Escape to the Movies: Transformers Revenge

Sep 30, 2008
Here is To all of you screaming its just hate to hate or FANBOY GO CRY TO YOUR G1 FIGURES. If it wasn't for us fanboys and girls respectively you wouldn't get to see the crappy acting you so desperately crave. Look we are the people that know Devastator couldn't be taken out with any human weapon as a matter of fact no Transformer can. This movie may have been entertaining to you but it was like being kicked in the balls for the rest of us. In Fanboy Conclusion, Devastator without Omega Supreme just shows the current writers of the series are twats.
Sep 30, 2008
Look we that are angry didn't want a thought invoking experience all we wanted was our original favorites to be portrayed correctly. I grew up with this series and still watch the original along with many of its newly made versions. What I am the most angry about is the fact that I like Optimus Primal (Beast Wars for those who don't know) more than the movie version of a character I literally cried when he died in the original source material (Optimus Prime.) Did I think I was going to see the next Godfather or Schindler's List, no, but i wanted the characters I care about to be Featured in a way that I would care that they were harmed or had died and i didn't get that with Jazz, Bumblebee or Optimus.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
the movie sucks ass. absolute disaster. if you like robots and awesome battles with sweet looking effects... there is 10 min of that. better off watching some Mech game trailers on YouTube. if you are an undeveloped pube-face teenager, here:
now you don't need to waste $20 of you parents' hard earned cash.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
0 the review and read the first notes when it came out, decided to hold off for a matinee in the future....finally saw the film, but apparently someone slipped a different movie in, because the one I saw was some fun Summer entertainment that provided about the same level of enjoyment I got out of the franchise as a kid, but with much better graphics than the old cartoons and comics. Nerdrage about this movie is saying a lot more about the angered soul who is offended as this movie and the interesting level of reverence they have applied to the Transformers franchise than it is about this movie, which is frankly about as good as one shoudl expect for a film based on a fun toy franchise. And yes, I was a fan, and owned a couple hundred figures between 1984-1989, loved the comics, know who Simon Furman is, and I thought the first film was actually not as good as this one. Great B movie, and people need to refocus their anger on something more relevant before the dark side takes them....


New member
Aug 8, 2009
Okay.... I've read two pages of this thread and watched the review and I am confident that it would be pointless to attempt to read the rest. It will be either "I'm not going to watch the movie", "I hate the movie", "I hate Micheal Bay", or "What are you people talking about?"

First of all, for all you people out their relying on the 5 minute rant about why Micheal Bay sucks that MovieBob made... go see the movie. If you haven't seen the first one, rent it, pirate it, buy it, or watch it on YouTube (everything is on youtube now adays.... everything). Ignore what MovieBob said about Micheal Bay and judge the movie on its own marits (not because Micheal Bay made the movie). Make your own opinions on the movie.

For those of you that need an opinion on Revenge of the Fallen... heres my review of the review.

Besides the one points about how the two characters where huge stereo types, the review wasn't so much on the movie itself (there were some references, but personally when a giant sand sucking robot comes onto the screen I'm paying attention to its face which is sucking up the sand, and not the things crotch). It seemed more like the review of Micheal Bay... which really isn't fair to the movie. Okay you hate Micheal Bay... and granted other critics refer to him as Micheal "Kaboom" Bay but because he made the movie doesn't automatically make it bad. Good directors can make bad movies... but the same holds true for bad dirrectors. As for the complaints I have read and how the focus of the movie was on the humans and not the robots. This is not a remake of the original series. In fact, there have been many takes on Transeformers and none of them follow the original series to the leter. Beast wars happens to be a personal favourite (though season three got real corny) but when they showed the original transformers the way they were... even the matrix of leadership was a let down. The new medium means that the short cuts taken by the original writers would look HORRIBLE on screen. Having worked with 3D animation myself I can tell you that the amount of work that just one transformer took was astronical. Optimus Prime has 10000 peices in his model that have the be rigged and manipulated... and that isn't taking into acount any damage he takes in a fight. As for the Decepticons being held off by tanks.... Allow me to put this into perspective for you. The main gun on the tank is 150mm (or 5" for those still using imperial measurements). The anti tank round is a 30cm (12") long dart fired at high velocity. While the robots would be killed.... it would (and did) stop him in his tracks. Even knock him over just from the kenetic force. If the humans were really a threat to the decepticons they wouldn't have dirrected most of their fire at the Autobots (cause there is always more humans)or try to kill the kid with the matrix of leadership.

