Escape to the Movies: The Raid


New member
Dec 19, 2009
"Im not going to review American reunion"
"But hey I'll ***** and moan for 35% of this video about it"

We get it bob you hated highschool...


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
It's been years since I last saw it, but I remember American Pie being fairly good. It wasn't ground breaking, but I never saw anyone pretend it was. I think if I have any nostalgia for it, it's more based on the time of my life it came out though.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Giving American Pie two minutes of your time in a five minute segment tells me two things:

1. You didn't have much to say about the title film other than "it was good."
2. Your "hate" towards the American Pie films is strong enough to deter you from actually thinking about the film you are purportedly reviewing.

Neither of these points are constructive. I love your stuff Bob, but please, use your time wisely in these reviews. Either break down why you hate American Pie, or tell us why The Raid is good. In my opinion you didn't achieve either one.

Side note: Using the word "hate" to explain your dislike of a franchise is hyperbolic. I hate child rapists. American Pie is a banal, dumb film. Using "hate" like you did herein just shows a side of you that is better left to your other Escapist segment. Or the Game Overthinker.

Your film reviews usually stay clear of sentimentalism, which was why this review disappointed me. You're better than this.

Regardless, you're still one of my favorite film critics Bob.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
Axolotl said:
Bob, just a small point but please, if you're not going to review a film, just don't review it. And seriously don't spend a a quarter of the review another better film bitching about it.
But he has to remind us how much his high school years sucked, same as every other time he hates a movie that panders to the crowd he hates.
Precisely. What's the point of him being mad about it if he can't get on a soapbox to make sure everyone knows that he's upset about it. I respect his knowledge and insight into the nuances of movies and movie making that I could never otherwise know, but Bob has been so preachy and lacking in objectivity lately that it makes me dread watching his reviews. When he reviewed movies I never planned on seeing, I would still watch the reviews just for the perspective that he provides. He seems more and more bitter, as well as full of himself lately.

And as a professional critic, isn't it his responsibility to put his personal feelings aside and review any and all films regardless of how he personally feels about it? Can we take him seriously when his attitude is "I refuse to review that one because I really hate the franchise and everything it stands for,"? I thought being a critic meant putting those feelings aside and giving each movie and unbiased review.

This reminds me of his rant when Scream 4 was released. Particularly the part where his claim to fame was being the "know it all movie guy," and then the original scream was released and people allegedly began comparing him with "that guy from the scream movie that really into movies and stuff!" So Bob got his feelings hurt because he was no longer a unique and beautiful snowflake, but written off as a caricature from a Wes Craven movie. I truly believe that Bob is a movie/comic book villain waiting to happen. He isn't Professor X. He isn't Clark Kent, and he sure as hell isn't Bruce Wayne. He's the (in his mind) bullied, outcast kid that we all know should know better, and should be able to rise above hate, but instead of using his talents to try making the world a better place, he would lash out at all those that he felt has wronged him, and all those that didn't appreciate his "genius." He says as much in his chronicle review.

I pray to the powers of the universe that Bob never receives superpowers.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
moviedork said:
How can you say there's no memorable action sequences in the Transformers movies?

The freeway chase in Dark of the Moon
The forest fight in Revenge of the Fallen
The Qatar fight in Transformers

and those were just at the top of my head.

Say what you will about Michael Bay, but the man can film a great action scene.
I think you missed the point of what he said.

The actions scenes themselves were memorable, just not what was happening in them. I kinda agree with him. The second matrix movie had the same problem with the highway scene. Put simply , because it was such a long scene on a large scale, it was hard to picture where everyone was in relation to each other.

The opposite would be the hallway scene at the end of Repo Men, small scale, one location, easier to remember each individual stab and where it happened.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Glad to see I'm not going to be trolled for my post since everyone else seems to be agreeing with me.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I was honestly hoping for a review of Reunion, not just because I have genuiniely enjoyed pretty much every entry in the AP franchise (I have an imature sense of humor, so sue me) but also because I'm pretty sure Raid won't be playing in any theaters near me for at least a few more months. It looks pretty good I supose but I still prefer childish, stupid and topless comedy =).


New member
Apr 27, 2010
humm a movie about a group of friends drinking, going to parties, and getting laid. yea i guess if you didn't do any of that in high school i can see why you'd hate american pie. that being said i never loved the movies but didn't find the to be god awful or at least to the point i'd complain about them for 2 minutes in a 4:44 minute show.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Ted does look amusing in a very simple way. Makes ya wonder why Seth didn't make this into another tv show. It seems like a plot for yet another family guy spin off. I might see it. The premise reeks of humor through cynicism and i'm kinda tired of that particular outlook.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
One minute and twenty-five seconds of bitching related to another one of Bob's tragic high school experiences prioritized before actually reviewing the movie he's paid to review.

I would say this is practically getting formulaic, but I think it's safe to say we're far beyond that point.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I also hated the American Pie franchise. I refused to see any of those movies because I was so disgusted by the trailers and I sure as hell am not going to see the new one either.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
TheDrunkNinja said:
daxterx2005 said:
Glad to see I'm not going to be trolled for my post since everyone else seems to be agreeing with me.
Why would someone troll you for being spot on?
The internet is an odd place like that.
"Have an opinion that isn't kissing bobs feet"
*get trolled by Bobfanboys*

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bob's videos. Hell I even subscribed to his youtube shows, hes a hilarious individual. I just wish he'd stop feeling sorry for himself because he had a shitty High school career. Isn't he like in his 30s now? Time to move on I'd say.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Meh. If martial arts action is all it is, I'll wait for it to be on netflix.
I hated American Pie, too, though. It always made me wonder what was wrong with the people who liked it.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Ihniwid said:
Giving American Pie two minutes of your time in a five minute segment tells me two things:

1. You didn't have much to say about the title film other than "it was good."
2. Your "hate" towards the American Pie films is strong enough to deter you from actually thinking about the film you are purportedly reviewing.
But really all he he had to say about the Raid was "It was good".

May notice a trend that most of the reviews where he pretty much just says "It was good" has a 2 minute tangent.

So really it's kinda like reporting a bug that's working as intended.