MarsAtlas said:
Bob... enjoyed it?
*looks out the window*
I see no streets filled with lava, meteors falling from the sky, or cats co-existing peacefully with dogs. So either its acctually not a bad movie, if not a diposable action flick sort, or Bob got replaced by a T1000 who is controlled by coprorate advertisers.
Anyways, after having watched the third Bayformers movie last night on TV, I don't think it could've possibly been worse than that. I watched out of morbid curiousity, but it went on forever. Turns out, its two-and-a-half hours long. Like, WTF? Who thought that was a good idea?
My first thought was that Bob was mentally worn out by the utter stupidity of Bay's Transformers. I had to get a second opinion on this which led me to watch Brad Jone's midnight review of
Transformers: Age of Extinction. Same response; the movie is rock stupid but they enjoyed it. Mainly because most of the worst aspects of the previous three films are gone (no focus on US Army soliders, Sam and his bastard family are absent, etc.). It still has the moronic aspects of a Bay movie like its lack of coherent plot, an explosion every nano-second, and its always shot on planet morning hour. But, despite all that, they enjoyed it.
As curious as their recommendations sound, I can't bring myself to see this movie. After enduring the hell that was
Revenge of the Fallen, I got off the Michael Bay train and never looked back. I'm glad I missed out on
Dark of the Moon and paid it little to no attention on cable. I can't say Bay is a hack (lord knows I want to directly to his face), but he seems more at home in his hard R, everyone sucks but me, over-hyped fantasy world like
Bad Boys 2 (haven't seen
Pain and Gain, see first sentence of this paragraph for the reason) instead of a toy franchise like Transformers of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If he couldn't (a) give a fuck about the franchise he was handed and (b) get it right the first time, he should have stepped down from the directors. But most of the blame can be shouldered on Paramount and the clueless fuckwits that saw these movies for keeping this disaster-fest going for so long.
So, to make a long story short (too late), I'm done with Michael Bay and his bullshit. If you like to come with me on this exile, welcome aboard. Anyone who likes these movies, knock yourselves out. Just don't ask me watch them with you.