Escapist Dragon Age II Review, Is Something Wrong Here?


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
The thread with the Dragon Age II review is abuzz with speculation as to whether EA has payed The Escapist for a positive review or something similarly shady is going on. Below is my analysis and some of what I thought to be flaws, inconsistencies, or general oddities in The Escapist's review of Dragon Age II. I particularly noticed a blatant lack of examples or supporting material for much of the comparisons in the original, with use of phrases such as "feels somehow", and one blatant falsehood. Professional writing dictates that an opinion is backed up with some sort of substance, in a review this usually amounts to an example of something in the game that made you feel the way you do about a particular subject.

As to whether I think EA payed the Escapist, my answer is who the hell knows, there's no use speculating, but for what its worth my gut says no. I personally don't think EA has payed for a positive review, but what I do think is that this was a poor review, not particularly because of the score itself but because of the arguments and statements that are simply incorrect or devoid of any supporting examples/comparisons.

I understand that making this thread may cause mod action against me, I hope this is not the case but as the rules are very much up to the interpretation of the moderators on the site I fully realize it is a distinct possibility, and thus would like to note that I don't mean this thread as any sort of insult or personal attack on Greg Tito (reviewer) or his other work, it is merely what I hope is considered an appropriately respectful negative opinion toward a single piece of writing.

The parts of the review I had problems with are below, with my comments in italics.

Finding a serial killer who gives white lilies to his victims, or making a mine safe again so the workers can return feels somehow more meaningful than ridding the world of Darkspawn just because that's the plot dangled in front of you.

Just because it's dangled in front of you? What does that even mean? It's a meaningless statement that attempts to classify the plot of origins as arbitrary and the plot of Dragon Age II meaningful without any evidence or reasoning beyond the word "somehow"

The party-based combat is frenetic, with no auto-attack making you feel in the thick of it with constant button-pressing. (If the no auto-attack annoys you, it's possible to turn this feature back on in the options.)

This is simply incorrect, the option is simply not there on consoles, and the review clearly states that it was based off the 360 version of the game, Bioware meant to include the option but do to a coding mistake the option is not currently on the console version, was this review truly written based on experiences from the game? If so why does the reviewer think the option is there? If there is any merit to the argument that EA payed them for an advance-written positive review this would be the strongest evidence, this statement in the review mentions something that was supposed to be there and was expected to be there by Bioware, but ended up not being in the final version (or review copies) of the game

Orders you do make with the improved radial menu are immediate, rather than annoyingly waiting for your next strike or a spell animation to play, further quickening the pace of the action.

What does this mean? You still have to wait for the animation just like in Origins, this statement is verifiably and provably false

Any complaints I may have about Dragon Age II are minor annoyances, easily ignored for the leaps made in other areas.

Now I understand this is a matter of opinion, but nobody was shy about talking about numerous major problems in Dragon Age II, nobody. It's Metacritic user score is about a 4, and it's been long enough since release and many hundreds of reviews have been made that render the "too small a sample size" argument invalid

Not only does Dragon Age II play better, it looks absolutely gorgeous. Gone is the mess of pixels and aura bugs that were the graphics of Origins and in its place is a combination of environments that just sing -- the golden statues of Andraste in the Chantry, the ships docked in Lowtown, the eddies of the Wounded Coast and the dank caves and dungeons all look wonderful. Individual textures may not look amazing under scrutiny, but as a whole each character's face is expressive across a wide range of emotions. If I have a concern, it's that certain dungeons below Kirkwall are visited two or three times with only small variations. "Oh, we're in that place again. Glad somebody restocked the chests with treasure."

Am I the only one that wonders what the hell is going on in this paragraph? It basically says "This is absolutely gorgeous, until you really take a good look at it, then it doesn't look too good" what the f--k does that mean? It looks good as long as you don't pay attention!?

The advancements in RPG mechanics would be enough to set it apart, but the real achievement of Dragon Age II is in the story-telling. I could point out the improved combat and graphics till there's blood covering my face, but BioWare is one of the few companies that uses the advanced computing power available to modern game designers to let you actually play a role. As Hawke, you care about your mother and family, you care about your city and the conflicts that threaten to tear it apart. In a game as dense as this, and it will occupy at least fifty hours if you follow every hook, it's a triumph to just complete the story. But if I was proud to become the Champion of Kirkwall, I was more happy to have the tools to tell the story the way I envisioned it.

