Eurogamer Expo Bans Booth Babes


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Aw, dang, now where am I going to see hot women dressed as videogame characters?

*looks at rule 34*

Oh... Well if you can't beat 'em...


New member
Jun 26, 2008
rbstewart7263 said:
NortherWolf said:
rbstewart7263 said:
Well good job. Now those women are out of the job because your nips are so sensitive.
"Won't someone pleaaaaaseeeee think of the booth babes!"
Yeah, I'm crying with compassion now. Internally. Externally I'm rolling my eyes.
The entire notion of booth babes is a fucking juvenile teen fantasy that really seems to be painfully dominant in markets dominated by men who don't want to be men but rather teenagers again.
I don't give a shit about the children, or families reacting to this. I care about a market that is so annoyingly immature it's aggravating.
On one hand, we have people going; "Games are art, it's special."
Then we have people going "Hurr hurr hurr y so srs?"
We have people claiming video games have evolved and matured.
On the other hand we have booth babes and people that can't just say "Yeah, I like oogling women like they're playboy posters."
For fucks sake, be honest with yourself. Videogaming has a long way to go, and a good deal of it is socially awkward in a way that would make your average 70's tabletop rper blush in embarrassment about.
fair enough but growing up and being a prude are not the same. Id be fine if the booth babes were required to be fans and knowledgeable of the franchise. itd give cosplayers something to shoot for. But banning them because of people feeling like there art has grown up and needs a suit doesnt make me think of adults it makes me think of smarmy stuck up socialite elitists.
Considering some scantily clad ladies that probably have very little knowledge of the product they're selling unfitting is hardly prude.
TO turn it around, to keep Booth babes just to have naked skin to look at is pervert-territory.

Funny, makes me think of grown ups.
it's the god-damned Information Era here people, you want to spank the monkey while oogling someone there's loads of sites out there.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
You know what? I agree with it. Booth babes are the bane of gaming conventions. Always something the haters can hold over our heads.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Tenmar said:
So, let's get this straight.

We will not allow men and women who aspire in their career to be models and building their portfolio and help earn a living and develop a career. Also, apparently due to how risky these models dress and given the demographic we must have it remain child friendly because someone must think of the children.

Yep it's official, the video game industry now has a religious right enforcing their morality.
Hmmmm, as a 6"2 guy who is... I don't want to say "hefty", but definitely well-rounded; I'm guessing that certain free-thinking members of the gamer community, were there such a thing, might be slightly LESS enthusiastic when indulging my desire to start a career modelling miniskirts.

And I know what you're thinking: "Richard Branson ain't gonna pay you to shake your fat ass in front of a gaming booth, you chubby chump." BUT WHAT IF I SAT ON HIM, EH? He's probably let me dance on his own private plane if it meant not having my gigantic butt on his head. Although maybe not his private hot-air balloon; my weight would crash the thing even faster than he would, if that's possible.

See you gotta think of stuff like this before making those kinds of controversial statements.

Anyway, on a more serious note...

1) As much as I would disagree with censorship in all of its forms, this is in the end a private event that's paid for by corporate and business interests. They're out to sell their wares at this thing, and they might not want to be associated with what a lot of people see as sleazy cheap sexual controversy. Not every game studio has the sexual politics of Team Ninja (whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I ain't saying.) You might say, "why not just ban cosplayers?" but cosplayers aren't perceived as being associated with the big games companies in any way other than being fans of their product. Which is very, very different from being paid to turn up in skimpy clothes and draw attention to stands selling products. Besides which, would you want that kind of competition?

2) As regards these booth babes from last year, I think we need more details on exactly what was banned. Many, many details. And pictures. And video. Preferably in HD format. Otherwise, how can we form an informed an unbiased opinion?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I have to agree with the booth babes ban because like several people are saying, they're there to advertise a game with sex, cosplayers are there to just attend and be a character and have a good time. It would also make companies have something more reliable to advertise their games, like...iunno? Gameplay?

I just wish I can see more of these sexual advertising bans on more things... like those Carl's Junior ads. Those sicken me.


Trippin' balls man.
Jan 9, 2012
Booth Babes are one of the main reasons I even go xD

And I'll second that notion that we need more Booth Studs.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I have to agree with Eurogamers decision here. Firstly ultimately it's a corporate event and they have the right to decide who and what can attend such events within reason. Banning booth-babes is probably a good move because it may put off females from attending such events and their presence may reinforce sexist stereotypes in gaming culture. Gaming shouldn't be an all boys club like the car industry.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Booth babes are great. There is nothing wrong with eye candy in a grown up event. Most professional expos have booth babes, ad they even send their most atractive staff to the shows. Beauty sells.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Rahuzero said:
Tenmar said:
So, let's get this straight.

