Everybody loves donuts. I know I do!


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Ring donuts with some kind of icing on the top. I'm not really a fan of jam or whatever else they put in donuts.


New member
May 14, 2010
scorptatious said:
I've always been a fan of maple bars myself.

Another vote for maple bars. Seems like it's been forever since I've had one. Texas isn't big on them unfortunately.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
There are these mini-donuts at the Calgary Stampede. They're always fresh and quite delicious. Unfortunately, I recently developed celiac and can no longer eat donuts. I didn't have them very often anyway so it's not really near the top of foods I miss.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Kolby Jack said:
What's your favorite donut? Mine's the Boston creme donut. Custard is one of my favorite flavors on Earth, but adding chocolate and wrapping it in a dough cocoon of happiness? Perfection.

Yes, I know it's a pie. But damn it, I had the donut first, and the donut is what I LOVE!

OP Ninjas. Holy hell o.o

OT: Boston Cream or the Vanilla Dipped ones. Probably vanilla dipped, cause they are just so tasty! Better with sprinkles~


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
I prefer muffins. When I got to Dunkin' Donuts and get coffee for my coworkers (as the dedicated "game console guy," and with how few customers with broken game consoles that we get, I don't have as great a workload as the others, so I'm usually the one who gets the coffee), I always nab myself a muffin. I love the strawberry cheesecake muffins that they've been stocking for the last few months. So good.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
I really love glazed or the ones covered in powdered sugar. If only they weren't fattening :(


New member
Jun 17, 2010
For those of us in New York or Tokyo, Doughnut Plant is not to be missed.
They make some very interesting exotic flavors but my personal favorite is their coconut cream. The first time I had one I thought "This is what it must be like to go down on Miss Hawaiian Tropic!"
...vulgar I know but there's no non-sexual description that does them justice.

If you have to make due with Dunkin Donuts then their autumn-seasonal pumpkin donuts are the way to go, with blueberry cake the best available year-round.

Krispy Kreme's standard glazed are good but I like more adventurous flavors and all of their other varieties that I've had were just variations of more sugar with different colors mixed in.

And if anyone has a time machine; Old Fashioned Donuts on East 86th Street & Lexington in Manhattan made the best Boston cream donuts on Earth until their landlord decided to make a full-block apartment building a few years ago, aim for the year 2000 to be safe though. I'm only partly kidding here; if you somehow gain the ability to travel in time be sure make them a side trip on your way to the signing of the Magna Carta or whatever.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I always feel gross after eating a doughnut. Just feels so...heavy and fattening, even when they're not.

I don't know. I used to love doughnuts as a kid but I grew out of it. Lost the taste for them, if you will.

But, when I did love doughnuts I always preferred the jelly filled, the crullers, the bear claws, and ones like in the OP. I'd salivate at the thought of one.

Now, though, I cringe.

Muffins are my new thing.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I'm actually not that keen on doughnuts because they always taste like shortening (from the frying) and it's really gross. We only have Krispy Kreme in the 7-Elevens here and yeah, not touching those as I have no idea where they're shipped from (but if I had to harbour a guess I'd say either Brisbane or Sydney, which is a fair way away).


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
-Any doughnut covered in Sprinkles and/or Jimmies*
-Any kind of chocolate doughnut*
-Any kind of glazed doughnut*
-Doughnut balls in general*

*As long as it's not creamed and/or jelly-filled... as well as me knowing if it's creamed and/or jelly-filled beforehand... (The last thing you want to see is me take a bit out of a doughnut, not know it's creamed and/or jelly-filled beforehand, and then proceeding to try to spit the chunk out of my mouth while simultaneously trying not to seem like a total dick by doing something like that...[footnote]Don't get me wrong... I can somewhat handle jelly-filled donuts if I'm aware that they are jelly-filled beforehand... But, cream-filled, knowing beforehand or not, just doesn't work for me...[/footnote])

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
My favorite would be the classic strawberry frosted ones. I also love glazed ones, chocolate bars, maple bars, even crullers can be good. Honestly I like any type you throw at me.

