Ever Watched A TV Episode That Pissed You Off So Much You Quit Watching The Series?


New member
Jan 3, 2011
I love The Good Wife, I find the show to be well researched, and it has a very progresive view for the most part.
But it's writers just don't know jack shit about international politics, and each time they have to portray another country, it's government and people, they do an insultingly bad job. Their portrayal of Hugo Cavaez was shameful, and basicly copypasted the right wing's public carciature of him.
Also, I loved Castle at the beggining as a dark comedy and it's satirical parody of maudlin generic crime-shows. As it turns out, because that is what gets the ratings, Castle has become just anonther of the shows it used to mock, and makes the same mistakes. At least it used to have some over-the-top ludicrous comedy episodes, but lately it has gotten ridiculous, and just plain stupid. If you want me to take your show seriously (which is already a betrayal, as us, the viewers came for comedy) don't give me some of the stupidest plots in the planet (the whole Beckett's mom thing was loathed by me since season fucking one and it becomes exponentially dumber as you progress further in) and then, last week, I think it was, JUST WENT AND REENACTED TAKEN. SERIOUSLY. Oh, and Castle's dad is Rambo. Because, you know. And a reenacment of Taken on a 2 dollar budget with the shittiest greenscreen ever seen on TV, because they could not go to Paris. Goodbye Castle. Beckett was such a good caharacter, somehow (maybe one particular writer does her or the actress is just that good a fit that crappy dialogue sounds better on her), that I kept watching, but I don't care anymore.


New member
Jun 10, 2008
I stopped watching The Walking Dead after the episode 18 Miles Out. By that episode I was already fed up with every single character and the promise of watching several of them die was not enough to keep me watching that tripe. Nobody is likeable, either because they're evil, insane, or just plain stupid, and for zombie fiction its incredibly cliché. Five times an episode I'd literally yell at my TV "SHUT THE F*** UP LORI!" and by 18 Miles Out I was also yelling it at Andrea and Shane, and hoping that Daryl would go nuts and kill everyone and they could restart the series with just him hallucinating his racist brother, at least that would be more interesting than the poorly-written melodrama and constant blatant stupidity.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
I'm surprised that no one has said it yet, but:

The Simpsons - That 90s Episode
In this episode, Marge and Homer are attending college (even though it was established that they weren't able to go to college) in the early 90s as early 20-somethings (but they're 60s children), and Homer starts a grunge band that's a poor parody of Nirvana. Homer makes it big with his song 'Shave Me', and become depressed because... Marge is hanging out with some guy and Weird Al makes a parody of his song called 'Brain Freeze' (Ok, can't recall shit about the other guy, but in real life Weird Al asks the band's permission to do song parodies, and they consider it an honor to have Weird Al to do a parody of their song). Marge at some point goes to Homer, but finds him comatose on the floor and thinks he's dead, and flushes his drugs down the toilet. But uh-ho, that was Homer's insulin! He's really just a diabetic! Yeah, doughnut inhaling, beer guzzling Homer is a diabetic.
Bite my ass! This episode was not only unfunny, it grossly mocked Kurt Cobain's death! That was the last straw for me, and I stopped watching the Simpsons finally.

The Walking Dead - Season One finale
The show was slow, boring, introduced all kinds of crap that wasn't in the comics (numbers of new characters, most of which were there to die, Ludacris and the Nursing Home of FEEL BAD ALREADY!, laying down the derp on everyone), and with this episode we get the Wild Wacky CDC Jamboree! We've got an AI, a scientist that pretty much knows everything about the outbreak, SPAGHETTI!!, and Shane being all pissy because he wants Lori for who knows why. Uh-oh, but the scientist is gonna blow them up! What will we do? I know, this one lady was just carrying a grenade with her this whole time just because! That'll make us an exit! Whoopie! Oh, and they're trying to really to get you to realize that Dale loves Andrea. With SUBTLETY!!
Go suck an egg, I'm done here.

Not, sure if this counts, but...

Demo Reel - Pilot
Doug Walker and others waste over a half hour doing unfunny movie parodies and unfunny movie making behind the scenes shit. With costumes that look like they had less than two minutes to put together.
And now he's trying to justify that tank by cramming in the others into his Nostalgia Critic reviews by having super drawn out unfunny jokes that take up more time than the review does. (seriously, in his review of Pearl Harbor, there was more 'derp, Michael Bay is a cruddy director' 'joke' scenes than there was review)


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Varanfan9 said:
Hagi said:
Most Anime I (try) watching.

