Escape to the Movies: Transformers Revenge


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Mirroga said:
sneakypenguin said:
I never understood the rage against human characters in transformers. I strangely like Shia I think he's a good actor. I couldn't make it though the review cause it seem hate for hates sake. My personal opinion was it was the most fun movie i've seen this summer. But i'm not a critic or cynic....
Its pretty much because the human characters are shallow. Just ask what personality each character has. You can answer what jobs or age they have, but you would not know their backstories nor their motivation nor their likes and dislikes.

Those are just my opinions though, but the sex-related jokes were horrendous and overdone in this movie.
Wasn't there two separate shots of dogs having sex?

Clearly a cinematic masterpiece... *rolleyes*

Maur DL

Boredom Slayer
Jul 8, 2009
I'm definitely with Bob and Onmi on this. I won't add anything else as they've pretty much covered everything, and Bob's video was poignant and accurate (and absolutely hilarious). He understands the Transformers mythos AND the basic tenets of moviemaking.

I will say this though: If you liked this movie, fine. We all probably have our own secret guilty pleasures. Was it entertaining? Uhhhhh.... it can be... if you have very low expectations and standards, but to try to defend it as a good movie/adaptation? No. It's not. If people would just admit it when what they mean to say is that they like a BAD movie, it would save a lot of needless banter.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I can't take it anymore!!! moviebob is a stupid dumbass probably cosmo landesman in disgies he has given loads of good films bad reveiws and he is not even funy like yahtze I hope the escapist cancle his contract or something

Foxbat Flyer

New member
Jul 9, 2009
this is the first one of these video's ive watched... and frankly i dont want ot watch it ever again... I believe transformers is a good movie and the humans are essential for us to be able to relate to the movie. also as many people have stated, the talking is way too fast and when you are trying to understand what he is saying you miss the little text boxes... overly dissapointing for me this clip was... i agree with lemby117, his contract should be reviewed. the review would have been much better had it pointed out the good aswel as the bad, which a review is, not this!


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Ok yes, I'll grant he went a bit overboard(the action was nowhere near as bad as he said it was) but really...humans should stay out of the robots way and only appear when they get stuck in a cross-fire or need rescuing. I'm sick and tired of the defense that the humans are somehow necessary to advance the plot,does that mean that Toy Story had no plot whatsoever except for the five or six minutes where Andy actually did stuff? so Woody and Buzz should have stayed in the background like the Transformers did? If Pixar had done that would any of us loved it? the answer to all of those is an undeniable NO,I related just fine the the original autobots,so why the hell do we need some actors(who all somehow act more mechanical than the damn mechs themselves)


New member
Jun 13, 2009
RotF has good stuff in it, some of the fight scenes are intence albeit with rough camera work, there's good CGI, Megatron Starscream relationship and Optimus voice acting.

However the fact is the shit parts are the parts that are most noticable. The story line, Shia Le Bouf and a lot of the human stuff is annoying as hell, and Bay focuses so much on them. The actual run time is to much and the thing is just to OTT. These are major stuff that are intercrate to the movie. And their shit.

I'm not going to go into a movie and squint my eyes to look for diamonds amongst shit. I go to a movie as a casual, relaxed person looking to be entertained.

In short, I don't like RotF.

Ziggy the wolf

New member
May 26, 2009
i did like some parts but it seemed michael bay wanted to see how far he could go with this one. more cussing and more sexual jokes (first movie had little cussing and no organ jokes) you could keep labuff and Fox but cut everyone else out of the movie they got annoying and less enjoyable, making a 2 and a half hour movie feel like 3 and a half to four hour movie. speaking of cutting things out, remove the twins and give Devastator more screen time. i saw the movie with my military mom who served in the Navy for 20 years and she felt sad and bothered seeing the carriers destroyed but was offended by...almost everything else. i understand the whole undertone that we already met the transformer but c'mon that fallen fight was short as hell. i agree with movie bob someone fire Bay please i could do a better job...and cheaper too


New member
Dec 5, 2007
~~Meh. It's a brainless summer popcorn movie. Most of the criticisms stand and every second that there isn't a giant robot on-screen you'll be bored out of your mind, but it's worth illegally downloading.

~~I KNOW Michael Bay is a hack, the South Park guys have thoroughly explored that well-traveresed frontier, but not all movies need to be high-concept artsy fartsy BS. Go watch Sorry, Haters! or Amexicano to realize how bad art movies suck. Gimme my Hollywood endings any day over this tripe.

~~Also, I don't think MovieBob is directly ripping off Yahtzee. Oooh, crappy graphics with tons of clip-art, fast talking to compensate for even shorter attention spans, and mostly bitching about stuff just to seem cool and hip and edgy? That's not a trademarkable style, it's just quick and easy to produce. So why do we get only one or two Moviebob's a month? That's just lazy. Watch some Unskippable, those guys can time a joke.

