I said it up there before, if hes stolen valor and lying about being one of the best gamers around, then hes lying about a lot more. You just want to glaze him and get that blue checkmark. OH, maybe he will give you a free tesla. You should try calling him daddy.
You want yo know something interesting, gamergate probably gave us trump.
"You?" This has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with immature people in the gaming community
laugh[ing] at one's "betters"
It's infantile that this garners any attention at all. "He lies about videogames therefore he MUST be lying important shit" is not the mental leap any rational person makes; that's the leap people with an unhealthy attachment to a luxury hobby make. And let's face it, the "important shit" isn't what bothers those people.
"I'm a gamer. I don't like Elon Muck. I don't care that he lied about his adeptness at videogames. I wish all of my fellow gamers felt the same." <- healthy.
"I'm a gamer. I don't like Elon Musk. It bothers me enough that he lied about his adeptness at videogames that I lost sleep penning an article about it just to incite equally unhealthily obsessed gamers." <- stupid.
Just saying, of all the reasons to dislike Musk, videogames are the LEAST substantive and noteworthy. At least until he buys Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and every PC parts manufacturer on the planet, and moves all of gaming to the moon or some other batshit idea he might come up with next. (God, I hope he doesn't see this post...)