We will not allow men and women who aspire in their career to be models and building their portfolio and help earn a living and develop a career. Also, apparently due to how risky these models dress and given the demographic we must have it remain child friendly because someone must think of the children.

Yep it's official, the video game industry now has a religious right enforcing their morality.
That's the thing. We are not children. We don't need booth babes. I am glad they are banned.
This makes the game industry look more childish. Car shows, boat shows, clothing expos, sex-toy expos... all that stuff is A-ok with the scantily clad models, but the industry that is desperately fighting the stigma of being sexually repressed, childish, and immature is not.

This is just another step for the industry moving backwards in to "for kiddies and weirdos" because it looks like we can't handle even the slightest bit of sexualization in our advertising. Beer drinkers can, car-porn enthusiasts can, motor-heads can, fashionistas can, but gamers see cleavage and get all squeamish apparently.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Dr.Kay said:
These booth babes are morons. Cosplay and the like holds a general unspoken rule of class, and these stupid skanks are threteaning to put unneccessary rules in place due to their idiocy.

Anyone defending them is a lonely virgin,just look at all their strawmen comments.
The irony of this comment calling other comments straw-man.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
hooksashands said:
Andy Chalk said:
I have a problem with an artificial distinction being made to mollify people who get nervous around pretty girls.
Well played. I especially like the part where you use "people" instead of "virgins" and "pretty girls" instead of "bimbos being paid to cheapen any cultural identity video games might have once had."
Should I link you to the Japanese commercial for Zelda to remind you of how "dignified" video game advertising started out?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Sylveria said:
The irony of this comment calling other comments straw-man.
Don't be silly, straw-man doesn't have a meaning! It's just one of those made up words those internet-types use, like 'noob' or '2.5D' or 'Yorkshire'. None of them are real things!


Feb 9, 2010
DevilWithaHalo said:
A chip and dales model painted like the ghost of sparta?
I'm assuming you mean Chippendales as in the all male stripper group

Chip and Dale were cartoon rodents


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Sep 24, 2012
Zykon TheLich said:
Well it's their event, if they want to promote a certain atmosphere and image then that's up to them. I can see why, videogames are trying to get themselves a modicum of respect and shed the basement dweller image. Booth babes don't exactly help that.
But it's a pity that such measures have to be taken too achieve a better image. hell i don't even care about my image as long as i can game the way i want and enjoy barely dressed girls, but since it's all about finding new customers i can understand it too, although i don't like it.

and i didn't. shame on me. and i really hope you're right.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Some of these arguments are pretty weak, though it is beginning to sound like this discussion is basically not going anywhere. :/

Cosplayers do it for fun, (sure, maybe they treat it like a business, but they are independently doing it)
Booth babes are hired eye candy brought to conventions to give a booth a leg up on others by drawing attention because of their hot chicks standing around.

If doesn't matter if the girls are showing off lots of skin or not, or if you'd see worse at a beach, we're talking about a convention showing off games and these girls are only here for the sole reason that sex sells.

It may make the convention less than family friendly, it may may some men and women uncomfortable, but above all of that they really don't have a real purpose being there and just distract from the real point. How many times have you clicked a link, or bought something because of some sexy pic on it, only to find out the product sucked? This is what they should be trying to do away with.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Actually, I rather wonder if this might not cause some companies to pay cosplayers dressed as their companies' characters to wander the floor. Funding a few moderately attractive people's costume designs would probably be significantly less expensive than hiring models anyway.

Ashannon Blackthorn

New member
Sep 5, 2011
Hmmm, now I kinda wonder what happens when games companies start bringing into women who are experts at the games, and dress like cosplayers.

Cause seriously, if you think that this ban will stop booth babes, you're an idiot. The companies will just figure out ways around it.

Like in wow, my guild has a large amount of female members, some who are incredibly good looking according to what "society" says a pretty woman should be. One of them is the secondary raid lead for goodness sakes. So if Blizzard got someone like her, dressed her up like a blood elf and had her hawking their newest wow whatever, with the ability to shut up the wildhammer fact checker, would that be bad then? Step up, step down? What if she was volunteering and not getting paid for it?


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Damn prudish European Culture!!

OT: It was their house and those companies where breaking the rules.

EDIT: Also its a business strategy I think. Getting rid of the "babes" makes games feel less exclusionary to women. Though I do agree with the one poster about bring along some booth-studs as a comprise!