It just seems way too enthusiastic for a game that is almost universally cited as less impressive than its predecessor, the opinion that the metacritic user score of 4 is "too small a sample size" or "just trolls" has been obliterated as the number of reviews have almost reached a thousand when you consider the reviews for both 360 and PS3 (which have much the same low score) if you don't trust the robust sample size from the Metacritic scores, trust Game Informer, when is the last time they gave a modern high budget Bioware RPG an 83? Hint: It's never happened
It's not just the Metacritic user score either, Game Informer gave it an 83, an all time low for a modern Bioware RPG. The Escapist review of 100/100 is a statistical outlier (with the next highest review being a 94), which doesn't immediately condemn it, but when you combine that fact with the problems and inconsistencies shown above, it certainly paints a picture that the reviewer may not have left his bias at the door when sitting down to review the game.

I would like to reiterate that my personal opinion is that he was not paid off, I can't say that for sure of course because I have no special information, but that is what I believe, I think most people are too quick to accuse reviewers of being paid off.

EDIT: Many people say that this is the result of trolling because the majority of the scores are 1's or 0's, this is a result of Metacritic often being treated as a pass/fail or like/dislike system, which while I admit is a problem for the system as a whole, it does not invalidate the score. The reason it doesn't invalidate it is because every game on Metacritic has to deal with that same problem, and as long as they all share the same ruleset and system comparison between them is fair game. Do you remember how much nerd rage there was over the changes in Mass Effect 2? ME2 has a user rating of 9.0. The only variable that has changed is the game being reviewed.

Do I think DA2 deserves a 4? No, it deserves a 6.5 or maybe 7 in my opinion, but that's not the point, the point is that this low score shows that the game was not up to standards for the general population.

So given that it's not an inherent issue with Metacritic (since other Bioware games also used Metacritic and did just fine) and it's not organized trolling (because if you think that I direct you to the Conspiracy Theories thread in "off topic forums) the only argument left is that the same size is too small.

Well, actually, in order to ensure with 99% confidence that the sample size properly represents the population of Dragon Age II players (which I chose 10,000,000 as the size of that population for this example) with a mere 4% margin of error, a sample size of 1,040 people is required, which is hundreds less than the number of rating on metacritic. A 95% confidence level is accepted in a court of law, so a 99% confidence level hopefully convinces you that this is not a coincidence due to a small sample size.


New member
May 13, 2010
I haven't picked up DA2 for myself yet, but there was one thing in the video that bothered me. He said DA:O on consoles looked like something out of 2002. Come on, Morrowind, WC3, and Vice City came out in 2002. I've got it on PC, but there's no way it was that bad. And the graphics in the demo didn't look much better than Origins at all.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Well he said DA2 looked like it was from 2002..

but I agree, hes either a massive fan boy or they paid someone something.
Probably all that there ad space.

But now we are criticizing someone, we will probably be banned. It's dangerous to voice yer opinion 'round here.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Mcface said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Agreed, the denial is annoying. Everyone who has an opinion other than" best gam evar" is usually called a troll, when in reality the bioware fanboys are quite clearly the douche bags of the lot.
As the biggest Bioware fanboy there is, it's a sobering reality that looking at one of their games faults is such a taboo thing, it's horrible.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.

Edit: I just failed math, me and 19 other people would do 700/day. 21 total is 735.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
danpascooch said:
You too, eh? The thing that set my warning signs off was when he claimed Origins looked like a game out of 2002 in the video supplement. It seemed like he went out of his way to degrade Origins and make DA2 seem so much better in comparison. He certainly downplayed the shortcomings of DA2 enough. I agee with you, the review seemed...masturbatory.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?
Nerd raging fanboys. I mean, honestly, look at the reaction. I'm not saying your 7s, 6s, hell 5s are wrong. I'm saying your 1s and 2s are just nerd raging fanboys spamming the site because they haven't been this mad since Oblivion added fast travel.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?
Nerd raging fanboys. I mean, honestly, look at the reaction. I'm not saying your 7s, 6s, hell 5s are wrong. I'm saying your 1s and 2s are just nerd raging fanboys spamming the site because they haven't been this mad since Oblivion added fast travel.
And yet oblivion doesn't have user scores in the 3's and 4's?


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?
Nerd raging fanboys. I mean, honestly, look at the reaction. I'm not saying your 7s, 6s, hell 5s are wrong. I'm saying your 1s and 2s are just nerd raging fanboys spamming the site because they haven't been this mad since Oblivion added fast travel.
And yet oblivion doesn't have user scores in the 3's and 4's?
Was metacritic even around when Oblivion came out?

