Ever Fallen In Love With A Game You Thought You Couldn't Be Arsed With?


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Tekken 6. Bought it because I was in the mood for a fighter, and I remember liking Tekken 3.

Turns out it's a pretty good game, especially 8-man team battles against friends when we just hit select to randomize our characters. You don't know who you get until it's their turn to fight.

The campaign mode is good too.

Nom Pretentieux

New member
Aug 2, 2010
I guess fallout 3. When I bought it I was so disappointed and dropped it for about a year. One of my favorite series now.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Mortal Kombbat: Armageddon. I didn't expect too much, but my friends and I say "GET OVER HERE!" all the time without playing the game, and I bought it when I was going to hang out with my pals. What a night we had of "DUDE! I JUST TORE YOUR ARM OFF AND BEAT YOU WITH IT, THEN CRUSHED YOUR HEAD!" and so on. However, they didn't realize there was a block button, and I just spammed get over here then the throw move. However, they won a few times.
We created a custom character just to practice fatalities on, so we made him really gay (I have nothing against homosexuals, but that's the best word to describe the pink clad monstrosity we designed), but he turned out to have really good attacks.
Dude, you can tell how much I love it considering how I described everything I did.

And Bioshock. I had no idea what it was about, and judged the book by it's cover. I then heard how cool it was, and when I bought it for $20, well... I've played it through 10 times, and it never loses it's charm.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
ReservoirAngel said:
At the moment I'm having this relationship with The Saboteur. I bought it on an impulse cause I needed something to play, but now I really enjoy skulking rooftops like a drunken Irish ninja and murdering Nazis.
I agree; Loved that game after my Mum bought it for me for Christmas one time. Thought it would be shit, but LOVED it - despite the reviews.

Then yesterday I watched Inglorious Basterds >> Need to play this again ;D


New member
Nov 6, 2010
SextusMaximus said:
ReservoirAngel said:
At the moment I'm having this relationship with The Saboteur. I bought it on an impulse cause I needed something to play, but now I really enjoy skulking rooftops like a drunken Irish ninja and murdering Nazis.
I agree; Loved that game after my Mum bought it for me for Christmas one time. Thought it would be shit, but LOVED it - despite the reviews.

Then yesterday I watched Inglorious Basterds >> Need to play this again ;D
Glad you mentioned that film. When I first started my rooftop tour of Nazi stealth deaths, I had Aldo's voice in my head going "we're gonna be doin one thing, and one thing only. Killin Nazis!"


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Steambot Chronicles. I though back when it first came out that I wasn't going to like it. Three years later, I found it and Grandia 3 a game I thought similarly of. I fell in love with the both of them.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Transformers: War for Cybertron. The best game I've ever played, but most people ignore it. Curse you, Yahtzee! *fist shake*


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Saints Row 2 was another for me. I asked my mum to pick me up Fable 2 when she went up town, and she returned with Saints Row 2 instead. I resented her for it, but years on I still have that game and still throw it on every now and again to blow off some stress by blowing up some shit.


New member
Sep 11, 2007
-Zen- said:
When I first heard the premise behind Kingdom Hearts, I smelled suck. When the trailers came out, I saw suck. When I played the game long after it was released, I experienced awesome.

This same exact scenario happened to me. I even lost respect for people who liked it. But after enough people harassed me, I finally broke down and played it. And it was nothing short of joy in disc form.

Arikarin Aririkamei

New member
Aug 26, 2009
Fallout 3, to begin with I thought it was dull, played the GNR mission with the behemoth, and then instantly fell in love with it. It is now my favorite game of all time.


New member
May 26, 2010
Mass Effect. I don't play shooters and I resented the combat for a long time. Also it takes a few hours play to really get interesting. I loved the setting but the game gatheed dust and I wasn't all that far when I bought ME2 to spur me into finishing it so I could import.
It worked, I ploughed through all of ME1, went right into ME2 and had a glorious time.
Serious contender for favourite games series so far.

Also New Vegas - I couldn't get into Fallout 3, it just seemed so...brown and hostile even though there was a lot to like about it.
Heard New Vegas was brighter, more populated and a bit more RPG so I gave it a chance. I've picked up a couple of companions to help me with combat and I'm having a blast.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Heroes of Might and Magic V. I thought it would be shit, but I actually love it! It's almost as good as III was, which is no mean feat.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Red Dead Redemption and Dragon Age. Both were bought because I was bored (and slightly drunk/hungover) at the time.
Both are now much beloved, possibly my 2 best impulse buys ever!


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Star Ocean. First I wondered should I really care but then I borrowed it from a friend and it got this JRPG thing going right. Sure it's a bit rough around the edges but I don't mind.


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Assasin's creed. Put it into the PS3 thinking "can't hurt to see what it's all about" and now I can't wait for brotherhood to hurry up and be out already.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
This kinda crappy PS2 RPG called Arc: Rise of Spirits. My brother got it ages ago but I never was that interested until one day when I was really quite bored and had worked my way through all my other games. It started off a bit mmhhh, but then at one point the story took a surprisingly mature turn and I was hooked. Never finished it though, there was this one boss that kicked my arse 6 times before I got bored of the whole thing.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Red Dead Redemption - i thought it would just be like GTA4, boring and samey with horrible control over my rides, but the change to horses REALLY made things interesting for me, and being a cowboy really DID turn out to be fun :)

Guitar Hero 3 - all i had ever heard before i played it was "DONT PLAY IT! ITS JUST FAKE GUITAR MEANT TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A DOUCHE AND IDIOT!" now im all into Rock Band 2, looking to buy Rock Band 3, and am just in LOVE with the concept of rocking out to my favorite tunes without having to spend years learning the ACTUAL song on guitar XD

Star Wars KotOR, Star Wars Battlefront - "its a star wars game... it can't be good" damn was i proven wrong!

Fallout 3 - i only got to play 1 hour of it... but i WANT IT SO BAD NOW!


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Oh man, do I have a list for that.

Call of Duty 4
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Killing Floor
Kingdom Hearts

There are a lot more that I can't even remember at the moment.

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
SomeBoredGuy said:
Metro 2033 and Minecraft even more so sum this up perfectly.

Hell, to a certain extent STALKER did this as well. I only bought it since I was buying Oblivion at the same time and wanted something I wasn't that interested in to use up the rest of the gift card. Turns out I haven't touched Oblivion in months and I know love STALKER.
All three of those are the same for me.

The day I bought STALKER I thought "This is bullshit, I'm getting my money back!" A week or two later I couldn't stop playing it. The same goes for Killing Floor as well.

I also saw a few Minecraft screenshots at first, and thought, "Psshhh, how boring. Building underground houses. Whatever!" And then I tried it....