Escape to the Movies: Thor


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Apr 15, 2009
MacNille said:
As i have not seen the movie yet, I still feel thorn on that a black guy (have not laid his name on my mind yet) plays Hemidal. It's just bug me as i'm huge fan of Norse mytholigy (I'm form Sweden). I will see it and pass my own judgment. Also don't throw the rascist card at me please :).
Actually I agree with you, he did awesome...but... why is it only "white" societies that have to be multicultural? Take the frost giants they were entirely homogeneous...they didn't have any "black" frost giants. Now I know that they were blue, so there is alot of room for debate.


New member
May 4, 2011
i watched the movie and i loved it!
i never read the comics but i'm thrilled about the marvel universe in film. it just seems a such fantastic idea! all those characters and worlds mixing with eachother. plus, as far as my knowledge goes, this has never been tried on that scale before.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
gibboss28 said:
I've got a question but i'll put it in a spoiler for those who haven't seen the film yet

who was it playing what we're assuming is Hawkeye because I couldn't find it on IMDB for shit, anyone?
I dont know if anyones answered you yet but just in case they havnt; thats Jeremy Renner. He's awesome.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I find it Hilarious how people snap at a black Heimdall, but don't react to the asian warrior (can't remember name, one of the friend's of Thor troop). Black Heimdall is awesome, and I'm Norwegian, so that settles it!!!


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Tinybear said:
I find it Hilarious how people snap at a black Heimdall, but don't react to the asian warrior (can't remember name, one of the friend's of Thor troop). Black Heimdall is awesome, and I'm Norwegian, so that settles it!!!
I'm not against Idris Elba and I thought he was great, but I can see why there's a difference. The Asian warrior is called Hogun (not even sure if they mentioned it) and he's a character completely made up for the comics. Where as Heimdall is a pre-existing mythological figure.
Sep 17, 2009
gibboss28 said:
I've got a question but i'll put it in a spoiler for those who haven't seen the film yet

who was it playing what we're assuming is Hawkeye because I couldn't find it on IMDB for shit, anyone?
Jeremy Renner the two time Oscar nominee and star of The Hurt Locker. And it he is listed on imdb:

OT: I really liked Thor. Branagh did a great job embracing the magical and ridiculous nature of the comic and mythology. The earth parts were a bit dull in comparison to the Asgard scenes.
Sep 17, 2009
Fumbles said:
MacNille said:
As i have not seen the movie yet, I still feel thorn on that a black guy (have not laid his name on my mind yet) plays Hemidal. It's just bug me as i'm huge fan of Norse mytholigy (I'm form Sweden). I will see it and pass my own judgment. Also don't throw the rascist card at me please :).
Actually I agree with you, he did awesome...but... why is it only "white" societies that have to be multicultural? Take the frost giants they were entirely homogeneous...they didn't have any "black" frost giants. Now I know that they were blue, so there is alot of room for debate.
He was cast in the role because he fit the part. It is called not casting to type and it has been happening in hollywood for decades. If this was a history channel special on Norse mythology then yes the actor portraying Hemidal in the recreations should be Caucasian, but we must remember this is a comic book based upon the mythology not an accurate portrayal of the mythology itself. So it is totally fine that they casted a black man as Hemidal.
Feb 11, 2009
Watched it in iMAX today morning and really liked the movie. Obviously, there are discrepancies with the actual mythology but I kind of got used to movies doing that to Greek/Roman/"Pagan" stuff for years now. :)

itf cho

Custom title? Bah! oh wait...
Jul 8, 2010
Well, I saw the film this weekend, and with the exception of Bob's comment of Natalie Portman playing a "Plane-jane scientist" - Natalie Portman is never gonna look like a plane-jane anything, without a lot of effort - I think he was right on with his review.

I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, and I'd say that I was only slightly disappointed in one regard - that the final battle between Thor and the antagonist was a bit lackluster. I was hoping for a larger set piece.

And I'll admit to hoping to see Anthony Hopkins in a more active role - but really, they probably couldn't. The focus of the movie was Thor after all, and anytime Hopkins in on screen, you know that he's going to own that scene.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
After watching Thor, I have to say I really did enjoy it.

