Fallout 4 hopes and dreams?


New member
Jun 28, 2010
ParanoidAndroid said:
FireCoroner said:
Don't laugh. It might look a little like this:
plus, you could fit the whole country in, instead of having a naff invisible wall.
You are a ninja.
There would be a fallout shelter in the GPO, and mutants in the old army barracks. It would be awesome. I would help to fund this project.
Why fund? Just wait until Sellafield is inevitably dirtybombed and piss off to Galway till the "fallout:)" subsides (jesus...) then you're shooting mutants off giants causeway with your rusty 1916 service revolver! ta tee-ta ty-ta toe


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Call me ignorant but why the hate for Bethseda. Fallout 3 is the only Fallout game I've played, but it's been several months and I'm still not done yet. That said I wouldn't mind a Fallout Australia, I don't think Americans are that dense to demand destruction of thier own turf. Though Fallout: Charlotte N.C. would be funny if at the very least I could point "Hey I know what that was before it became a crater!" But that said back the Aussie point. The monsters would kick ass, not to mention New Zealand is nearby and the waters between them have giant squid, great whites, etc. So fighting a nuclear spewing kraken might be interesting. The only downside would be that it would get an M rating...and be banned in Australia.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
DaysBefore said:
Boomshaka said:
electronicgoat said:
I have high hopes for Fallout 4. Theory I've been cooking up; It's suggested that both China and America have been nuked to every last bit of their soil, but it doesn't say too much about every other country. I can imagine the story being a crashed plane from England or something landing in the nuclear ruins of America.
Eh pulled this from the vault wiki
"Allistair Tenpenny came to the Capital Wasteland from Great Britain to seek his fortune, so that alone tells you that the U.K. was also hit in the war. And if he came to U.S. to succeed, that says a lot about how screwed up Europe must be. So we just allude, a little bit, to the state of the rest of the world. We like to leave a lot to the players' imaginations, and somebody like Tenpenny serves as a catalyst for those thoughts." - Emil Pagliarulo[1]

Yeah the European Commonwealth was locked in a bitter inter-war with itself. And once the US and the Reds launched, the Soviets would of too, mutual assured destruction you know. And the rest of the world would of launched as well. I would like to see Canada, due to the following:

-The US Annexation, I would love to see that expanded upon
-It's post-Great War state, Ashur in The Pitt refers to a "Ronto" being a great military power, possibly referring to Toronto, Ontario
-A Vault-Tec letter found in FO3 suggests that either Vaults were constructed in Canada or it is so low priority that it may have been largely overlooked by the Reds
That sounds awesome, not to mention all the bears that were irradiated! oh god, i can see it now...BEARS WITH SIX ARMS AND LAZER EYES! now that would be a wasteland worth exploring!

But seriously, imagine if hardcore mode would have you try to fight off the cold, having to maintain proper body temperature lest you freeze to death. Cold + radiation = harsh as SHIT conditions.

Assassin Xaero

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Jul 23, 2008
Made by Bethesda. I never played the first few, but I loved Fallout 3. New Vegas, on the other hand, was horrid compared to it.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
DaysBefore said:
Xzi said:
My one hope and dream for Fallout 4 is for it to be developed by Obsidian. Fallout 3 was equal parts short, easy, and unengaging.
Yes we all remember how well Obsidian did with New Vegas......
Quite well actually, considering they had to deal with an engine that is bugged up the arse, with serious limitations, they managed to put out a well rounded and well written (read this: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Randall_Clark_terminal_entries and then tell me that Obsidian has a shit writing team that doesnt "engage" you (WARNING! HONEST HEARTS SPOILERS ) as well as quite interesting and balanced gameplay wise.

New Vegas was great guys, you just werent paying attention.

Edit: changed link, was wrong one.

edit 2: By the way, its missing the final entry at this point... though I cant seem to find it...


New member
Oct 15, 2008
There has been a hint or 2 dropped about how Fallout 4 will be a sequel to Fallout NV, And in any case that is fine by me.....But i hope they add more things to explore......The Mojave felt empty and uninteresting whereas the Capital Wasteland had something cool around every corner.

