So wait? Uh thats retarded! So Popcap decided to sell the game cheaper on Steam, but not on their website? And they both use Digital Distribution system! It would make more sense selling for 20? in Steam so they dont need to pay those rights to Valve and shit...Abedeus said:That's why I said some developers notice that the game is unfair. Did you even read my post? I said that we get to pay only 10 Euro on Steam. Now look at Mass Effect, Far Cry 2 or Fallout 3. Three times more than retails.oliveira8 said:Actually Plants vs Zombies on Steam is actually cheaper than at Popcap website.Abedeus said:Really? I keep hearing quite the opposite things.mrfft said:Regardless, every computer guru knows, AMD chips tend to be a bit better than Intel chips....silly companies.
Also, why they are attacking Intel AND NOT VALVE? Those assholes have been pricing us too high for almost half a year in June. Thank God some developers see this and give us lower prices ($20 for Plants vs Zombies in US, we get it for 10?). :20? :10?
Oh shit! Valve aint the Devil!!! Oh no!
P.S:You not forced to buy games on Valve, so stop crying about that every time. On the other hand you almost forced to get an Intel chip, since those AMD chips spend most of their time, thinking if they should work or not...
Oh, and I'm not forced. But recently, shops have been setting prices to match the Steam ones. TF2 used to be 60 PLN when it was $ on Steam, now it's 80 PLN. 25% more is visible, no?
Oh, and people don't force you to buy Intel, either. You have the right to choose your own chipset.
Also funny enough, if you have a Mac and want Popcap games, you need an Intel Chip cause the game wont run!
"Thanks for shopping at! Please note: an Intel Processor is required for Mac versions of Peggle Nights and Plants vs. Zombies."
Also Intel is the only Chipset company that managed to make working Multi-Core processors(Yeah AMD you years late now...gah), that actually work. And Intel Chips are good for any operation you want to do with your PC.
And your shop prices is your own problem. I doubt Valve phoned all of Poland stores and threat them to death to make the retail prices the same as of Steam.
You always have Ebay or Amazon? Shipping to expensive? Well you can always move...
See you have tons of alternatives to Steam. But for chipsets if you want something good, you stuck with Intel and AMD. And AMD ones aren't really that great anymore...
(FO3 requires GFWL, so buying FO3 from Steam and having to suffer Steam and GWFL at the same time, is an horrible experience.)
P.S Still on the chipset thing, in case you didnt read the article Intel actually FORCED you into buying their products in shops, while Valve may foce you to use Steam, a program which no longer means PC death, doesnt force you to buy games from Steam.