Escape to the Movies: The Expendables


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I'm sorry so many people didn't like this movie, because it is awesome. Why can't a movie just be about the spectacle, not everything has to be deep and artsy, some movies are just straight up for fun. At what point did The Expendables ever try to pretend to be anything else?

If it's popular it must be bad right

Seriously, when did this trend start, is it just the escapist or is it just a geek thing. And it's not just movies either, it's games, music, books. I just don't get it, hating something because it's popular is nonsensical, I feel like there's this nerd/geek/whathaveyou counter-culture that purposely tries to distinguish itself from the mainstream. Perhaps the psychology of it is something like the nerd culture striking back at a mainstream (popular) world that rejects them socially, I dunno just my thought.

Anyway, Expendables, Awesome. Yeah!


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Jonathan Duenas said:
wait... there's a DOA movie? And you haven't reviewed it yet? What the hell Bob?
Yeap there's a D.O.A. movie from back in 2006. It's pretty good and great fun overall. The plot isn't all that fancy but has a bit of humor, fast paced action and a few good fights.

Also there's a Tekken movie out (made this year) with some nice fights in it and actors that look quite a lot like the in-game characters (except the guy who plays Jin.. and his voice.. ). I've watched them both and overall D.O.A. was quite a bit better.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I have to be honest Bob I usually agree with you but I after seeing The Expendables last Saturday I disagree with you. I liked it a lot and I am not a huge action movie fan nor a huge fan of anyone in this cast. I thought Statham kind of carried the actual acting in this movie well and Rourke's character gave the film a heart. When Satllone's and Rourke's character have a heart to heart talk it gave the movie the depth it needed. I really thought the movie was better than I thought it would be.

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
Nintendolover222 said:
Hubilub said:
What, so if we follow your word and just watch Scott Pilgrim instead of the Expendables we're not sheep?
Sheep: A docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision.

If we take the advice of a movie critic, we are not sheep.
I'm not sure I see how the second sentence here is true? Reading through most of this thread it's either people being offended and sticking up for the movie, or people saying "Thanks for making my mind up for me bob! I wont go see this movie now!"

On this page alone,
Dr Snakeman said:
Well... I guess I'm not seeing this one. I had my suspicions, but I had thought that it would just be a good bit of mindless fun. Now I see that it isn't even good for that.
I do, however, need to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
RandomWords said:
Guess I'm not watching it then...
That seem's rather "sheepish" by your defination to me.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
After seeing this review, I took from it that he's pissed most at this movie that they pull together an action movie cast of this calibre, fulfilling the desires of past and present action movie fans alike, and then doesn't really do anything with the opportunity.

I don't think he's against big dumb action movies as such, so long as they're fun, which, (lets remind ourselves, in his opinion,) this failed to be.

Trouble is, when you throw together the millions and the megastars like this, the end product had better be epic or it's going to be a disappointment, purely because they ramped up expectations.

For me, the A Team was great, big dumb FUN action movie, didn't need blood n gore either! (not that I'm against hilarious violence for entertainment purposes, see Kick Ass).

EDIT: a reminder that MovieBob loved the A Team too, so he's not entirely anti dumb action movies, just ones that he thinks are BAD dumb action movies.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
You know what, Bob? Sometimes, sheer violence takes precedence over art, soul, and good direction. So take a step back and get over your creeping fear of everything remotely manly (in terms of guns, fast cars, and power tools), and enjoy Stallone and Co. doing what they do best.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I feel like I'm the only one who preferred The Expendables to that Scott Pilgrim abortion, well I feel alone online anyway, I thought it was a really fun movie, bob just sounds a little butthurt.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Lancer723 said:
I'm sorry so many people didn't like this movie, because it is awesome. Why can't a movie just be about the spectacle, not everything has to be deep and artsy, some movies are just straight up for fun. At what point did The Expendables ever try to pretend to be anything else?

If it's popular it must be bad right

Seriously, when did this trend start, is it just the escapist or is it just a geek thing. And it's not just movies either, it's games, music, books. I just don't get it, hating something because it's popular is nonsensical, I feel like there's this nerd/geek/whathaveyou counter-culture that purposely tries to distinguish itself from the mainstream. Perhaps the psychology of it is something like the nerd culture striking back at a mainstream (popular) world that rejects them socially, I dunno just my thought.

Anyway, Expendables, Awesome. Yeah!

*pats on head*

This movie is not bad because it's popular. It's bad because it is based solely on the fact that it has big names. "Look how many famous people we can put in this!" is not an excuse for anything being bad.

Seriously; can you honestly say that 2 years from now, this movie will be looked back on as anything but "the one that had Jason Statham and Jet Li beside Stallone"?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
I'm not going to get into why, but I agree with Movie Bob, and I'm glad you tore this movie a new one. A-Team was a great action movie, but this was terrible. People really need to calm down.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Blue-State said:
Data East Arcade Collection.AWESOME
It's funny he's Talking about Gore in Rambo when spoiler Rambo doesn't actually kill anyone in that film.
Which Rambo were you watching? Obviously not the one where he chopped a guys head off then killed a hundred people with a heavy machine gun all in one scene.

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
Moviebob, I have finally had it with your pretentious nerd-rage. You think the average moviegoer is a mindless sheep for enjoying a mindless explosionfest while your beloved Scott Pilgrim took fifth on opening weekend. You seem utterly convinced that you're in the right and anyone who disagrees with you is a horrible, ignorant excuse of a person who can go screw themselves.

Grow up, jackass. This is the last review of yours I'm watching.

I saw Scott Pilgrim. And it sucked.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
SamStar42 said:
Look, Bob. I've defended you more than I need have, you're probably one of my favourite movie critics but please, for the love of God, accept that not every movie has to be this artistic piece, with amazing acting, original set pieces and have an important message behind them. Some movies are just meant to be enjoyable to sit through. Salt was this and you appeared to like that even if there were two reasons attached to Jolie that probably helped your opinion along the way.

And please, stop stating that everyone who likes a movie you don't is worthless. Transformers, Book of Eli, and now Expendables - some people just like to sit through a movie that's brainless. Whilst they're not that good, stating that everyone who likes them is pretty much wrong is just arrogant and pretentious.

Not everyone who likes bad action movies is this douchebag frat boy, who can't tell the difference between an etch-a-sketch and a Da Vinci. Just accept that occasionally people don't see things the way you do, because you're starting to become insufferable.
He called the 2008 Rambo a fun movie to watch. That pretty much kills your argument dead. If it's meant to be "brainless" and a popcorn movie, at least make it fun to watch. Especially when there are other better movies to be seen.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
LOL! Well done planet earth. *claps slow*

Well what the hell do you expect Bob? Standards have dropped tremedously after the 90's and you don't exactly need that talent to make it in the media, it's more open than ever before which in a way is a good thing because a lot of people only need certain things to enjoy a movie. whether it's girly looking boys in chick flcks or muscles and guns, the customer seems to be getting exactly what they want.

The power is gone though, that's something I miss a lot. Inception was alright in that field I guess.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I think this is the most movie bob has ever cursed. I knew just by the trailer that this was going to suck and honestly I would much rather see the jaws ripoff over it.