~~And slow down your damn text jokes, Bob. With Yahtzee, two watches will get you all the jokes. Pausing and unpausing to read a quick blurb is just annoying. Timing is everything.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I actually like the name "Angry Bob" :p

My sister saw the movie and liked it, if only because a song she liked was played in it at one point, and also because of a reference to "Swine Flu" and trying to make it modern.

Also, where did you get that quote from Michael Bay?


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
I did find the human characters to be a bit boring, after all we were all there to see huge robots kick each other's asses. But I essentially found nothing wrong with the way the transformers were done. But it puzzels me how Optimus had trouble taking Megatron on in the first movie, when he takes on 6 Decepticons including Megatron in the second movie, kills one of them and badly injures th rest.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
EnzoHonda said:
There are a whole lot of 13-17 year-olds who are going to watch this movie, love it, then watch it again in 5 years and wonder what the hell they were thinking.
Sorry but I don't think people like it when you act like you know what they'll think of something 5 years later.

Yes i found the scence with the close up of the guy's ass in a jockstrap unnecessary, and the plot could've been better, but at least the violence was true blue.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Something I don't understand, as a critic myself, is why every critic in the whole fucking world seemed to be going in to this movie expecting it to be the next fucking Schindler's List? It's a fucking Michael Bay movie, it's an action movie, for fucks sake it's just a god damned movie about giant robots blowing shit up.

People complained that the first had too much humans, not enough robots. So they put in more robots and had them interact with the humans. You got your fucking wish, shut the fuck up.

Did you like the first movie? If you answered NO to this question then here's a simple fix: DON'T SEE THE SECOND ONE YOU STUPID BASTARDS. Is it that hard to understand. Jesus fuck, I didn't like the first Saw movie so made it a point to avoid the rest of the series(all 38 BILLION of them) like it was a rat with the fucking Black Death.

And if you're honestly going to complain about racism then you're just reaching for an argument for the sake of argument.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
scifidownbeat said:
I definitely agree (sans all the "f*cks"). I never watch a movie without some background. "Oh, it's an action movie? About giant alien robots that turn into vehicles? And it's directed by Michael Bay? M'kay." I wasn't expecting a love story comparable to Titanic, or a complex plot that could rival Watchmen's (the comic); I was expecting giant robots, big explosions, the obligatory half-baked plot (which, as far as action movies go, wasn't that bad; IMO, better than the new fricking Terminator movie's plot), big explosions, American ultra-patriotism, sweet cars, and blowing shit up. And that's what I got, and a little more. So I was satisfied.

As a side note, I always like to get some background for movies, but you should NEVER get sucked into the hype for video games, because it can potentially ruin the game for you (at least, in my experience).
I'm glad somebody does. And sorry for all the f-bombs there. This sorta' thing gets me riled as a critic.

I plan to see G.I. Joe, and I planned to be entertained. I don't expect it to blow me away and make me reconsider my list of favorite movies, but to just be a silly action movie with Scarlett, the Baroness, and lots of exploding bits.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
LaBambaMan said:
Something I don't understand, as a critic myself, is why every critic in the whole fucking world seemed to be going in to this movie expecting it to be the next fucking Schindler's List? It's a fucking Michael Bay movie, it's an action movie, for fucks sake it's just a god damned movie about giant robots blowing shit up.

People complained that the first had too much humans, not enough robots. So they put in more robots and had them interact with the humans. You got your fucking wish, shut the fuck up.

Did you like the first movie? If you answered NO to this question then here's a simple fix: DON'T SEE THE SECOND ONE YOU STUPID BASTARDS. Is it that hard to understand. Jesus fuck, I didn't like the first Saw movie so made it a point to avoid the rest of the series(all 38 BILLION of them) like it was a rat with the fucking Black Death.

And if you're honestly going to complain about racism then you're just reaching for an argument for the sake of argument.
I'd bet that Saw wasn't based on a series and characters that was a beloved and possibly influential part of your childhood, so your analogy doesn't hold up very well. The issue isn't that it's just another shitty movie, it's that it's a shitty TRANSFORMERS movie. They let Michael Bay pump out another POS instead of letting someone else make something actually worth watching. How are you not picking up on that aspect of the anger?
Imagine if they'd given the Lord of the Rings movies to someone that had as little respect for the source material as Bay clearly does for the Transformers.
Saying "oh you don't like it, don't watch it" doesn't work, because those of us that grew up with the Transformers, and loved them as kids, WANT to see Transformers movies being made. Unfortunately, we also want those movies to actually be good as well.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Skutch said:
LaBambaMan said:
Something I don't understand, as a critic myself, is why every critic in the whole fucking world seemed to be going in to this movie expecting it to be the next fucking Schindler's List? It's a fucking Michael Bay movie, it's an action movie, for fucks sake it's just a god damned movie about giant robots blowing shit up.

