Regenerating health done well: tf2's medic (affected by equiped weapons)
Good thread. <3
I'm particularly fond of L4D's system [incapacitation, 3 strikes, temporary health, 1-use medkits, etc.], but that its situational setting may not lend itself well to other areas. temporary health, as a polar opposite of regenerating health, is something that i would like to see more more of, albeit done and implimented sensibly.
Borderlands is another game who's health [and shield] system i approve of:
Instant-heal Healthkits, heal-over-time healthkits, Health by station, Health by murder(all kinds), regenerating health, health by friendly fire, AND incapacitation. Most of these are abilities or special items, but each of these have their own situations in which they are the most useful.
AVP (not fiasco avp3) did this too, where marines had fixed health with healthkits, aliens had health-by-murder, and predators had health-by-conversion-from-energy.
insta-heal kits are dropped by enemies or used when bought from stations.
heal-over-tim kits are manually used from inventory and wern't as useful as they lacked a hotkey.
Health by station were the medical vending machines where you could buy both instaheal and heal-over-time kits.
various class mods allowed for continuous personal and/or team health regeneration.
Various class skills allowed for health regeneration on murder [i.e. mordecai's bird]
And when your health reached zero, then you didn't die/respawn, but stayed in the hot zone as an incapacitated target with the chance to get out of this state by killing an enemy, or by being revived.
By far the most comprehensive health system i've seen, and i like it. Of course, you could never "die", you were always just respawned at the last proximity-activated checkpoint.
It barely had a corridor in sight, free-roam levelling fps, and some incentive to explore, not for health, but for guns 'n mods.
In a way it returns to the earlier games of exploring an area, and then having to find the key for the appropriate door, except instead of looking for armour/health, you search for weapon boxes/ammo/money.
The only thing that Borderlands actually doesn't have is overhealing, and overshield/armour, something which i fondly remember with a hint of nostalgia from the quake2->ut2k4 era. Except when you encountered a guy with health/armour well into in the tripple digit range.