Evolve Community Mgr Fired After Tweet on Donald Sterling - Update


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Mar 10, 2010
Aardvaarkman said:
Spearmaster said:
the hidden eagle said:
People need to understand the fact that they aren't allowed to say whatever they want without some sort of reaction be it positive or negative.
Yes and that reaction should be reserved for people that are actually affected. People that have nothing to do with the issue other than forcing conformity to their views should just live and let live.
Spearmaster, how were you directly affected by this issue?

If it doesn't directly affect you, why are you speaking about it? I guess we should stop talking about pretty much anything outside of our immediate vicinity, because pretty much every issue only affects us indirectly.
I'm not directly affected in any way, that's why I'm not threatening boycotts but trying to have a dialog about censorship. Talking is fine but making threats that would harm an employer to try an elicit a response because I didn't like someone's harmless statement is far different.

People wanted Olin punished, not because he did anything to them but because he dared express different thoughts than them. How is that reaction justified?


New member
Nov 7, 2008
There is another group of people who seem to be arguing that if the baker saw the employee's yard first, the owner should feel obligated to preemptively fire the person to avoid any controversy from the community rather than defend their employees as good worker should the need arise.

The fact that we have reached the point in our society where having a different opinion and wanting to talk about difficult subject matter is grounds for being terminated is disconcerting to say the least. The fear that the backlash will be so great that no amount discourse is enough to quell people's anger. That action MUST be taken. One life must be ruined so the other can be spared the horror of experiencing something THEY DON'T LIKE.


the hidden eagle - First of all that isn't what happened,Mr.Olin was fired for saying something that could damage his company's reputation.Nobody forced them to do it.

Second you act like this is the first time somebody got fired for saying something that is controversial and therefore moral outrage is appropiate when it happens all the time.[/quote]


Actually, this is exactly what happened to Mr Olin. He made a comment about a controversial issue and even before a public outcry against his thought materialized, he was fired and the company apologized. For what? To who? I don't even think they know. Turtle Rock just knew that what he said was not "I think Don Sterling is a racist that deserves what he gets" and fired him.

Rather than talking to him as a person, understanding the meaning of his words, and defending him IF NECESSARY against public backlash, the company chose to terminate him and apologize to no one and anyone who might feel uncomfortable about this man's words. These are actions of a company acting out of fear of being boycotted by people like hidden eagle who can not stomach a different view to their established narrative.

Mr Olin was not defending Don Sterling and everyone here knows it. I think even Turtle Rock knew it before they canned him. But why take a chance that the public will THINK for a change rather than start a frenzy when blood is in the water.

I this case, I actually think Turtle Rock is the bad guy to caving to people like hidden eagle who blanket any person who falls out of line with the mob as an "apologist" whether or not the label fits.

The fact that this is not the first time someone got fired for having a thought makes this whole mess even worse.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Spearmaster said:
People wanted Olin punished, not because he did anything to them but because he dared express different thoughts than them. How is that reaction justified?
Do you know the worst part about this whole issue?

Few if any wanted Olin punished [https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/461613922370351104]. Sure there were many who disagreed but that's what happens in a democratic society, people disagree.

His statement, nor any of the responses linked back in any negative way to Turtle Rock nor did anyone call for him to be fired. Yet for whatever reason Turtle Rock decided having an opinion some people disagree with is grounds for dismissal.

The "controversy" that somehow endangered the PR of Turtle Rock never occurred. Olin was literally fired for no reason.


edit: On the plus side he's now getting more recognition with a CNN interview that appeared to be fairly balanced on the issue.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
wulf3n said:
Spearmaster said:
People wanted Olin punished, not because he did anything to them but because he dared express different thoughts than them. How is that reaction justified?
Do you know the worst part about this whole issue?

Few if any wanted Olin punished [https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/461613922370351104]. Sure there were many who disagreed but that's what happens in a democratic society, people disagree.

His statement, nor any of the responses linked back in any negative way to Turtle Rock nor did anyone called for him to be fired. Yet for whatever reason Turtle Rock decided having an opinion some people disagree with is grounds for dismissal.

