Heh. I have the Lets Play Archive to thank for bringing some closure.
Dirge of Cerberus (which I rag on like an OCD asshole) was probably one of those games that I wished I had never even looked at; let alone played.
It was the first serious wakeup call I heeded that Squaresoft was indeed gone forever; and what a rude awakening. The game fails on every conceivable level rising to bland mediocrity at its crux.
It's boring, the controls suck, the gameplay is slightly more deep than a God of War title, the graphics wibble wobble between utterly bland and that distinctive "We blew our entire budget on this, so you'd better fucking watch it"-excellent CGI that Squeenix is known for.
And of course, the story plays like something that came straight out of Fanfiction Hell (I am not exaggerating for comedic effect here either; the story really is that bad).
In short, it was an obvious cheap corporate cash-in meant to milk the numerous gullible fans of FF7; I only RENTED the fucking game and I still feel like it raped part of my childhood.
And so, I was abused, and left disappointed, angry, nay FURIOUS, until the Lets Play for Dirge of Cerberus came along...and it's pretty damn angry.
I love it. Every simpering stupid moment, every terrible gameplay gimmick, broken mechanic and fucking ludicrous character exposed. There is little to nothing redeeming about the game; Squeenix buttfucked FF7 and this LP is a bit of payback.
If you want to laugh your ass off at a truly terrible game, and see what a Lets Play can become, do check out the Dirge of Cerberus LP on the Something Awful LP Archive (Yahtzee already pimped the link to the archive; it's just a simple Ctrl+F search away after that).