Evil charachters you can't help but like


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
DrNobody18 said:
Hazama from BlazBlue, or as I and my friends think of him as, the ultimate troll.

Seriously, he is evil as all hell, but his base idea of evil is literally trolling the hell out of people.
The funny thing is, he has to troll. If people didn't hate him he would cease to exist. But he does admit to enjoying it. Best troll I've ever seen.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
blaize2010 said:
Durzo Blint from the Night Angel trilogy. I know he's more antihero than villian, but the man was badass
I love you for reading those books.

While I agree with him, I also can't help but love the Joker. His insanity, especially Heath Ledger's version, makes him the most delicious villain.


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Oct 8, 2009
liamlemon7 said:
The bosses from MGS 3
The Pain
The Fear
The End
The Fury
The Sorrow
And The Boss
I was about to say every boss from every Metal Gear game. From Vulcan Raven, to Fatman, to Vamp. They're all interesting and very well characterized.

Liquid is just awesome, and Ocelot has always been a badass.


Sep 22, 2009
Allow me to direct you to my avatar...

<----- *heart eyes*

For my money, I almost always find villains way more fun and interesting than the protagonists. Unless they're sucky villains, in which case I usually don't like the rest of the game/film/book/whatever anyway. A good villain makes for a good story. And anything that manages to make the protagonists as interesting and appealing as the antagonists is probably something I consider a favourite. I would literally be here forever if I listed all the villains I'm secretly rooting for.
Nov 18, 2010
I'm only going to list only my top three non-video-game villains, because I don't have much in that catagory, but too much from video-games; anyways, I would have to say Captain Long John Silver from Treasure Island, Scarecrow from the Batman universe, and Kabuto from Naruto.
1. Silver just had a personality I couldn't help but like, despite (or maybe because of) the fact that he is a pirate. He was by no means a saint, but he was also quite humble, honorable, chivalrous, and fun-loving for a "bad guy". The way I saw him, he didn't want to be tied down to the law, but primarily took to piracy as a way to be free and cure his itch for adventure.
2. Scarecrow is, in my opinion, incredibly badass. Using fear as a weapon and as a mean to an end has always been an effective strategy, but he takes it to a whole new level by literally using it as a weapon to break his opposition's will. The fact that he's smart and resourceful enough to use such tactics coupled with the fact that his suit is hauntingly awesome just causes me to admire such an unscrupulous fellow.
3. Kabuto is truly one magnificent bastard. From almost the moment he appeared in the story (posing as a weak ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village) I felt that there was something about him I couldn't quite place and that I should keep my eye on him. Lo and behold, not only did he did turn out to be a spy for one of the village's most powerful enemy, he was that person's right-hand-man for being unnaturally intelligent (especially when it comes to anatomy, using it to exploit the weaknesses of the body) and just about stronger than anyone else in the village by using abilities centered around necromancy. My instincts to keep my eye on him also paid off well, as he is currently the longest living villain in the series (including his old master) and has been building up his strength quite a bit, only to resurface recently in which he shows he's got the balls to blackmail the true villain of the series into helping him. Despite all this though, he still maintains his composure, basically never letting himself act pompously or gloat like other villains would do, which is a fair bit why I don't seem to hate him despite how truly evil he is.


New member
Apr 6, 2010

I couldn't choose between the horrific invincible psychological construct designed to punish the sins of all who enocunter him while looking cool doing so, the malevolent A.I. who does whatever is nessecary for science, but has an absolutely lovely singing voice, The tentacle clad dark lord of insanity, pain, destruction and death himself, the man whose personality is the defiinition of "pure Evil" ripped straight from the dictionary, complete with awesome hat, or the lumbering cyberetically enhanced hellspawn who can still send a shiver of fear down the spines of most gamers to this day when his signature roar of hatred and rage is heard, usually accompained by an explosion, a scream, and a solid red "GAME OVER." screen.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Skullkid4187 said:
Well already mentioned but Reaver...he's like a Dorian Gray mixed with Oscar Wilde!!!!! excuse the obvious who created who....and second is Caesar from New Vegas...out of all the options I had to go with Caesar. He was the only one who had a stable future for New Vegas free from Raiders, Mega Taxes and poverty.
What about all the slavery and misogyny and so forth?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Albert Wesker
Revolver Ocelot
Hawke from Advance Wars
Scolar Visari from Killzone

can we make a new forum to discuss which New Vegas society is the good society?

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
From Games:

HK-47 from Kotor. Who doesn't love his constant references to organic life as meatbags?