Usually around the second or third episode, when it becomes clear the series has absolutely no interest in telling an actual story or present actual characters but is simply ticking off stereotypes.
If I may be so bold to make a suggestion, I would recommend trying out Spice and Wolf. The show breaks a lot of sterotypes down, with no multi-episode fights and a female protagonists that is (gasp) not reliant on the male to save her every single plot line.
As for myself, I stopped watching Clone wars much after the Zillo beast episode. Not so much cause it sucked, but because I'm a giant monster movie fan and knew they would never do something that awesome again. I kinda wish they brought the Zillobeast back again.I still occasionally watch in episode if I'm in the Star Wars mood but don't have time for a full movie.
I've watched Spice and Wolf and enjoyed it a lot, great series. There's a few other series I greatly enjoyed as well.

The problem kinda seems to be that for every good series I find I first have to shift through half a dozen bad ones that I quit watching after the third episode.

Glynn Spencer

New member
Feb 20, 2013
For me, Star Trek: Enterprise. Even from he start, it was a bit off. The ship was far too modern looking (talking as a Trekkie), but stories were interesting. But the Temporal Cold War and the Sphere builders just killed it for me.
I never watched all of season 3 or any of season 4.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I couldn't think of any for a long while, but that's mainly because I had completely blocked it from my mind.


Even when the show became a soap opera rather than a medical drama, I still loved watching every episode.
Until Season 7.

The episode with the 16 year old sailor, who the team says needs an arm amputation due to cancer. The girl is told what will happen and absolutely refuse its, the parents won't go against their daughters wishes.
The teams reaction: They give the girl something to cause a slowing of the heart rate(and unconsciousness), then the lie to the parents saying that the problem with the arm caused it, and brow beat the parents until they agreed to amputation.
Girl wakes up, no idea what's going on. Arm's gone.

I couldn't watch any of the following episodes, still don't know how the show ends, don't want to know, don't even want to watch any of the pre-S7 episodes that I knew I had liked.
I just couldn't want anything to do with the show anymore.

Pissing me off even remembering it.

Alexander Kavanagh

New member
Aug 27, 2012
The final episode of Death Valley. The fact that it tried to make it more serious and story oriented than it was (according to me) suppose to be. Cops, but with zombies, wherewolfs and vampires + more humor.

David Woodford

New member
Jan 27, 2012
King Billi said:

I can't pinpoint a specific episode but the transiton from me thinking it was actually a quite interesting cool show to absolutely loathing the very core of it's being was so abrupt that I'm actually quite amazed by it.
I actually feel the same way. It was the beginning of season 3 for me, when I realized they weren't going to have in-show continuity. Basically, each season was a reboot. Also, the fact that they got rid of my favorite side characters EVERY DARN SEASON PREMERIE. That pissed me off to no end.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Criminal Minds

There was an episode where this couple would capture pretty blonde women, lock them up in the basement, and the guy would rape them to get them pregnant. The goal was to get blonde baby boys from the women. The wife was infertile and the couple was on some aryan male supremacy kick. If the kidnapped women failed producing the desired baby, they and the baby would be killed. If successful, the baby got to live a life upstairs never knowing who their real mother was, while mom was repeatedly raped again for another child.

In the end however, the last victim seemed to come out completely unphased and extremely worried about the well being of the baby she was repeatedly raped into having. In fact another woman who had been previously killed but was in for a short time in the beginning had a weird fascination with protecting the baby she was raped into having. There was no mental or emotional scarring at all from that experience. Yeah, they were taken care of well to ensure the babies produced were healthy, but what the hell?

The implications of all this came off really bad to me. It was like they were trying to say motherly's instincts just kick in when a woman becomes pregnant and the kidnapping, imprisonment, rape, murder, and giving and/or watching painful birth without the proper medical care part doesn't really matter. Promoting the idea that rape is a natural form of reproduction and women are natural baby factories. It expresses the idea women aren't harmed by extreme sex slavery as long as they are well taken care of and they get to have babies.


I can understand if one woman exhibited this, some women would be like this and have concern for a baby produced in such a scenario, but both women? I know if I were in that situation, I would not want anything to do with that baby, especially after all that horror, dehumanization and violation. I'm really surprised none of the women attempted to commit suicide.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
The session 7 finale of How I Met Your Mother.

I am not going to go to specifics to avoid spoilers, but they changed Ted from being a romantic well-meant character to being a douche that considered nothing in the pursuit for his own happiness. It also became quite clear the creators of the show had no idea about how to end it, so they keep dragging it out disposing characters and resetting arcs to maintain the status quo (which was clear before, but at that point it became evident).


