Fallout 3 bugs


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I hate the one where I jump and get stuck in the world geometry. The first time it happened to me the game auto saved as I tried to get out. :mad: My last save was an hour and a half ago.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
My screen would seem like I shot my tv with my Victory Rifle and the only way I can get rid of the problem is that I have to fast travel to Megaton or inside a building, its very annoying because it happens when I fight a deathclaw or a group of raiders.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
In the quest "Head of State", after you tell that one guy it is safe for them to head to the Washington Monument, and you're supposed to "wait" there until he gets there...

I wait for hundreds of hours and the prick never shows up!


New member
Feb 22, 2010
I love the Escapist - every other day a new Fallout 3 thread.

Anyway, I had th occassional glitch here and there, but nothing more that added flavor to a world living in a radioactive haze. However there were three glitches that I came across through my travels that affected gameplay severely:

1) The usual "enter a door, game freezes" glitch. This happened from time to time, especially if I was rushing from place to place. This is also have I manual save like a beast.

2) On the Pitt DLC, I had a reoccurring problem in the scrapyard where the large building that you have to climb up and find a treasure trove of ingots - sometimes the rooftops would clip through and I'd phase onto the other side of the map. Mostly just a pain - again, thank goodness for manual saves.

3) THIS one was bad - just freed Red and her buddy from the Super-Mutants in the Germantown Police Station. Got back to Big Town as was informed I had to help to poor sods. Now out of the options given - use explosives, fire fight, or robot assistants. At this time my stats in explosives weren't that high up yet, fire fight with the Wonder Bunch IMO sounded like suicide, so fixing their robot sounded like a best bet - plus I had the skills to do it... just no robots. They led me to where they were supposed to be, but no robots loaded in game. I was in a paradox. So... admitting my defeat to the wicked machine, I did the only sensible thing: I fired a rocket into the group staring at me and put them out of their misery. Funny thing - didn't lose all that much karma for killing them.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
My most hated was probably when I got a random invisible bucket stuck to my foot so wherever I walked there was a 3rd extremely annoying footstep. So many headaches.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
OmniDesol said:
The glitch in the quest with the giant tree, where if you don't activate the cutscene at the right time, you can't get to the tree's heart, because the game stops you, while trying to activate a cutscene that never comes. The only way I was able to complete that quest after that was to take the SUPER EVIL ending, and burn the tree down.

That, and on the PC version of Fallout 3, and Oblivion, my dev console button never works, so I couldn't noclip past it.

Although it is funny for Three Dog to give the whole Messiah spiel, just to go into a rant about how I'm a huge jerk for burning down the last tree in existence.
If your running in Vista or Windows 7, the problem in most cases lies in the fact that a comparability error with an infra-red transceiver (which will be installed even if you have no such device) causes your system to interpret the "`" key differently. Removing this device can resolve the problem. Or you can use any number of mods that allow you to change the binding of the console key.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
SantoUno said:
In the quest "Head of State", after you tell that one guy it is safe for them to head to the Washington Monument, and you're supposed to "wait" there until he gets there...

I wait for hundreds of hours and the prick never shows up!
They never actually arrive at the memorial. They actually gather several hundred yards away. I had the same problem and after waiting for three or four days, I decided I was going to see what was in the capitol and, in the process, found this group just standing around.
Apr 28, 2008
Vet2501 said:
That entire bloody game was a bug! I couldn't progress for more than an hour without some kind of crash happening.
Bethesda programming at work!

OT: The biggest bug I found was this thing called "Games for Windows Live".

Holy shit did that one cause some problems.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
I didn't have many problems with Fallout 3. But the one that rather pissed me off was working around the Sally bug in the Mothership Zeta DLC. God, wish that ***** wasn't so finicky. I was on the PC though, so it was easy once I found the right commands.

FYI, I spammed quicksave a lot in that game. I always had way more trouble with Oblivion. GAH! So many crashes. It was horrid. Couldn't play for more than an hour at a time.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Eclectic Dreck said:
SantoUno said:
In the quest "Head of State", after you tell that one guy it is safe for them to head to the Washington Monument, and you're supposed to "wait" there until he gets there...