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Dec 11, 2008
bz316 said:
Skullkid4187 said:
Well already mentioned but Reaver...he's like a Dorian Gray mixed with Oscar Wilde!!!!! excuse the obvious who created who....and second is Caesar from New Vegas...out of all the options I had to go with Caesar. He was the only one who had a stable future for New Vegas free from Raiders, Mega Taxes and poverty.
What about all the slavery and misogyny and so forth?
Women are put into the Priestesses if you are familiar with that Ancient Rome ritual where the women bring the Fire from Troy, that is the female role in the Legion's Society. As for slavery....the most looked upon societies in history had slaves from the Greeks, Italians in the Renaissance, Romans, America till 1856. It is necessary for them, they'll grow out of it.

Cj Vanek

New member
Nov 12, 2010
blaize2010 said:
Durzo Blint from the Night Angel trilogy. I know he's more antihero than villian, but the man was badass
Have you read Brent Weeks's new book, The Black Prism?
Gavin and Dazen Guile are awesome characters, one thinks he's evil but is good and the other thinks he's good but is pretty evil. This was caused by one twin assuming the other's identity, leaving the other to take his place.

Its a really good book.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
The Elder God from the Legacy Of Kain series. What i liked most about him was his voice, it made me hang on every word he said. Plus he was some kind of giant octopus creature that was able to mess with time and the fabric of reality.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I haven't heard one person mention The Joker yet. Holy hell who couldn't love the maniacal madman? The Clown Prince of Crime?

Love that guy.


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Aug 3, 2010
Benny, from New Vegas. I for some reason went to great lengths to try to run Vegas with him.


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Oct 25, 2009
I loved Moriarty. I thought he was an excellent character and enjoyed his dialogues.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Skullkid4187 said:
bz316 said:
Skullkid4187 said:
Well already mentioned but Reaver...he's like a Dorian Gray mixed with Oscar Wilde!!!!! excuse the obvious who created who....and second is Caesar from New Vegas...out of all the options I had to go with Caesar. He was the only one who had a stable future for New Vegas free from Raiders, Mega Taxes and poverty.
What about all the slavery and misogyny and so forth?
Women are put into the Priestesses if you are familiar with that Ancient Rome ritual where the women bring the Fire from Troy, that is the female role in the Legion's Society. As for slavery....the most looked upon societies in history had slaves from the Greeks, Italians in the Renaissance, Romans, America till 1856. It is necessary for them, they'll grow out of it.
1) Not all the women get to be priestesses. Most just get turned into slaves and distributed amongst Caesar's soldiers. Only a few held that position. They mentioned that multiple times in Fallout; New Vegas, 2)So, just to be clear, you're cool with slavery as an alternative to taxes and poverty as long as it potentially goes away at some point centuries down the society's run?, and 3)Rome, during it's time as a world power, also had taxes, raiders, and poverty. It was actually, in some cases, plagued by these problems depending on which crazy product of incest was placed on the throne. Even at its zenith, it still had to deal with pirates, rebellious and hostile tribes, wars of conquest that needed to be financed, an enormous gap between rich and poor, political backstabbing, impericide, etc.

Also, the appropriate year of the 13th amendment was 1865, not 1856. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this was a typo.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
bz316 said:
Skullkid4187 said:
bz316 said:
Skullkid4187 said:
Well already mentioned but Reaver...he's like a Dorian Gray mixed with Oscar Wilde!!!!! excuse the obvious who created who....and second is Caesar from New Vegas...out of all the options I had to go with Caesar. He was the only one who had a stable future for New Vegas free from Raiders, Mega Taxes and poverty.
What about all the slavery and misogyny and so forth?
Women are put into the Priestesses if you are familiar with that Ancient Rome ritual where the women bring the Fire from Troy, that is the female role in the Legion's Society. As for slavery....the most looked upon societies in history had slaves from the Greeks, Italians in the Renaissance, Romans, America till 1856. It is necessary for them, they'll grow out of it.
1) Not all the women get to be priestesses. Most just get turned into slaves and distributed amongst Caesar's soldiers. Only a few held that position. They mentioned that multiple times, 2)So, just to be clear, you're cool with slavery as an alternative to taxes and poverty as long as it potentially goes away at some point centuries down the society's run?, and 3)Rome, during it's time as a world power, also had taxes, raiders, and poverty. It was actually, in some cases, plagued by these problems depending on which crazy product of incest was placed on the throne.
you seem to forget this is a video game. i'm cool with the slavery IN GAME. also men became slaves who werent the fighters if you played through. HAve you talked to people about the ncr the taxes sent people into a stalin like poverty.