Fable II on PC: Not Gonna Happen


New member
Jul 12, 2010
But Microsoft seriously has some big ideas for PC gaming!

These mostly include taking a huge dump on PC gamers' heads!


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Am I the first one too say this? Fable isn't coming out for the PC because no one thinks it's worth there time to do so. From what I can tell you either come out for PC along side multiple console releases. PC only. Or you just sorta don't. Are there really people who own a PC and just a PC no consoles or nothing?

Seems like a lot of money to afford a computer just that powerful. Might have afforded a decent console so you don't even have to worry about the wishy washiness of company releases.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I'm from the "I enjoy Fable and would like to play [Fable II] as much as everyone else" position... but I'm not holding my breath. The next game I buy from Lionhead will be Fable II, the game after that will be Fable III.

If there is no PC Fable II, I'm just not supporting Lionhead anymore. Period. It was a stupid decision then, it's still stupid, and I don't support stupid people no matter how talented they might be.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
paketep said:
And GFWL should be examined by the Geneva Convention.
Again, am I missing something? What's so bad about GFWL (Not that I am saying it is good mind you, I just feel as though I missed the memo)

OT: A shame really. I felt that Fable 3 was a decent game that showed some promise. Had they an even longer Dev cycle to iron out a few stupid things (The dialouge, the sanctuary, the story, the jabs at right wing politics) they could have made a great game.

Still, the new DLC sets up what I can only assume will be the next game where
Albion becomes a republic. I would love to play that. Just keep Peter's mouth shut through the dev cycle, and you'll be fine.

Fiend Dragon

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Eh, oh well. I guess it's a shame? I'd rather have developers moving on and making new games rather than porting old ones. Although the general opinion seems to be that the Fable games quality is declining, I enjoyed Fable 2 a lot, and did not play Fable 3 so I'm not exactly convinced.

But I do think that it's easy to get carried away with something and take it in a different direction and produce something... unusual. And it sure can't be helped by Molyneux's dreamy ideals and 'promises'. I guess that's just another product of hype, expectations, and entitlement. Who knows.

Digression ABORTED

Maybe I'll pick up Fable 3 PC and see for myself. But Fable 2 doesn't need to be redone. Move on.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Fable 2 was terrible for a console RPG, how are PC gamers really going to take a dumbed down RPG? They didn't miss much and you saved yourself some trouble Peter


New member
Jan 31, 2011
I'm glad they actually moved on and hopefully make a good game next time. I'll give them props on that many comapny stick to a game's dead body and try to do everything to make it loved. Again props to them on that.

Preacher zer0

New member
Jun 13, 2010
So what?

As RPGs go, Fable as a franchise has just gurgled down the tubes like so much dirty water.
PC gamers have far, far better options available to them if they want to play an RPG without having to resort to Lionhead's convuluted, self indulgant exercise is believing their own hype.

I enjoyed Fable, Fable 2 I played out of some misplaced loyalty to what I believed would be an epic franchise for years to come... It was pretty lacking but still I tolerated it.

I played 3 on the promise of running a kingdom... HAH!
What a train wreck.
The worst thing about 3 was the obvious cock up of the emote system which was obviously going to have big Kinect functionality (Molyboly spent about a year waffling on about it beforehand) and for some mysterious reason it was pulled at the last second leaving a broken system.
I got the option to shake hands with people once, and forever after I had to dance with the Mayor of Bowerstone or nothing.

Oh and having to actually pay for BLACK DYE!?
How cynical and moneygrabbing can you get?!
Withold the one color that you know 90% of people will want and then sell it to them?

Ugh, sorry /rant.
Lionhead lost a lot of future sales thanks to Fable and Peter Molytalksthetalkbutdoesn'twalkthewalkneux.

Yeah OT: I don't think PC players will lose much sleep over this.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Swifteye said:
Am I the first one too say this? Fable isn't coming out for the PC because no one thinks it's worth there time to do so. From what I can tell you either come out for PC along side multiple console releases. PC only. Or you just sorta don't. Are there really people who own a PC and just a PC no consoles or nothing?

Seems like a lot of money to afford a computer just that powerful. Might have afforded a decent console so you don't even have to worry about the wishy washiness of company releases.
I only have my PC. I don't see the point of a console personally.

OT: I liked Fable 1, would've liked to play Fable 2, no way in hell I'm buying/playing Fable 3. Seriously who buys the third part of a trilogy without playing the second. No Demo No Purchase. Sticking to that rule too many regretable purchases lately.

Jake Martinez

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Sigh. I hate to say it, but I think Lionhead might be slightly retarded. I've been playing around with XNA Game Studio for the last couple of years and have had almost zero problems exporting to both Desktop and XBox targets with just a little bit of planning and thought into my component abstraction.

