Even Strippers Think Hitman's Saints Are Silly


New member
Jun 10, 2009
OneBig Man said:
I am kind of upset that they took that mission from the game out now. Honestly, who cares if it makes sense. Where were the witches guild of America when Bayonnetta was using her DEMONIC hair as a weapon as well as her clothes? Did the Crips complained when you could start a gang war naked, using only a purple dildo as your weapon in Saints Row 3? I never heard the Army say how 360 no-scopes are not real military tactics, and would be unethical on the battle field. If you don't like how someone makes their game, don't buy it. Simple as that. I never played a Hitman game, but this russles my jimmies so hard for ever even being an issue.

They didn't take it out off the game, they just took the nun costumes off the strippers/assassins. And it is quite a fun mission.

I wonder how come the part were all the real nuns in the game get horrifically slaughtered wasn't made into such a big controversy??? I did not like that mission though because you lose points for killing the people who did it because they were not in your contract.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
This again? Okay. It's a video game. WHO CARES.

I've beat people down with blow up dolls, sprayed poo all over buildings and people with a septic truck, landed an attack chopper inside a highrise office building, drove a sports car through a mall, pimped out a police swat van, and blasted fools with my pimpcane/shotgun. And that was just one game.

Stripper assassins? Meh.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Blind Sight said:
Wait, wait, wait...are you telling me that the Hitman series (which previously included such gameplay as dousing a celebrity's panties with chloroform so that when her bodyguard would go to sniff them he'd be knocked out) is silly? Well stop the presses.

Seriously, Hitman's always had a bit of weird humour and exploitation in it, it's nothing new. If that's your thing, good for you. If that's not your thing, good for you too. But this asinine back-and-forth over it will go nowhere because it always devolves into personal attacks about maturity, sexism, etc. The most mature response for both parties to to accept the fact that entertainment is subjective and move on.
Oi, You there, yeah you, who said you could bring that kind of attitude here?! This is an internet controversy, we don't like your responsible, mature adult attitudes here! Geez, how are games ever going to be taken seriously as an art form if we let maturity into our ranks!

Ahem, back on topic now, I watched the trailer once, my longest thought was "I don't even want to know where she hid the RPG-7" then I went back to Minecraft, I think I'm in the wrong thread.