F*** you game!


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I was playing Mass Effect 1 and spent half an hour exploring this snow-covered planet that was pissing me off cos it was a constant blizzard and the screen was hazy and I couldn't see shit.

Anyway, after exploring every nook and cranny, I got to the mission place (to finish the planet and never return), killed a bunch of dudes and there was this glowing orb of light under a tree or something and, like an insect, walked over to try and touch it...I walked off of this rock and into a shallow pit (about 1m deep). Anyway, I was stuck! Couldn't move, couldnt get out of the pit I tried shooting and throwing a grenade but it was hopeless. I saved it and reloaded but I was still in the goddam pit.

Ended up having to reload an auto-save...at the beginning of the planet!!! I had to do the whole thing again! So yeah... FUCK YOU XAWIN!

I stopped playing the game for a while then got back into it...can't wait for ME3! :p
Sep 3, 2011
those fucking collers in the dead money add on I mean all the time beep beep BEEP better fucking run

I got to the end but before I did "I said fuck you game" many a time


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Whatever mission it is in Saints Row 2 that requires you to get on a jet ski to go out to a yacht, and as soon as you ride for 2 seconds an attack copter blows you up with a guided missile, sending you straight back to your hideout to drive all the way back out to the place and get blown up within 2 seconds again. I will probably never touch that game again because of that.

And also Operation: Darkness. I wanted a decent WW2 turn-based tactical game. Who let all these werewolves and vampires and crap in? *shakes fist*


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Maximum_Power_Cheese_Supreme said:
Portal 2 crashed a several points in the game, but I restarted and jumped back in anyway... even though I know it would probably be better to wait a week for them to iron out the kinks, but I don't want my friends to have completed it before I do.
Lol, well I only meant attempting games immediately after decryption; with all those games I said "Fuck you game" and kept persisting til I could finally get it up and running (longest that took was Left 4 Dead 2, finally got to playing 2 hours after release, I was pissed. . .). After that, however, I've pretty much never experienced any sort of problems with any of those games. Calm always follows the storm, I guess.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Skate. When it gets to the stage that you have to earn thousands of points by doing about 300 tricks in 30 seconds, its a little annoying. Especially since it clashes with the tone of the overall game - it's not Tony Hawk, it's supposed to be more relaxed than that.

Also Lost Odyssey. I've raged about this in another thread, so I'll just say this: Fuck you, Bogimoray.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Maximum_Power_Cheese_Supreme said:
in Bioshock where you have to get through a door to the art curator guy on the other side, and I think it might've been a bug, but I couldn't get through to the other side. No idea what I was meant to do.
You had to follow his instructions to look around and take photos of corpses. If he didn't say anything, it was probably a bug. Didn't you have an objective marked?


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Chalacachaca said:
Everytime the camera "helpfully" repositions itself to give you a clue to where you should go next in Asassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood. Thanks game, but I really can find me own way out of the templar lairs without you help, which costs me a jump to nowhere and I nice arrival at the first floor.
Or the countless times it positions itself -just- right so you can only climb up and down instead of jumping away from the ledge. Should you take the jump at blind guess and on the wing of a prayer, it happens as you said: A nice arrival at the first floor -splat- There goes the 100% synch in the broken down cathedral literally 1 drop before completing it.

Losing a time trial 1 second short because Ezio thought it was neccesary to jump up against the doorpost and hold the ledge and not letting go for 2 seconds. Seriously the amounts of times I misjumped, misgrabbed, misran and generally mis-parcoured (it's a word now I suppose)in AC:B is rediculous. AC1, no problems. AC2, started to feel a bit wonky on the Xbox, but PC played like a charm. AC:B was just... just.... Glad I have the story over, so to say.

And another thing. Multiplayer achievements... What? Noone plays the multiplayer anymore so why incorporate achievements (i.e. reach level 50 :V)? Bah >.> (The achievement inside me demands I get it, but... you know...)


The 94th Blind Messiah
Nov 12, 2009
In FF2 there is this spot where you have to fight like 3 bosses in a row and it takes almost 30 mins to an hour to get through without a single save point in between...and it's challenging and easy to die. There is travel time between each boss fight too with no save point, not to mention all the exploring you have to do to get items and such...must have died like ten times before I finally beat it. Then my save file gets corrupted.

Nov 12, 2010
Yeah: APB Reloaded. You're facing either a hacker or a pro that's been playing the game 16 hours a day for only the singularity knows how long. Either way you lose. In a game with the principle "first one to shoot wins" it gets quite infuriating. The game is just poorly designed on most levels except customization and cars. Also: no cover system... what?


New member
Aug 19, 2011
Call of Duty multiplayer. When you do great all is fine and dandy, but when you do bad a cycle of the same people killing you over and over again happens and it pisses you off that no matter how hard you try you just can't kill these fuckers. Shit like that makes me want to throw my controller against the wall, and sorry to say but I actually have.

