Escape to the Movies: Transformers: Age of Extinction - Better Than The First Three


New member
Apr 10, 2011
3 hours? Three fucking hours!?!? No. No I will not watch something like that for 3 hours. I barely made it through the first Hobbit movie and I actually liked what was going on in that movie.

Tradjus said:
A bunch of malfunctioning, knockoff Transformers being constructed in China, eh?

If you spell it like this:


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
This has got to be the worst positive review of a movie ever. If I drank every time Bob used the word "Dumb", I would have to call the ambulance because of alcohol poisoning.

With all this excessive promotion of Transformers this week, I have to get this rant off of my chest.

Transformers animated series and live action movies are incredibly stupid and not worth all this hype. The only good thing about Transformers are the toys. There really haven't been a toy like that before or since.

The animated series are fun in a lazy Sunday with nothing else on TV. If you are interested in silly cartoons that are barely disguised toy ads. You could do a lot worse than Transformers. However, there is nothing about it that deserves to be made into a hundred million dollar blockbuster movie.

About those movies, a definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. People every couple of years paying money to see this movie series only to complain about how bad it is. It only serves to make me lose complete faith in humanity. This movie series is lower than the lowest common denominator. You are the reason why better movies aren't being made. No doubt, you are also the audience that keeps bad TV shows on the air and bad music on the radio. It's not a matter of taste. It's the matter of accepting insultingly stupid quality of artwork as something that you would pay for and support. Look in the mirror, you are the reason why the Transformers movie series suck.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rabidkitten said:
Well that was a let down. I was hoping for a complete beating. I mean come on, its an American blockbuster that talks up the CHINESE GOVERNMENT! because they paid for it. How awful is that.

...not particularly awful at all?

OT: How is it nearly three hours long? D:


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Mr. Q said:
MarsAtlas said:
Bob... enjoyed it?


*looks out the window*

I see no streets filled with lava, meteors falling from the sky, or cats co-existing peacefully with dogs. So either its acctually not a bad movie, if not a diposable action flick sort, or Bob got replaced by a T1000 who is controlled by coprorate advertisers.

Anyways, after having watched the third Bayformers movie last night on TV, I don't think it could've possibly been worse than that. I watched out of morbid curiousity, but it went on forever. Turns out, its two-and-a-half hours long. Like, WTF? Who thought that was a good idea?
My first thought was that Bob was mentally worn out by the utter stupidity of Bay's Transformers. I had to get a second opinion on this which led me to watch Brad Jone's midnight review of Transformers: Age of Extinction. Same response; the movie is rock stupid but they enjoyed it. Mainly because most of the worst aspects of the previous three films are gone (no focus on US Army soliders, Sam and his bastard family are absent, etc.). It still has the moronic aspects of a Bay movie like its lack of coherent plot, an explosion every nano-second, and its always shot on planet morning hour. But, despite all that, they enjoyed it.

As curious as their recommendations sound, I can't bring myself to see this movie. After enduring the hell that was Revenge of the Fallen, I got off the Michael Bay train and never looked back. I'm glad I missed out on Dark of the Moon and paid it little to no attention on cable. I can't say Bay is a hack (lord knows I want to directly to his face), but he seems more at home in his hard R, everyone sucks but me, over-hyped fantasy world like Bad Boys 2 (haven't seen Pain and Gain, see first sentence of this paragraph for the reason) instead of a toy franchise like Transformers of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If he couldn't (a) give a fuck about the franchise he was handed and (b) get it right the first time, he should have stepped down from the directors. But most of the blame can be shouldered on Paramount and the clueless fuckwits that saw these movies for keeping this disaster-fest going for so long.

So, to make a long story short (too late), I'm done with Michael Bay and his bullshit. If you like to come with me on this exile, welcome aboard. Anyone who likes these movies, knock yourselves out. Just don't ask me watch them with you.
I can't blame you and don't. However I saw the movie tonight and pretty much all of what Bob said was true. Also John Goodman is in this as a new Autobot so there's that. Say all you want about Bay at least he has a signature style. While he has made better movies I can't say the same about J.J. Abrams. The only thing I know about him is that he loves sci-fi. Besides I'm willing to bet that Michael Bay is more at home on TV shows instead of motion pictures as The Last Battleship and Black sails actually look pretty good and he's in charge of those. When it comes out on Blu-ray I at least say watch the dino bot clips. For as brief a time as they are there they make some pretty damn good use out of of them.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Lictor Face said:
So much bile and disdain on this thread. Honestly though, we're HARDLY movie connoisseur by ragging on a film we haven't watched and that has an abysmal rotten tomato score.

As someone in the thread said, its a popcorn film. And should be watched as a popcorn film.

I don't go to children's art festivals looking for Mona Lisa's, so tone it down already jeez.

Its like the majority of the posts are variations of




That's more or less my reaction too. People complaining about these movies are expecting WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more out these movies and Transformers in general than they should. It's like these people are going to a football game, knowing that they're going to a football game, and expecting to see a basketball game instead, or going to a comedy and expecting everybody to be serious. Transformers anything is about giant robots fighting one another, that's it, everything else is irrelevant. If one complains about about a nonsensical plot and the characterization they are greatly missing the point.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
KissingSunlight said:
Look in the mirror, you are the reason why the Transformers movie series suck.
You could see your keyboard from all the way up there on your high horse?



New member
Mar 15, 2011
I can't imagine i would ever be watching this. Even if it is slightly better than the others it's still going ti be rubbish (probably), if i'm ever forced to watch it, it will be with an open mind, but i just don't see that happening anytime soon cause i'm defineately not seeing it by my own free will and no robot dinosaur can change that. The last time i ever got fooled by a Michael Bay movie was with Pain and Gain and i hated it just as much as i hated Transformers 2, so he doesn't seem to be improving, actually he's getting progressively worse in my eyes. I guess it just isn't for me, which isn't surprising considering that i never cared for Transformers and i don't exactly get hyped by the prospect of watching robot dinosaurs smashing regular robots for 3 hours.

