video devoted to "OMG ANGELINA JOLIE IS HOT LOL". Sure, a lot of people find her sexy, but does that really warrant the entire review revolving around her? Honestly, I feel only slightly more enlightened on this movie than I was before watching, and before I watched I had never, ever heard of the movie before. The prologue is nice, but ultimately pointless; Seems like it was just leading up to "LOL ENGELINA IS SO HAWT LUL". If you can't find anything more interesting to say about the movie, such as secondary characters or any sort of thought-provoking themes within the film, what's the point in reviewing it? Basically what I took away from Bob's review is: "If you think Angelina Jolie is hot go see this movie 'cuz she's hot and I don't have anything to say about the actual movie." So bravo, if that was your intent.
I don't mean to be rude, although I probably come off as such. I just have the problem with MovieBob that half of his reviews are greatly entertaining, while the other half relies on invoking indie-cred ("Anyone else remember [80's Cult Movie Here] lol?"), drooling over characters or talking about completely unrelated things. It'd be nice if he could decide on whether to be a humorous critic of movies or a plain, straight-faced reviewer. Both have their merits, but when you are unsure what to except it often just becomes a pointless "Look what I, Bob, think of movie X". Of course, all critics base their reviews on personal preference, but if you manage to link the feel of one movie with another, or give some objective pros and cons about the movie, it might actually be worth watching. Mind you, Bob has managed to do good reviews, but I still feel that he slips into "omglol" territory a bit too often.
I hope this made sense. I generally enjoy MovieBob's reviews, otherwise I wouldn't have watched them all, but I feel there's a lot of wasted potential. Also, the "lol bob is confuzed cuz she so hot" gag only works once. Barely.