I wait for hundreds of hours and the prick never shows up!
They never actually arrive at the memorial. They actually gather several hundred yards away. I had the same problem and after waiting for three or four days, I decided I was going to see what was in the capitol and, in the process, found this group just standing around.
Well I know they don't actually arrive at the Memorial, the quest marker is actually placed outside of that Metro Station, but that's just it. I kept using the Wait function at that exact spot so many god damn times and they still never arrived.

To be honest they did arrive when I did that quest with my first character but with my secodn they never arrived so now I'm wondering if they will show up with my current character this time around.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
The most annoying bug for me actually ruined the game. Basically when I went into this pipe thing to turn off some water or something(in the Jefferson Memorial) for the main storyline quest it would freeze everytime and I would have to restart my computer. So I deleted all the saves and uninstalled the the game because I didn't want to play through everything up to that point again on the off chance that it wouldn't freeze.


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2010
Hubilub said:
Traveling all the way from Megaton to the Alien Signal site without saving only to have the game freeze right when they beam me up.

Scotty fucked up, man.
This happened to me too. Three times.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I would always get stuck in tiny cracks in the road unable to move. I wasn't frozen I just couldn't move.

One time I had auto save on and I left this building and right when it loaded it froze. But evertime I tried to reload from that spot it would freeze within a split second. Auto save has saved my butt on plenty occassions when the game froze, it was just that one time it let me down.

There's that part in the Pitt collecting ingots where you randomly fall through a roof of a building. I tried so many times to get past it and failed. Although one time when I fell I exited the map boundaries and explored the area in the parts the players is not supposed to see. That was cool.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Ordinal 2530 error meant I couldn't play it. After downloading windows lives games that stopped, now all I need to deal with before being able to play the game is random freezing that happens after about 10 minutes. I'm not good with computers, so I have no idea what the fuck to do about it.


New member
May 25, 2009
My copy randomly slowed down in the wide open areas, but ran perfectly smooth when things got clustered.


The Ultimate Omnimancer
Dec 28, 2009
Eclectic Dreck said:
OmniDesol said:
The glitch in the quest with the giant tree, where if you don't activate the cutscene at the right time, you can't get to the tree's heart, because the game stops you, while trying to activate a cutscene that never comes. The only way I was able to complete that quest after that was to take the SUPER EVIL ending, and burn the tree down.

That, and on the PC version of Fallout 3, and Oblivion, my dev console button never works, so I couldn't noclip past it.

Although it is funny for Three Dog to give the whole Messiah spiel, just to go into a rant about how I'm a huge jerk for burning down the last tree in existence.
If your running in Vista or Windows 7, the problem in most cases lies in the fact that a comparability error with an infra-red transceiver (which will be installed even if you have no such device) causes your system to interpret the "`" key differently. Removing this device can resolve the problem. Or you can use any number of mods that allow you to change the binding of the console key.
Oh, interesting! Where would I find this device under to remove it? That would be much appreciated!


New member
May 17, 2010
I had the OP's issue, the whole fucking roof began immaterial. Lucky I wasn't bothered about ingots on that playthrough... *grumbles quietly about bugs*

EDIT: And in response to an above poster, reloading a save didn't work.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I've got an odd, but highly beneficial one involving a Super Mutant Behemoth.

On my first playthrough, I had managed to wander into Evergreen Mills, best known for it's Super Behemoth in an electrified pen. Thankfully, I was able to take out all of the Raiders WITHOUT, destroying the generator which powered the Behemoths pen.

This was also my first look at the Behemoth, and I had little clue what to do. I knew there was an achievement for me if managed to kill all of his kind, but I wasn't willing to go toe-to-toe with him.

After some thought, I concluded the best way to do this would be to simply shoot at him from a safe distance. I waltzed up a ramp onto a nearby train cart, and threw a frag grenade at him in VATS.

The Frag Grenade launched him, and I literally mean LAUNCHED, him to the sky. It was just ONE GRENADE, an it barely did any damage, but it managed to propel him what looked like a good 200 meters into the sky. I was worried he was going to safely land outside of his pen, or worse, RIGHT ON TOP OF ME. Thankfully, neither happened. He fell back into the pen, and the fall damage KILLED HIM INSTANTLY.