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
I can't think of a single episode where I quit watching the series. I did stop watching bleach tho once I found out that I had watch 4 seasons and 2 of them weren't cannon. That shit made me rage quit a show.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
ClockworkUniverse said:
I was watching The Sopranos with my parents for awhile, but felt like it was going downhill. Then there was this one episode (I think the start of Season 5) with this random, hilariously stupid plot about how there was a bear in their back yard and I just quit.
This but I was on the fourth to last episode or something of the last ever series. I was literally so bored with it that I've never even bothered to watch the last 3 or 4 episodes.


New member
Aug 18, 2012
Darthbawls77 said:
schiz0phren1c said:
lot of battlestar galactica hatred,
but then I didn't watch any more than the first half of the first series(its on my list)
a lo of what I'm going to say is gonna come across as Misogynistic,
but(badly done)Female characters,whether strong or clingy,sane or nuts,ruin quite a few series for me,
Breaking Bad,I'd have drowned walt's wife in the pool,
Justified,the whole,wife/ex wife thing got fucking tiresome,and yay four Kickass episodes into series 4,
here comes the thieving lying ***** again.yippee.
same with The Walking Dead,a whole host of female characters fucked that up for me.
And before the flames start pouring in I LOVE strong female characters,christ there isn't a badly written female in the whole of Firefly,even the inicidentals.
So it CAN be done,it just so,so,so seldom is,and it spells doom for a series.
Forgot to mention Deadwood and that Laudanum addled fucking idiot,
as a perfect comparison mrs Mills in Hell on Wheels is brilliantly done.
discuss/rage/call me a pig,its all one to me.
Walt's wife sickens me to the very CORE, to my very soul even! I love the show so much that I just now pretend she doesn't exist. What a stupid, poorly written and acted part she plays in every single solitary episode shes in. I try not to hate on the actress cause I know its not fully her fault but I'm actually starting to hate her very face and voice.
May I ask what the problem with Skylar is? I keep seeing such vitriol for her pop up around here and I just don't get it, mainly because I find her to be a pretty sympathetic character myself


New member
Sep 14, 2009
-Season 2 of SeaQuest DSV, really enjoy the first series. The second series was terrible, can't remember which episode I quit on but never finish watching the season. There was a couple of problems with season two most of the cast changed and the story-lines were way too cheesy and over the top.

-Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - Think I got up to episode two or three, found the show extremely dull. Which is a shame because I really love xxxHolic.

-Family Guy - Couldn't even get through season eleven. I haven't really enjoy the show overall for a while but it just got way to sick.

-Futurama straight to dvd movies (between season 4 and 5) Think it might have been Beast of a Billion Backs or as I call it lets screw up everyone's relationships and they just weren't that funny. Might check out the fifth season eventually but it might be sometime.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Pifflestick said:
I stopped watching The Walking Dead after the episode 18 Miles Out. By that episode I was already fed up with every single character and the promise of watching several of them die was not enough to keep me watching that tripe. Nobody is likeable, either because they're evil, insane, or just plain stupid, and for zombie fiction its incredibly cliché. Five times an episode I'd literally yell at my TV "SHUT THE F*** UP LORI!" and by 18 Miles Out I was also yelling it at Andrea and Shane, and hoping that Daryl would go nuts and kill everyone and they could restart the series with just him hallucinating his racist brother, at least that would be more interesting than the poorly-written melodrama and constant blatant stupidity.
I am with you 100%.

The only character I liked by the end of season 2 was Daryl. So then season 3's here that focuses on every other character.

Nope, I'm done.

Wolf Hagen

New member
Jul 28, 2010
Scrubs Season 9, probably somewhere around episode 4 or 5.

The damn show had a good ending that left noone out but NOOOO.

They had to go further, sending Janitor on the Bus and reducing the role of Carla to the "Wife on the Phone", wich was col when Columbo did it, cause we never saw her, but dammit, she was in it for 8 full seasons.

Kelso still hanging around the Hospital like the 20 year old whos still hanging around his old school instead of going on with his life and Doc. Mahonis totally personalitiy change....

Yeah, the shark wasn't just jumped, they rocketed off to the moon.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Another one here for battlestar galactica the last season was just such complete shit but i held out all the way to the end wish i'd just quit as the ruined the whole brand for me to the point where now i'm unwilling to watch anything even battlestar galactica related.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Accel said:
May I ask what the problem with Skylar is? I keep seeing such vitriol for her pop up around here and I just don't get it, mainly because I find her to be a pretty sympathetic character myself
Sympathetic? Walt is sympathetic. Skyler is the physical manifestation of infuriating annoyance. Sometimes, I have to just stop watching for a while to cool off or be too angry to enjoy the show because of her. She's extremely self-centered and is a sanctimonious hypocrite, and she seems to be doing shit with the express purpose to be as annoying as humanly possible. How people can sympathise with her is a mystery to me.