Speculation aside, I really don't care about things like "does it follow the original" or "Its not realistic" when I go see a movie (unless its a movie with actual history behind it... say like Saving Private Ryan). I care if its got a story line I can follow with a plot deeper then "COOOOOOBRAAAA".

The next movie I really want to see is the conituation of the Battletech story line following the adventures of the 1st Summerset Strikers against that nut ball Nikoli Malfus.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
[quote="weirdaljedifan2" post="6.121336.2661980Fourth of all: The entire last hour of the movie was nothing but the world's most unappealing robot designs fighting other world's most unappealing robot designs backed up by the U.S. Army in the desert with a cinematographer who has a case of the Looney Tunes and just finished his 100th cup of coffee with extra caffeine. How can ANYONE defend that?[/quote]

Actually, when a dirrector wants to use the US army the dirrector has to put the US army in a possitive light. If it puts the US army in a negative light then they can't use the footage. Its not that they are defending that.... its that they are simply ignoring a fact of reality. In a movie that has the US army, the US army is going to win and be the good guys. Its not like they could just BUY their own tanks, MLRS, choppers and then shoot their own movie.... its a little beyond the budget of a movie spending millions on 3D graphics and quite frankly blending the robots into the film so it looks as real as possible is a difficult task as it is. The cheaper and more time effecient thing to do is ask the US army to be extras in the movie and get them to do what they do best (and thats play war... even though Canadian infantry would be better :p). Not to mention most Americans tend to bleed red, white and blue.

It did bug me a little that the American army was portrayed as a crack fighting force (there is an evaluation of the worlds military using the US infantry as a base which rated the Royal Canadian mounted Police as a more effective fighting force then the US army... never mind the Canadian army itself... as tiny as it is) but I chose to ignore that point and enjoy the movie. While I can point out many flaws in the movie... it would just lessen my enjoyment of it in the future.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
dude, chill the fuck out, from the way you tore into this movie youd think it raped your goddamn cat or something. You dont go to a goddamn movie about giant fucking robots expecting a riveting story, you go expecting giant robots beating the shit out of each other. and after you defended shit like GI Joe specifically FOR being campy and fun, you honestly cant find a single ounce of enjoyment out of this movie? Jesus christ.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
There are tons movies way worse than this that are more fun to bash. I'll never understand why all the critics in the world hate this movie, but when i ask random people on the street most of them they say it was awesome. It is awesome, what it is, is a fun time at the theater. Its an action movie! Its not dark knight, its not godfather, or anything of that sort, and on its own its pretty dam good. I've seen every transformers cartoon but I'm not going to fanboy this one up, or any other cartoon into live action movie. So for all you saying that its bad who haven't seen it, and taking this jackass' word for it get over yourself and watch it. For those of you who did see it and said it was bad stop whining about a story-line that wasn't even that deep in the cartoon. Whining about The Fallen is as good as complaining why doc-ock was in spidey 2. The cartoon was robots blasting each other and so is this movie, but with some good humor added in and if you think its racist you've never watched comedy central for a laugh.