Other than that it varies from game to game as there is always that ONE level that screws you over multiple times before you get it right.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
World of Warcraft pvp. Maybe three times in my years-long devotion to the game have I truly rocked in pvp. The rest of the time I was bland, and then there are the times where I just wanted to annihilate Blizzard and their families. Warlocks, shadow priests and ret paladins in particular can kindly die in a vat of napalm and piss. Oh, I still play of course, pve and such, but I've largely given up on pvp.

Professor Layton games. For the most part, the puzzles range from simple to pleasantly challenging. On the other hand, there are some puzzles that require leaps of logic that have me completely baffled. On the third, mutated hand, there are some puzzles that use outright troll logic. Example: You have a guy who's complaining of a smell coming from three pots, but only two corks to block the smell. The solution? Plug the guy's nostrils, of course! Up yours Layton, you magnificent dapper bastard.

Batman: Vengeance. It's JUST like the animated series, and I grew up loving the hell out of that show! All the voice actors are back, and ye gods, they sound good. Just one problem: The rest of the game is worse than... well, anyone here ever been sick to the point of being damn near incapacitated? Anyone get some kind of surgery, then got some weak-ass painkillers that didn't goddam work (it was the wisdom teeth for me)? Mothers, remember the pain of giving birth and all the discomfort leading up to the actual event? Anyone here ever accidentally drink spoiled milk?
That's what playing Batman: Vengeance is like. I dare anyone who has played this game to say different.
I got maybe half-way through before just giving the hell up.

I second Psychonauts. It didn't help that my laptop was terribad at the time, but I know for sure that even if I had a god-box PC I would still be screaming bloody murder at my screen. Seriously, Meat Circus.


New member
Sep 19, 2011
One game I do this to nearly every time I play; Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden Memories for my ps1. Man eight years and I'm still stuck playing the same dude. All I can say is F**k you mate!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
May 2, 2011
League of Legends, the only game where you can do everything right and still lose...FUCK YOU LoL... ;P


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Record of Agarest War, anyone who's played this game long enough will know what I'm talking about. King-fucking-Midas. A shitload of health, huge attack range, and is strong enough to kill your characters many times over. Also, he regenerates 15% of his health every turn, the longer the battle goes on, he gets stronger, the more damage you do to him, he gets stronger. And if you fight him long enough he'll do an attack that covers 90% of the field and one-shots ANYONE. Fuck him sooo much, no game I've played (not even new game+ Demon's Souls) compares to that asshole of a boss.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
chaosyoshimage said:
Maximum_Power_Cheese_Supreme said:
Mythrignoc said:
I nearly rage quit over final fantasy X
oh yeah, I still have that I never finished... I forget where. I think the thing you have to fight on the top of the flying craft
Seriously? I think that's were I quit too. I think we're talking about the same place. It was fight after fight without saving and I can't get to the point where you stop Yuna from marrying Seymour (I think that's what was happening...) without getting hit by cheap shot and losing my party...
I think the biggest cheap shot of that section (thank my desire to scan everything) is those kicker robots who, if you kill everything but them, will kick your party members off the screen. As for Evrae, the flying thing, if you can avoid poison breath you can defeat it easily, if you can't avoid that make sure Rikku has high HP, her Al Bhed potions cure poison on the entire party.

OT: Ninja Gaiden, original xbox. Too many things in that game are just too hard. Also Dead Island near the end where you would seriously need to be playing with 3 other people to survive. I was swearing so loud, especially those flak jacket wearing fucks that drop my bullet damage to under 100.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
opeth1989 said:
Every boss fight in lost odyssey. I am by no means an expert at J-rpg's but I have beaten a few. In fact, to this day, one of my all time favorite games is legend of dragoon for ps1. But for some reason, I don't know if its just because I haven't played a J-rpg in a while or the game was just made too dam hard (I probably just suck), but I can not beat the bosses. I gave up early on in the game, and now every time I look at the game thinking maybe this is the day I finally grow a pair and beat the first disk, I get flashbacks to the countless times I died on that stupid giant snake-worm-ish boss thing, and just put it back on my shelf curl up in a corner and cry my self to sleep.

And this sucks because I REALlY liked how the story was going, and the collectible memories of the main character's past were really interesting to me. Guess i could just watch a lets play or a walk-trough tho
not as bad as getting up to the last disc and having your saves unintentionally wiped by your friend. i really loved lost odyssey, but i just can't muster the energy to play through 3 entire bloody discs again just to get where i was.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Xan Krieger said:
chaosyoshimage said:
Maximum_Power_Cheese_Supreme said:
Mythrignoc said:
I nearly rage quit over final fantasy X
oh yeah, I still have that I never finished... I forget where. I think the thing you have to fight on the top of the flying craft
Seriously? I think that's were I quit too. I think we're talking about the same place. It was fight after fight without saving and I can't get to the point where you stop Yuna from marrying Seymour (I think that's what was happening...) without getting hit by cheap shot and losing my party...
I think the biggest cheap shot of that section (thank my desire to scan everything) is those kicker robots who, if you kill everything but them, will kick your party members off the screen. As for Evrae, the flying thing, if you can avoid poison breath you can defeat it easily, if you can't avoid that make sure Rikku has high HP, her Al Bhed potions cure poison on the entire party.
Yeah, those fraking toasters! It's all coming back to me...