And yes, while I am a professional software engineer, I'm not a game developer. I didn't find it that hard to understand... what's going on over there???

I'm looking forward to the next XNA release, it looks like it'll have a lot of goodies in it that will make targeting multi platforms (desktop, console and phone) pretty smooth.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
cursedseishi said:
Trust me yall, they are doing YOU a favor by not releasing Fable 2 outside of the 360. In fact, just being on the 360 is a blight enough, it doesn't need to be spread! It's without a doubt one of the worst games I've ever played in my life, forced or by choice. And yes, that list of games includes horrible Mary-kate-And-Ashley/Barby/Whatever games my sisters loved to play, but could never beat so held the ps1 hostage until I helped...
not disagreeing, fable II only loses out in my top five worst games ever to fable III


New member
May 27, 2009
cursedseishi said:
Trust me yall, they are doing YOU a favor by not releasing Fable 2 outside of the 360. In fact, just being on the 360 is a blight enough, it doesn't need to be spread! It's without a doubt one of the worst games I've ever played in my life, forced or by choice. And yes, that list of games includes horrible Mary-kate-And-Ashley/Barby/Whatever games my sisters loved to play, but could never beat so held the ps1 hostage until I helped...
Lol you have loads of hate for the game, why so much hate?


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
CM156 said:
Again, am I missing something? What's so bad about GFWL (Not that I am saying it is good mind you, I just feel as though I missed the memo)
One of the worst things about it is the marketplace. Not sure if you've ever used it to purchase a game, but when you do...
The download consists of about a dozen zip files. When you go to install is, it performs the installation then deletes the zip files afterwards, meaning that you require twice the stated memory to install it. If you don't have that space, it keeps the unzipped files in a hidden temp folder remains there till you finish the installation or somehow track it down. Not only that, but most of their games actually force install on the C drive, which if you're like me, you devote a very small portion of memory to your OS and leave the D drive for strictly data.

I tried installing Gears of War once and it required that I have 40 gigs of space on my C drive, which I had about 20. So after the installation stopped, my C drive was at 0 gigs, for the reason stated before, and I was forced to reallocate memory to complete it.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
JochemDude said:
Microsoft and EA the absolute disease to the gaming industry, they don't see them as games and us not a fans/gamers. They see them as products and us the consumers.
So does every other big-name publisher out there. This is not new and exciting, they are businesses and that's how businesses work.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Does anyone know why the icon for this article is a screen cap of Drew Barrymore in Scream?

I am confused face.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Eh, they are fun, silly games (do the YMCA dance to get the oracle to talk to you) I agree that MS are total idiots with the depriving PC users of games for "platform" exclusives since the PC is their platform too.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I'll wait for a sale or for the price to drop. I didn't despise FIII, enjoyed it even, but I'm not buy the same game twice just to play it on my PC. At the very least not for more than $10


New member
Apr 15, 2010
kurokenshi said:
Swifteye said:
Am I the first one too say this? Fable isn't coming out for the PC because no one thinks it's worth there time to do so. From what I can tell you either come out for PC along side multiple console releases. PC only. Or you just sorta don't. Are there really people who own a PC and just a PC no consoles or nothing?

Seems like a lot of money to afford a computer just that powerful. Might have afforded a decent console so you don't even have to worry about the wishy washiness of company releases.

I only have my PC. I don't see the point of a console personally.

OT: I liked Fable 1, would've liked to play Fable 2, no way in hell I'm buying/playing Fable 3. Seriously who buys the third part of a trilogy without playing the second. No Demo No Purchase. Sticking to that rule too many regretable purchases lately.
You don't see the point? Pardon my words but I think that's quite weird. aren't there lots and lots of games that don't come out for the PC? Like entire genres of games just unavailable or in lax supply on the PC? Personally. I've been trying to get into the PC game field but it's annoying to fiddle with nuances when you just want to play a game.

I have never played any of the fable games. mostly cause every time I'm about to get into it I start hearing a sea of discontent from people who expected so much more. Although this didn't stop me from buying and enjoying spore though I dunno maybe the series in my eyes is missing that Oomph, perhaps it's the story I'm a story guy and fable doesn't sound like it has a story worth writing home about.

And the whole buying in order thing I understand however for this game series it doesn't matter cause from what my friend says who played the previous ones nothing really carries over that matters in gameplay experience it's far from say mass effect where that would really matter.

Buying bad games lately? Maybe you need to do more research. Gameinformer keeps me well bolstered on the latest games and other such good gaming info, sure they do play favorites from time to time but if it wasn't for them I would have never known the nice PS2 gem that is Odin sphere.