People complained that the first had too much humans, not enough robots. So they put in more robots and had them interact with the humans. You got your fucking wish, shut the fuck up.

Did you like the first movie? If you answered NO to this question then here's a simple fix: DON'T SEE THE SECOND ONE YOU STUPID BASTARDS. Is it that hard to understand. Jesus fuck, I didn't like the first Saw movie so made it a point to avoid the rest of the series(all 38 BILLION of them) like it was a rat with the fucking Black Death.

And if you're honestly going to complain about racism then you're just reaching for an argument for the sake of argument.
I'd bet that Saw wasn't based on a series and characters that was a beloved and possibly influential part of your childhood, so your analogy doesn't hold up very well. The issue isn't that it's just another shitty movie, it's that it's a shitty TRANSFORMERS movie. They let Michael Bay pump out another POS instead of letting someone else make something actually worth watching. How are you not picking up on that aspect of the anger?
Imagine if they'd given the Lord of the Rings movies to someone that had as little respect for the source material as Bay clearly does for the Transformers.
Saying "oh you don't like it, don't watch it" doesn't work, because those of us that grew up with the Transformers, and loved them as kids, WANT to see Transformers movies being made. Unfortunately, we also want those movies to actually be good as well.
I did grow up with Transformers, just so you know.

And does my analogy mean any less because of the source? If you saw the first Transformers movie and didn't enjoy it then why in the world would you pay the ridiculous price of a movie ticket to go see the second one?

I enjoy the films for what they are, fun summer action movies. Sure they do miss a lot of points and some of the actual Transformers aren't fleshed out as much, but calling out Michael Bay like he's a fucking anti-christ(or the Fallen) is just silly. The original animated movie from '86 was able to skip past character development because it had 2 whole seasons of the show behind it that got all that shit out of the way.

Like i've said, the movies have their flaws. I won't argue with you and say these are the greatest works of cinema, because they aren't. But when you start trying to look in to them as anything more than what they're supposed to be, which is summer action movie, then you're just going to be miserable. I can't wrap my head around the pure amount of hate for these films like the kicked your dog and raped your mother or something.

And for future reference, the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" motto applies to this and every other film series ever made.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
I totally agree this movie sucked!!! The only "good" transformer fight scene is where Optimus fights and dies. Everything else is just pathetic story writing. I mean the two most powerful decepticons die before they can so much as throw a punch. Michael Bay is a terrible director EXCEPT for "The Island" because it had a STORY. THANK YOU, BOB!!!


New member
Apr 12, 2008
LaBambaMan said:
Something I don't understand, as a critic myself, is why every critic in the whole fucking world seemed to be going in to this movie expecting it to be the next fucking Schindler's List? It's a fucking Michael Bay movie, it's an action movie, for fucks sake it's just a god damned movie about giant robots blowing shit up.

People complained that the first had too much humans, not enough robots. So they put in more robots and had them interact with the humans. You got your fucking wish, shut the fuck up.

Did you like the first movie? If you answered NO to this question then here's a simple fix: DON'T SEE THE SECOND ONE YOU STUPID BASTARDS. Is it that hard to understand. Jesus fuck, I didn't like the first Saw movie so made it a point to avoid the rest of the series(all 38 BILLION of them) like it was a rat with the fucking Black Death.

And if you're honestly going to complain about racism then you're just reaching for an argument for the sake of argument.
I have a question, why is it that every time a movie is being bashed, somebody says the critics were,"Expecting the next Godfather, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, blah blah blah."?

First of all: How do YOU know what they were expecting? If it's their way of reviewing, what do you care?

Second of all: Do you not realize how fun it is to hate a movie that you despise with every fiber of your being? Or how even MORE fun it is to discuss with a friend/sibling, who also hates that movie, about how bad it is? Trust me. Gather your friends, rent Troll 2, you'll have the time of your life.

Third of all: Sure there were more robots, but we didn't even know who any of them were. If it were all robots with little to no humans and the robots were given names and unique and/or distinctive personalities, it wouldn't be a problem.

Fourth of all: The entire last hour of the movie was nothing but the world's most unappealing robot designs fighting other world's most unappealing robot designs backed up by the U.S. Army in the desert with a cinematographer who has a case of the Looney Tunes and just finished his 100th cup of coffee with extra caffeine. How can ANYONE defend that?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
It was a horrible film with unlikeable characters. It doesn't help that Michelle Bay jerks off to (well I can't think of the title but it was a magazine featuring modern military technology) Seriously the vast majority of any fight scene in this movie was just stock footage and tanks and bombers with the transformers superimposed in the background. Although my favorite was a shot of a bomber that was clearly flying over New Mexico. It was supposed to have been dropping bombs on Egypt so I of course had quite a chuckle at the only funny point in the film.