They need to have an ending that doesn't stop the story....or at least a DLC ala' Broken Steel style.....those Clips at the end do nothing but paint a vague picture of the immediate Future.

More diverse followers........I cant find a legion follower.....well one i like......the quest lines for it make all the good ones leave you.....:p

And lastly.....to have Bethesda Dev it.......this has already been confirmed But its still something i was hoping for


New member
Jan 15, 2011
KingmanHighborn said:
Call me ignorant but why the hate for Bethseda. Fallout 3 is the only Fallout game I've played, but it's been several months and I'm still not done yet. That said I wouldn't mind a Fallout Australia, I don't think Americans are that dense to demand destruction of thier own turf. Though Fallout: Charlotte N.C. would be funny if at the very least I could point "Hey I know what that was before it became a crater!" But that said back the Aussie point. The monsters would kick ass, not to mention New Zealand is nearby and the waters between them have giant squid, great whites, etc. So fighting a nuclear spewing kraken might be interesting. The only downside would be that it would get an M rating...and be banned in Australia.
The hate for bethesda comes from the original fans (and original story arc observers) the way its disrupted Story canon. Fallout 3 was the first one I played, and I liked it, but as a prospective writer I cannon have that.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Personally I am looking forward to the new elder scrolls more than fallout 4 the engines they make are just made for elder scrolls and the more I play fallout the more I want to go exploring in Cyrodil


New member
Jan 15, 2011
tonyl said:
There has been a hint or 2 dropped about how Fallout 4 will be a sequel to Fallout NV, And in any case that is fine by me.....But i hope they add more things to explore......The Mojave felt empty and uninteresting whereas the Capital Wasteland had something cool around every corner.

They need to have an ending that doesn't stop the story....or at least a DLC ala' Broken Steel style.....those Clips at the end do nothing but paint a vague picture of the immediate Future.

More diverse followers........I cant find a legion follower.....well one i like......the quest lines for it make all the good ones leave you.....:p

And lastly.....to have Bethesda Dev it.......this has already been confirmed But its still something i was hoping for
well if Bethesda do Dev it, I hope they at lease employ the writers from Obsidian. Sure, if you hate their coding staff so much then just leave them, but the writers are the guys you need, as well as some of the guys who worked on balancing the game.


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Oct 15, 2008
5t3v0 said:
tonyl said:
There has been a hint or 2 dropped about how Fallout 4 will be a sequel to Fallout NV, And in any case that is fine by me.....But i hope they add more things to explore......The Mojave felt empty and uninteresting whereas the Capital Wasteland had something cool around every corner.

They need to have an ending that doesn't stop the story....or at least a DLC ala' Broken Steel style.....those Clips at the end do nothing but paint a vague picture of the immediate Future.

More diverse followers........I cant find a legion follower.....well one i like......the quest lines for it make all the good ones leave you.....:p

And lastly.....to have Bethesda Dev it.......this has already been confirmed But its still something i was hoping for
well if Bethesda do Dev it, I hope they at lease employ the writers from Obsidian. Sure, if you hate their coding staff so much then just leave them, but the writers are the guys you need, as well as some of the guys who worked on balancing the game.
yeah don't get me wrong i love what Obsidian did with Fallout NV but i would like to see How beth handles it again, And it could only help if they brought on Obsidian Writers

Ainsley Bartlett

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Apr 27, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
A nuked London would be awesome and could be very atmospheric. I think they might have trouble thinking up dangerous animals for England.

Giant radioactive badgers....actually that's pretty horrifying. o_O *tries to unthink*
You could keep the giant ants, maybe add a flying variant too! Not sure what you could have instead of a radscorpion though. An adder?!

Rad-badger would be instead of a deathclaw and would be terrifying!! Great idea.