New member
May 30, 2009
I FUCKING HATED THIS MOVIE, seriously, I'de never saw a transformers cartoon, saw this thinking it was a good way to kill a while but it was fucking shit, the "humor" is if some 5 year old made an adult comedy "i.e" swearing with dick jokes to make it funny, this may soung like I'm highbrow but THIS IS A FUCKING ACTION MOVIE, NOT A COMEDY, btw I never notcied devastators balls, the thought makes me cringe, micheal bay, I fucking hate you

petey hunter

New member
Mar 7, 2009
OK Movie Bob I know you hate Michael bay, but you don't need to make things up, the only thing wrong with the action is that the cameraman was on red bull, also yes The whole bit with Sam and Michaela is annoying oh and Megan fox was kinda useless, but the robots are most of the action and as for the Military, well what do you think the U.S.A. would do if something weird was going on, sit around with their thumbs up their ass?
the robot design, while somewhat ugly is OK, except for the Fallen who really was an eyesore but I still think The movie was good, also in the series, Optimus can link up with other robots, so using that in the movie was pretty awesome.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
On IMDB, Bay is listed as having the following movies in production (pre and post) or development:

Nightmare on Elm Street (Oh please for the love of God NO!!!!!)
A sequel to Friday the 13th (duh)
The 3rd Transformers movie (double duh)
2012: The War for Souls (suckling the end o' the world teet)

and the worst thing in the world...

The Birds (Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds...why oh why would anyone take a movie that cannot be improved upon and try and remake it).

To be fair, the scene in the first Transformers where the Decepticon was rocket rollerblading through buses on the highway was pretty awesome, but then he was killed by the mighty sword of Optimus. Did Optimus ever have a sword?


New member
Sep 5, 2009
holy crap is Bob ever bitter aboot that movie! CURSE YOU MICHAL BAY! and i have never heard doucebag being said more times in 4 minutes than in this review. *claps*


New member
Aug 28, 2009
I've seen every transformers tv show (G1 to Animated). I even owned some of the toys when I was young.

That said, I found this film to be god-awful. While I do enjoy some crude humor (Beast Wars was packed with it) this movie takes it to a juvenile and obnoxious high. The 'final' battle scene was nothing but tanks and planes shooting at nothing. The forest fight scene was incredibly obscured, with the camera often passing in front of trees for absolutely no reason. I like Shia LaBeouf, he reminds me of a young Will Smith, but he needs to be in the background of the transformer plot not the other way around, not to mention that this film does him no justice (and vice versa).

2 hours of this film wastes your time with shitty, cliche comedy, cliche romance and worst of all, cliche throwaway human characters.

Those who suffered the worst in this film? The transformers themselves.

Optimus Prime: You know who he is, a defender of justice and a fair, compassionate, stern leader. Bay turned him into a VERY bad (and yet again, cliche) action movie hero archetype who spends 80% of the film dead and 19.5% of it spouting stupid one-liners like "Pull over" and "I'll take you all on". (the.5% is for is very short graveyard scene)

Arcee (twins): A worm on a unicycle (If it had been a movie adaptation of the vehicon thrust, I would have understood the design) who says one line before getting shot, 'nuff said.

The Fallen: So much potential wasted, he's nothing more than a Darth Sidius ripoff.

Megatron: Who play's second banana to no one (unless forced) becomes a mindless, bumbling, idiot, lackey (the exact opposite of what he should be.) and A Darth Vader ripoff

I don't want to waste time talking about the other ones, they we're all in the background anyway.

Also, I've noticed that internet morons keep defending certain aspects of this film with the same damn arguments.

#1 It was based on a toy commercial: Moviebob handled this one.

#2 If you saw anything racially offensive in Skids and Mudflap, then you're the racist: So if I see or notice and example of someone using racial stereotypes in an exceptionally offensive manner, then that makes me the a racist? Oh Wow....

#3 What were you expecting? (then proceeds to make references to movies or books such as Shakespeare and Shawshank Redemtion): Of course not. I was expecting a movie about transformers with a condensed, 3 stage plot and perhaps some GENUINE emotional scenes. In other words, I was expecting at the very least an Iron Man, and at the very most a Watchmen or Spider-Man. Because if someone can make a good film about a nerdy high school/college student who becomes bitten by a radioactive spider, then proceeds to dress up in a spider patterned leotard and fight against various villains, both human and superhuman, then I certainly can see a good film about a war between alien robots from a metallic machine planet who bring their war to earth.

Samoftherocks said:
Did Optimus ever have a sword?
I believe he had an energy axe in G1, he had dual swords in Beast Wars and in Animated he had a poleaxe.