I don't know, but having seen the Morrowind loyalist base firsthand, I can guarantee that if Oblivion was released today the same thing would have happened.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?
Nerd raging fanboys. I mean, honestly, look at the reaction. I'm not saying your 7s, 6s, hell 5s are wrong. I'm saying your 1s and 2s are just nerd raging fanboys spamming the site because they haven't been this mad since Oblivion added fast travel.
And yet oblivion doesn't have user scores in the 3's and 4's?
Was metacritic even around when Oblivion came out?

I don't know, but having seen the Morrowind loyalist base firsthand, I can guarantee that if Oblivion was released today the same thing would have happened.
The site was put up in 2001, Morrowind released in 2002, Oblivion released in 2006.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.

Edit: I just failed math, me and 19 other people would do 700/day. 21 total is 735.
And this phenomena of people doing everything they can to sabotage a games ratings is exclusive to Dragon Age II? Forget that it's technically possible, the real question is why it didn't happen to games like Dragon Age Origins and Oblivion, it's no secret, it's because those games are much better than this one.

Everyone didn't decide to single DA2 and destroy its rating but let other good games pass, that's crazy, it's much more simple than that. It's just that it's a mediocre gaming (deserving in my opinion about a 6.5) and people are pissed that it's below standards.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I think Greg said that the darkspawn plot in Origins was dangled in front of you because you weren't given any emotional reason to go after them. They were a nameless, faceless, amorphous blob of evil.

On the graphics section, I think that the reviewer was saying that the game had good art direction, but was poor on a technical level.

The "animations are immediate" comment was referring to how much the animations have quickened.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Zaik said:
danpascooch said:
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Sure, and you would put up 5-10 out of over 1000

It's not all trolls, the denial has to stop, when's the last time Game Informer has given an 83 to a major Bioware RPG? It's not a coincidence that it's scoring badly, it's not a paradox, the universe is not imploding, it's just not very good.
Nope, but let's say maybe me 20 other people put up an average of 7 an hour for an average of 5 hours a day, and you've got... 700 per day. Total reviews on all consoles = 1569 right now, that's two days and a few legitimate reviews.
And who would willingly do that for 5 hours? Who would even spend an hour doing that?
Nerd raging fanboys. I mean, honestly, look at the reaction. I'm not saying your 7s, 6s, hell 5s are wrong. I'm saying your 1s and 2s are just nerd raging fanboys spamming the site because they haven't been this mad since Oblivion added fast travel.
And yet oblivion doesn't have user scores in the 3's and 4's?
Was metacritic even around when Oblivion came out?

I don't know, but having seen the Morrowind loyalist base firsthand, I can guarantee that if Oblivion was released today the same thing would have happened.
Metacritic was out 5 years before Oblivion, Dragon Age Origins just came out not too long ago and it has good ratings, care to explain this "guarantee"?

Occams Razor, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, there is no conspiracy here, it's just not very good and people are angry because of it. Not liking the reason behind the result doesn't change the reason.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
ultrachicken said:
I think Greg said that the darkspawn plot in Origins was dangled in front of you because you weren't given any emotional reason to go after them. They were a nameless, faceless, amorphous blob of evil.

On the graphics section, I think that the reviewer was saying that the game had good art direction, but was poor on a technical level.

The "animations are immediate" comment was referring to how much the animations have quickened.
What's more emotional than defending yourself against a group that at its basest instincts want to kill you? If that was his opinion he should have at LEAST explained beyond "somehow" which is a word exclusively used to indicate a lack of explanation.

Immediate and faster are two very different things, I suppose I can see what he might have meant, but the execution of this review was clumsy at best, and good practice in cryptology at worst.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Psychotic-ishSOB said:
I though you were just gonna rip them like a fanboy, but that was a well reasoned series of arguments and analyses, and really makes me wonder about the reviewer. I don't think he was paid off, I'm sure he has more credibility, but some of those statements strike me as a reviewer who wanted to love that game, and didn't instead walk in objectively
Thanks, I appreciate that, I can't say it was easy, there was a part of me that just wanted to totally rip into it, but groundless accusations don't help anything.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Zaik said:
You keep citing metacritic user reviews, but you know I could put 5-10 of those up an hour if I wanted to, right?
Unless you have some sort of financial investment in the game, why would you?

Yeah, you wouldn't. Unless you were PAID to.

I don't think in the history of gaming anyone has been paid to sit make continuous bad reviews to try and skew an aggregate score.