But I want to go back to the Heimdall debate. Being that Heimdall was one of 2 black guys and Hogun was the only Asian in a sea of honkies, it more of made them stick out like sore thumbs. It made them seem token.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
lead sharp said:
DearFilm said:
I have to completely disagree with Bob on this one. I found every single scene on earth to be tonally at odds with everything going on in Asgard. The dissonence was such that I seriously wanted them to abandon the earth realm all together. The romance was dull and undetailed, and the larger-universe building was just as hamfisted and unnecessary as ever.
This could have been a really good movie, but in the name of fitting it in to the larger Avengers narrative, they severely hobbled this film.
This movie had no point but to introduce Thor, and it deserved a lot more than that.
The whole crux of Thor is that he's sent to Earth to learn humility, you can't do a Thor movie without this. As for "tonally at odds"'s Earth full of us mortal eejits, that's Asgard full of god like beings of course there going to be different, it's from this contrast that the humour and everything else comes from.

On that note (from every negative review I've seen) regarding the 'shoehorning' of Shield (the Avengers is never actually brought up) Shield in the MU deals with things above and beyond the norm', superhuman things. them NOT being in these films is like the fire brigade NOT being in Backdraft.
I don't deny that SHIELD was a necessary part of the movie, nor do I think that Earth should have been left out, I am just saying that the way these elements were handled made me wish that they had been.
I think that Thor could have been a great movie, rather than just an above average one had they taken more time to seemlessly and smoothly integrate each element. As it stood, it was a good Thor movie, dilluted by the need to use it as a prep for The Avengers.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
i loved it, it was on par with the remade hulk movie for being a decent movie that happens to be comic themed.
i would have liked to of seen more action scenes or the ones that are there longer.

on a side note, the Bifrost, That's what the Space-bridge(sky-bridge?)needs to look like if the ever use it in a transformers movie.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
WolfThomas said:
Ravenkeeper said:
I realize this is the Marvel norse gods and thus there's some liberties with the mythos.
Don't get me wrong, Heimdal rocked in the movie. But it was seriously funny that the norse god, that's also called the "white as" is played by a black guy. XD
And Sif having black hair (skipping the detail with her being Thors wife entirely) but the black hair?! Sif has hair of freaking gold.
And what happened to all the other giants (Jætter) and when the hell did Loke become a frost giant. He was a Jætte and not Odins son, but blood brother.
Didn't read that much of thor in the old marvel comics, so it filled the movie with alot of WTFs and unintended laughs XD
It's actually explained in the comics that every five hundred years or so, the Asgardians go through a cycle of Ragnarok, they get born with the same souls and have the same adventures, ultimately with everything culimating in the death of Baldur and then Ragnarok, before being inevitably reborn. But little details can change in between, explaining discrepancies betweem the comics and the myths. So for example Sif still has black hair, because the event where Loki shaved it off (and it was replaced with gold hair) may not have had a chance to occur yet.

The cycle got derailed when Thor came into contact with the modern age and he eventually broke it with the help of the lessons he learnt with the Avengers. It's actually a pretty epic story where Thor plucks out both of his eyes for knowledge and fully hangs himself, to out do Odin's previous act. He finds out a tribunal of even more powerful beings (or gods above gods) are feeding off their deaths and stops them.

I guess not very in line with the mythology, but it does try to cover it's gaps.
well it's a decent attempt =3
I've only read about one or two of the old thor comics. Never could take the whole blond young man with a feather hat seriously (very Asterix =P). mainly due to the fact I grew up with the valhalla comics by Peter Madsen (danish classic, even made a cartoon back in 86 a great deal more true to the mythos.
Interesting titbit of info. Peter madsen gave a courtesy nod to marvel using the warriors Tthree in one of the comics (as fare as I know they arn't mythical characters) But here they were just Thor, Balder and Loke in disguise.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Ravenkeeper said:
well it's a decent attempt =3
I've only read about one or two of the old thor comics. Never could take the whole blond young man with a feather hat seriously (very Asterix =P). mainly due to the fact I grew up with the valhalla comics by Peter Madsen (danish classic, even made a cartoon back in 86 a great deal more true to the mythos.
Interesting titbit of info. Peter madsen gave a courtesy nod to marvel using the warriors Tthree in one of the comics (as fare as I know they arn't mythical characters) But here they were just Thor, Balder and Loke in disguise.
Cool, I might watch it when I get the chance.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Khushal said:
But Loki is the brother of Odin...

So Loki is not Thor's brother, but his uncle...

Or maybe im remembering this wrong...?...
In the comics he is the brother of Thor.

In mythology he is the brother of neither.