Personally though, I'm just hoping for co-op and less major bugs.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Fallout 4 should be in Canada. They could carry their snow effects over from Skyrim, and make some really beautiful locations. Also, the whole "America annexes Canada" thing (which, as a Canadian, really interests me) could be elaborated more, maybe with old relics of prison camps, rebellion hideouts and US army installations. The question is: which city/province? Probably Toronto. Fallout: Winnipeg might be too much to ask for.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
tonyl said:
5t3v0 said:
tonyl said:
There has been a hint or 2 dropped about how Fallout 4 will be a sequel to Fallout NV, And in any case that is fine by me.....But i hope they add more things to explore......The Mojave felt empty and uninteresting whereas the Capital Wasteland had something cool around every corner.

They need to have an ending that doesn't stop the story....or at least a DLC ala' Broken Steel style.....those Clips at the end do nothing but paint a vague picture of the immediate Future.

More diverse followers........I cant find a legion follower.....well one i like......the quest lines for it make all the good ones leave you.....:p

And lastly.....to have Bethesda Dev it.......this has already been confirmed But its still something i was hoping for
well if Bethesda do Dev it, I hope they at lease employ the writers from Obsidian. Sure, if you hate their coding staff so much then just leave them, but the writers are the guys you need, as well as some of the guys who worked on balancing the game.
yeah don't get me wrong i love what Obsidian did with Fallout NV but i would like to see How beth handles it again, And it could only help if they brought on Obsidian Writers
Personally I hope they don't cheese up the Brotherhood again. Or make the NCR/legion/any other major faction toally "Honourable". Well the fact that New Vegas has bought the NCR and other fallout 1 & 2 features to light Bethesda now have more to play with... Just hope they don't wreck it...

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
You know I wanna know what other countries are doing in this universe I think it would be interesting to see a semi-destroyed london

Maxwell Hill

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Mar 7, 2012
I would like to see four main things;

Expansive wasteland. Hopefully at least four times the size of the new vegas mojave + honest hearts dlc national park. It'd be great to be able to travel from washington state to northern mexico on the coast and a ways past the colorado river. Give me several main towns with enough quests in each region so that in actual play the game has a vast amount of content even after you've reached the maximum level. With all the extra space, make wealth distribution more apparent. Lets see a few goodsprings and a few tenpenny towers. Lets see rich mercenary gangs like talon company and poorly funded ones like the great kahns. Make them all scale, and put a lot more NPC's in towns, even if they are just randomly named i want to feel i am in a settlement rather than just wonder where everyone when i finnally reach rivet city.

If there is that much content, several major cities and dozens of smaller towns, there needs to be factions and interaction between these factions that matters, rather than something as silly as "oh you're wearing my outfit? i guess i wont attack you.". If i do tons of brotherhood of steel quests i'd like to see more brotherhood of steel patrols extending further out from their bunkers. I want to be aided by my allies in dungeons or run into a group of one of my allies primary enemies trying to clear the dungeon themselves.

Economic system that scales well. I loved the caravans from fallout 1, fallout 2, fallout 3. So cool feeling that i wasnt the only person moving around doing things. I Want to be able to have my own caravans, and see caravans trading with eachother on the roads. I think there needs to be more variety in weapons. In real life there are the cheap ripoffs, middle of the road, and the high price top dollar items and there is a difference between them but not much. Fallout needs that too to deal with the bottle cap drought at low levels and the massive flood that happens at high levels.

Expand crafting and integrate it with more skills! Crafting should take advantage of laser weapons, guns, meele, and first aid as well as science and repair. If you're working on building armor, having power armor training shoudl help out with crafting it. If you're willing to destroy a few sets of armor you should be able to learn something about them on how to enhance them. If you're a master of laser weapons maybe you learn a little about what amkes them tick and that helps you learn to focus the beams somehow. Just expand crafting to use every skill that makes sense rather than just science and repair.

Maxwell Hill

New member
Mar 7, 2012
oh, and keep hardcore mode but add in an even more hardcore mode like the fallout 3 mod wanderer's edition with much more scarce ammo and medicine, cheaper and dirtier versions of drugs, and a feeling of desperation when you have broken limbs.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
learn from the mistakes and successes of Skyrim and New Vegas and there we have an almost perfect game

I'd be excited for that, yeah