I've actually never been a fan of Crispy Creme, which always draws cold stares from people. I prefer normal corner doughnut shops personally.

Though I am slightly dreading my next doughnut day, last time I got burned badly by some coffee on the drive back. :(


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
I barely have them, but when I do ... it is Krispy Kream.
Do you want to know why?

There are NO good donut places over here in Western Australia.
We don't even have Krispy Kream here, not one single joint!
I mean what the hell, the Eastern states get them, yet once again WA gets screwed over.

Basically, I get them when someone comes back from over East.
This one is my favourite.

I know they are unhealthy as crap, but I only have them rarely ... so it is a treat. :D


Nov 9, 2010
I'm a simple man: Nothing to me beats a warm cinnamon doughnut with a cup of coffee.

...Okay, Churros win out, but I'm not driving 3 hours to a crowded city market just for them. So good.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I kind of enjoy the taste of donuts, but handling Krispy Kreme donuts just feels really icky to me. They're not something I really like, but I can enjoy one on occasion. I just don't want to touch it with my bare hands.

Am I some kind of donut heretic?

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
there is this doughnut shop near where i used to live, and the demand for their doughnuts was so high that they were forced to keep their shop open 24/7 just to meet the demand. granted... they are right next door to a hospital and a police station. they make some really good doughnuts, actually this thread has made me want to go there soon, perhaps when i have the cash to get a dozen or so.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
I... do not like doughnuts. I really want to like them, and every now and then I'll convince myself that I must like them really and I'm just misremembering, what with them looking/smelling so delicious, but I always, always regret it.

I'm really not sure what it is - I absolutely love cakes, pastries and other delicious sugary things, but doughnuts just don't do it for me.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Fenrox Jackson said:
Wereduck said:
For those of us in New York or Tokyo, Doughnut Plant is not to be missed.
They make some very interesting exotic flavors but my personal favorite is their coconut cream. The first time I had one I thought "This is what it must be like to go down on Miss Hawaiian Tropic!"
...vulgar I know but there's no non-sexual description that does them justice.

If you have to make due with Dunkin Donuts then their autumn-seasonal pumpkin donuts are the way to go, with blueberry cake the best available year-round.

Krispy Kreme's standard glazed are good but I like more adventurous flavors and all of their other varieties that I've had were just variations of more sugar with different colors mixed in.

And if anyone has a time machine; Old Fashioned Donuts on East 86th Street & Lexington in Manhattan made the best Boston cream donuts on Earth until their landlord decided to make a full-block apartment building a few years ago, aim for the year 2000 to be safe though. I'm only partly kidding here; if you somehow gain the ability to travel in time be sure make them a side trip on your way to the signing of the Magna Carta or whatever.
The Peanut Butter Jelly doughnut (Yeast I think) is pretty good. Not great, they go too far at Doughnut plant, too sweet, hits you too hard.

Old Fashioned Doughnuts were pretty good, I remember being happy that there wasn't anything wrong with my doughnut. But we had just been to the Little Pie Shop where I reveled in pointing out how terrible everything there was. Old Fashioned Donuts could have been better though, they were like rocks sometimes.
Always nice to see another scholar of upscale New York baking!
I think you may just prefer less sweetness than I; I've only rarely found Doughnut Plant too sweet, and then only their limited-time flavors (the ones they haven't been refining for 20 years). I've definitely had the same overall too-sweet experience with the standard menu at Little Pie but they've also got a few truly impressive pies mixed in with the syrupy ones. Both pale in comparison to the sugar-paste-on-a-roll experiences I've had with anything other than glazed at Krispy Kreme (to be fair, some say that's just an issue with the younger NY franchises).

Can't imagine what happened to you at Old Fashioned though, I stopped there 2-3 times a week for years and never had a hard doughnut. Maybe they'd heard nasty things about you from their friends at Little Pie? Anyway, can we agree that the tiny bakery shop on 2nd Avenue & 88th was fantastic right up until they also closed? They were only 5 blocks away from Old Fashioned & during the same years so the time travelers can go there if they don't like their doughnuts.