Ever Been caught?


New member
Jan 13, 2010
I've been caught by a girlfriend. Awkward.

I've stopped watching it afterward. It's addictive and really bad for your libido.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
WrcklessIntent said:
Ok so recently and I'm talkin like 40 min ago my dad decided to talk to me about the porn that he knows i've watched. Skipping a whole awkward conversation later he basically just told me to stop and to be honest i've tried but i mean I am a teen and it is kind've expected of me.
Question for thread is have you ever been caught and have they ever talked to you about it?
Yeah, but then I've also seen my brother's and father's porn around, to be frank I think I'm one of the more subtle ones.


Once mauled a bear
Oct 20, 2008
Never been caught, family members with half a brain probably know though.

P.S: Also, if you want to have any sort of security, don't, don't, DON'T just put stuff in a hidden folder, it's easy to find. Instead, use an encryption program - a great free one is truecrypt. (google)


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Protip people: If you've been downloading the stuff and want to get rid of it, use file shredder, it comes with Spy Bot Search & Destroy, which is a great anti-malware program in itself. The file shredder uses multiple scrambling passes to eliminate the data. You can set it to how many passes you want it to do. The more you do the harder it will be to recover it.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
IxionIndustries said:
Nope. Because I clear my history...

Of course, my mom did find some of my self-made stuff in my binder one time, but shockingly she was fine with it. She said I was a great artist.

I burnt it afterwards.
Ok, this has nothing to do with your post but....AHHHH fuck! Your avatar's Mr Noseybonk! I'd forgotten about that horrific freak from childhood TV. Now the Nightmare is back, all thanks to you :(

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Julianking93 said:
Samurai Goomba said:
In fact, certain sites have purged all lolicon from their archives in accordance with the new laws. I find that hilarious, considering it's a fictional drawing of something that only slightly resembles a human child (really, anime is freaking far from realistic depictions of human beings).
Yeah...I noticed

*sigh* At least I printed off those comics when I had the chance

Fucking bullshit American laws...
Of course, now if you're caught with those fictional depictions of stylized characters which only slightly resemble anything remotely like a human child, you can expect to receive sentencing as if you actually were a child molester...

I'm not into that specifically, but if I'm honest I have to admit there's probably a little kicking around on my computer. Considering most erotic anime features women with triple-E assets, lolicon could also be referred to as "realisticon" if one mentally adjusts the "age" (they have no age-they are drawings) of the characters.


New member
May 16, 2009
Samurai Goomba said:
Julianking93 said:
Samurai Goomba said:
In fact, certain sites have purged all lolicon from their archives in accordance with the new laws. I find that hilarious, considering it's a fictional drawing of something that only slightly resembles a human child (really, anime is freaking far from realistic depictions of human beings).
Yeah...I noticed

*sigh* At least I printed off those comics when I had the chance

Fucking bullshit American laws...
Of course, now if you're caught with those fictional depictions of stylized characters which only slightly resemble anything remotely like a human child, you can expect to receive sentencing as if you actually were a child molester...

I'm not into that specifically, but if I'm honest I have to admit there's probably a little kicking around on my computer. Considering most erotic anime features women with triple-E assets, lolicon could also be referred to as "realisticon" if one mentally adjusts the "age" (they have no age-they are drawings) of the characters.
That's actually one of the reasons (note I said one of the reasons :p) I like loli, because most anime women have tits the size of Jupiter and as someone who doesn't even like real life big breasts, I don't want that in anime.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
scumofsociety said:
IxionIndustries said:
Nope. Because I clear my history...

Of course, my mom did find some of my self-made stuff in my binder one time, but shockingly she was fine with it. She said I was a great artist.

I burnt it afterwards.
Ok, this has nothing to do with your post but....AHHHH fuck! Your avatar's Mr Noseybonk! I'd forgotten about that horrific freak from childhood TV. Now the Nightmare is back, all thanks to you :(
Hahaaa! I was waiting for someone to notice. Yes, the nightmare has returned, this time to haunt all the members of the Escapist.

..I was considering changing it to Mr. Bucket, but then you replied. Now I'm definitely keeping it.