The "controversy" that somehow endangered the PR of Turtle Rock never occurred. Olin was literally fired for no reason.


edit: On the plus side he's now getting more recognition with a CNN interview that appeared to be fairly balanced on the issue.
I don't know these days weather people simply don't think things through or actually want something bad to happen to people who have an opinion they don't like. It just seems negligent to me for people to start an uproar over an opinion they simply didn't like. I guess its easy on the internet to tear someone down when there is literally no downside for the person doing the tearing.

To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Spearmaster said:
To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.

Except that the thing with Donald Sterling is a lot more than internet rabble. This is something that's been on the Colbert Report, the Daily Show and numerous other general public television shows. Even bigger, sports fans, the athletes themselves.

So a representative of the company using their promotional account to state a widely unpopular opinion poses a very great risk to the image of Turtle Rock.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Church185 said:
Cool, it looks like I have one less game to buy!

It's his right to be an old bigot, but it's my right to not support anyone who roots for him.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of speech without consequence. The NBA isn't the government, they can do as they please.
But did he not lose his position with Turtle Rock BECAUSE of the statement? And did Turtle Rock not just publicly state that they do not agree with his sentiment, which is why they terminated the community manager?

Which means that, if you were originally planning to purchase the game out of interest, you can still do so without supporting negative sentiments?

You would, however, still be supporting a game that glamorizes the hunting of aliens.

Aliens have feelings, too.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
the hidden eagle said:
Spearmaster said:
wulf3n said:
Spearmaster said:
People wanted Olin punished, not because he did anything to them but because he dared express different thoughts than them. How is that reaction justified?
Do you know the worst part about this whole issue?

Few if any wanted Olin punished [https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/461613922370351104]. Sure there were many who disagreed but that's what happens in a democratic society, people disagree.

His statement, nor any of the responses linked back in any negative way to Turtle Rock nor did anyone called for him to be fired. Yet for whatever reason Turtle Rock decided having an opinion some people disagree with is grounds for dismissal.

The "controversy" that somehow endangered the PR of Turtle Rock never occurred. Olin was literally fired for no reason.


edit: On the plus side he's now getting more recognition with a CNN interview that appeared to be fairly balanced on the issue.
I don't know these days weather people simply don't think things through or actually want something bad to happen to people who have an opinion they don't like. It just seems negligent to me for people to start an uproar over an opinion they simply didn't like. I guess its easy on the internet to tear someone down when there is literally no downside for the person doing the tearing.

To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.
You don't read the news much do you?This is more than "internet rabble".
Are you talking about Sterling or Olin?


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Dragonbums said:
Spearmaster said:
To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.

Except that the thing with Donald Sterling is a lot more than internet rabble. This is something that's been on the Colbert Report, the Daily Show and numerous other general public television shows. Even bigger, sports fans, the athletes themselves.

So a representative of the company using their promotional account to state a widely unpopular opinion poses a very great risk to the image of Turtle Rock.
Turtle Rock Fired Olin for a tweet. How do Sterling's comments transfer to Olin when he was only defending his right to say them, not agreeing with him?


New member
May 18, 2011
the hidden eagle said:
Both,apparently Mr.Olin has gotten so famous from his tweet that he landed a interview with CNN(god knows why though).
I think it's him getting fired over it that got him that famous. The media loves that kind of stuff, it makes for catchy headlines.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
the hidden eagle said:
Spearmaster said:
the hidden eagle said:
Spearmaster said:
wulf3n said:
Spearmaster said:
People wanted Olin punished, not because he did anything to them but because he dared express different thoughts than them. How is that reaction justified?
Do you know the worst part about this whole issue?

Few if any wanted Olin punished [https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/461613922370351104]. Sure there were many who disagreed but that's what happens in a democratic society, people disagree.

His statement, nor any of the responses linked back in any negative way to Turtle Rock nor did anyone called for him to be fired. Yet for whatever reason Turtle Rock decided having an opinion some people disagree with is grounds for dismissal.

The "controversy" that somehow endangered the PR of Turtle Rock never occurred. Olin was literally fired for no reason.


edit: On the plus side he's now getting more recognition with a CNN interview that appeared to be fairly balanced on the issue.
I don't know these days weather people simply don't think things through or actually want something bad to happen to people who have an opinion they don't like. It just seems negligent to me for people to start an uproar over an opinion they simply didn't like. I guess its easy on the internet to tear someone down when there is literally no downside for the person doing the tearing.