I don't get the excuse that "it's just a popcorn movie", why can't we have good popcorn movies instead of this trash? Edge of Tomorrow and X-Men Days of Future Past were stupid popcorn movies and they were pretty good, hell Pacific Rim was a masterpiece compared to Transformers 2 and that's basically as stupid as it gets. Stupid entertainment and quality isn't mutually exclusive^^.

lord's voken

New member
Oct 9, 2011
just saw it last nigh and it wasn't too bad actually. i dare say that it even had a heart.
yes the idiot ball is in full effect to the max, but Bay does put the plot to serve some
interesting reactions from the transformers concerning their existence. its true that dinobots
and megatron are pure filler and only exist in this movie for more fights. prime on the other hand
actually has a character arc and a personality that isnt a bloody thirsty zealot. i mean he is less of
one in this movie but he has good reasons to be. the movie is enjoyable and not so dumb that it prevents
you from caring about the plot and the characters. i think bay was actually trying this time to make a good

but being bayformers, you have to pretend the movies before it arent canon or spend the whole times wrangling with
plot holes. and the final battle has the autobots while greatly outnumbered going all rambo and turning god mode on.
in any of the bayformers movie if the autobots had been as powerful and effective through the whole movie as they are
in the end of act 3, there would be no moive.


Aug 25, 2008
"Despite negative reviews from the critics, Transformers: Age Of Extinction has passed $100 Million Domestically while earning a total of $301.3 Million Globally."

I'll just leave this here.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
I enjoyed the movie. It could have cut about 10 to 15 minutes out, but the actors worked, the action worked, and it was fun. All my friends enjoyed it as well.

Lictor Face

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Moeez said:
I hate this argument oh so much. Just because you have incredibly low standards, doesn't mean we should too. You know what are popcorn movies and are still considered great?


Edge of Tomorrow

Jurassic Park

Star Wars original trilogy

Terminator 1 and 2

Die Hard


Raid 2

Bourne movies

Nolan Batman movies, Marvel movies

Edgar Wright movies (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, The World's End)

Casino Royale
"Just because you have incredibly low standards doesn't mean that I should too"

Walks into a screening of Transformers 4.


Do you see the inherent irony of that statement.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
Michale Bay needs to be beaten with steel clubs, if they had given the job to Guillermo Del Toro it would have been a glorious series of movies. but instead it has been nothing but a schizophrenic roller coaster of dumb ideas bad acting and just poor writing. the fact that the Dinobots(which have been HEAVILY emphasized in the promotions) do not feature until the near end of the film and are more or less mute vehicles to be ridden to battle, makes me even more convinced that this movie is not worth seeing.

I really do not see what Hollywood's problem is with creating and showing decent films based on comics/cartoons/games, we have gotten a few decent once recently but most are just shitty piss poor attempts to grab money from toy sales.
the distastefulness of that would be tempered somewhat if the toys were worth a damn but they aren't the movie tie-in toys for AoE are so fucking shoddy they look like 9th party knock offs you would find in the discount bin, and the transformations of them are so simple they might as well be part of the Baby's First line of transformers.

maybe I'm spoiled by previously good Transformers toys but i shouldn't have to buy from a 3rd party company for fan made transformers to find a decent product or one that rivals that of the Primary source


New member
May 28, 2009
Lictor Face said:
Moeez said:
I hate this argument oh so much. Just because you have incredibly low standards, doesn't mean we should too. You know what are popcorn movies and are still considered great?


Edge of Tomorrow

Jurassic Park

Star Wars original trilogy

Terminator 1 and 2

Die Hard


Raid 2

Bourne movies

Nolan Batman movies, Marvel movies

Edgar Wright movies (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, The World's End)

Casino Royale
"Just because you have incredibly low standards doesn't mean that I should too"

Walks into a screening of Transformers 4.


Do you see the inherent irony of that statement.

It should be "we should too" also.

I haven't paid to see a Transformers movie at the cinema since the first Bay one. What irony?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
It took until 5:30 in the video to even mention Robot Dinosaurs. That's way too damn long for a movie advertising almost nothing but robot dinosaurs. However fun the movie might be, that's a huge nock against it right there.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
This fucking movie is the worst!
There's no focus, too many characters, nothing gets an explanation. Half of the characters is never mentioned by name, Optimus is way to blood-thirsty to come off as a hero, the violence was graphic and even hard to watch at times.

The dialogue was nothing but trailer-fuel one-liners. It had no heart.
They killed Ratchet! They have these new autobots, but only one gets a name. You have Drift, fucking Drift, one of thé most interesting transformers ever created, and went nowhere with it.

The dinobots are barely in this, and only 4 of the seven are actually on screen. The designs are off, Swoop has two heads.

This movie has tons of ideas but doesn't go anywhere with them! And I know you are going to hate me to say this, but Rise of the fallen was structurally a better movie.
At least it had a continuous story, at least it explains the new stuff, at least it isn't 3 hours of absolutely nothing! At least it had personality.

I've never been so disappointed in a movie in my whole life.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
The best one? This one made the first three look flawless. Seriously this one was one of the worst movies I have seen in a very very long time.


New member
Jan 24, 2014
Finally saw this tonight... Yep. "Dumb" & "disposable" sums it up alright.
Glad I saw it free from the library... as I have all the previous.
I haven't been particularly impressed with any Transformers done by Bay yet... I don't imagine I ever will be.
Eh... such is... no real loss even if mildly disappointing.