To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.
You don't read the news much do you?This is more than "internet rabble".
Are you talking about Sterling or Olin?
Both,apparently Mr.Olin has gotten so famous from his tweet that he landed a interview with CNN(god knows why though).
Probably because he was fired for personal views that had nothing to do with Turtle Rock. I still fail to see any link between Olin and Sterling's behavior. Olin used Sterling's situation as an example to speak out on sensationalistic media invading people's private lives and the harm it can cause, so Turtle Rock basically proved his point for him with his unethical firing.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
the hidden eagle said:
So the guy who speaks out against sensationalist media is now having his firing be sensationalized....I don't know if irony is the correct word here.
He's not "having" anything sensationalized, the media and Turtle Rock did that for him. I'm sure he was invited to tell his side of the story and why wouldn't he? If he didn't the media would probably be painting him as a racist Sterling supporter.
Honestly if this guy is soo important to get a interviewout of the hundreds and thousands who got fired for speaking out of turn then I don't see the point here of debating whether it was right to fire him or not.
I'm sure Turtle Rock is debating weather the fallout from his firing is going to be worse that the non-existent fallout people claimed they were avoiding by firing him. That's irony.
He's getting famous because of a single tweet.
The irony here is that he is getting famous over being fired because of a single tweet.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Spearmaster said:
Dragonbums said:
Spearmaster said:
To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.

Except that the thing with Donald Sterling is a lot more than internet rabble. This is something that's been on the Colbert Report, the Daily Show and numerous other general public television shows. Even bigger, sports fans, the athletes themselves.

So a representative of the company using their promotional account to state a widely unpopular opinion poses a very great risk to the image of Turtle Rock.
Turtle Rock Fired Olin for a tweet. How do Sterling's comments transfer to Olin when he was only defending his right to say them, not agreeing with him?
A tweet that had relevance to the Donald Sterling controversy. Therefore he made a comment relating to something that had a possibility of really doing harm to Turtle Rocks' image.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Dragonbums said:
Spearmaster said:
Dragonbums said:
Spearmaster said:
To be truthful I am being a little unfair by not placing at least half the blame on Turtle Rock, they did play the role of executioner, following the senseless rabble on the internet rather than following reason.

Except that the thing with Donald Sterling is a lot more than internet rabble. This is something that's been on the Colbert Report, the Daily Show and numerous other general public television shows. Even bigger, sports fans, the athletes themselves.

So a representative of the company using their promotional account to state a widely unpopular opinion poses a very great risk to the image of Turtle Rock.
Turtle Rock Fired Olin for a tweet. How do Sterling's comments transfer to Olin when he was only defending his right to say them, not agreeing with him?
A tweet that had relevance to the Donald Sterling controversy. Therefore he made a comment relating to something that had a possibility of really doing harm to Turtle Rocks' image.
It didn't have any relevance to Turtle Rock though. It also didn't reference Sterling's behavior only his right to hold his own views in his own home...do you find that idea harmful? The only way its harmful is when people threaten harm to Turtle Rock so they in turn punish Olin for not believing the same as them.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
the hidden eagle said:
I'm sure Turtle Rock would do just fine,and like I said many times before people have been fired for what they say over the internet.Why aren't they being interviewed?Because it's not as head line worthy as the community manager who made a foolish and somewhat ignorant tweet when he did'nt have all the facts of the person he was speaking for.
Well that all depends on the content and context of what they said doesn't it? Also what is "foolish and somewhat ignorant" about someone believing that someone has the right to their own opinion in the privacy of their own home? What fact was he missing? Where did he defend what Sterling said? He only defended the fact he could say it and have privacy in his own home to say it privately.
But of course people have constantly ignored that and label me as some sort of dictactor who thinks slavery,sexism,and racism are okay and hates different opinions.I don't even know why I bother sometimes....
Well people have a way of over reacting to simple things people say on the internet don't they? I'm sure Olin agrees with you.
except unlike some here I take ownership of what I say and won't back down no matter what.
You mean kind of like how Olin did.