Fallout 4 hopes and dreams?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
That it runs on a new engine. The scenery and characters in Fallout 3/New Vegas look like it was all moulded from cottage cheese.
Hmm...should make hardcore mode easier. Om nom nom


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Better graphics
Not buggy as all hell
Not crashing at least once an hour
Less invisible walls
Less load screens


New member
Oct 29, 2008
sora91111 said:
Vehicles for faster travel.
I feel this would cut down on the exploration and random encounters, which I enjoy. Also many 'fights' would be mowing down Raiders.
Although it would make it more Mad Max (which can never be bad).

We'll see how the vehicles play in Rage I think.

OP: QA testing to stop the bugs. New Vegas was crazy for the bugs (freezing). I never had to reset a console so much.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I would love to see Obsidian do the writing and the dialogue, while Bethesda actually makes the world itself. That probably wouldn't happen but eh.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
distortedreality said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I think they might have trouble thinking up dangerous animals for England.
Fallout : Australia.

Everything fucking kills you here. Having said that, I wouldn't want to go up against a radioactive badger.
Fallout: Mad Max?


New member
May 17, 2010
I love all the games (except for the two that will not be named) so I have confidence it will be good. I'm hoping that we get to see the Institute, I actually like that the fallout universe has gone from scavenging in a old house for cat food to factions unleashing armies ready to take territories. Fallout isn't just about the devestation but in how man comes back. Would love to see a wrodl war situation between the NCR, the Legion and possible the Institute (with other factions as side players)


New member
Sep 5, 2009
AlternatePFG said:
I would love to see Obsidian do the writing and the dialogue, while Bethesda actually makes the world itself. That probably wouldn't happen but eh.
I second this. I want to see some Michigan wastleland, with weather cycles.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I would like there to be dual wielding certain melee weapons and handguns. Also being able to be ghoulified. That is all I can think of.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?
...New Vegas was more a Fallout game than Fallout 3 was, it had people actually familiar with the other Fallout games making it, even having more and similar systems from the first Fallout games. I liked the terrain and story alot better in New Vegas, Fallout 3 had very booring enviroments and the main story was... well shit IMO, what I liked in Fallout 3 was the side missions, so I'm just saying I disagree with your statement, Fallout 3 is the game which I wouldn't consider a Fallout game. Even if bugs and glitches are more present in New Vegas...


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
Looking at some of the stuff they are doing with Skyrim, if they can use that engine for a Fallout game... Pfff. Game of the Year. Bam.

Things I'd like to see;
Possibly a new country, Canada, maybe the UK
Similar freedom in whose side to take like in NV
More colour...

Basically, Fallout 3 in a new engine with a ton of new quests and characters, in a different locale. Go.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
No more cities like Fallout 3 with it's artificial barriers forcing sewer crawling (subway levels are the same as sewers in my book, coth crap). More of the same with New Vegas in my opinion except fill the world a bit better with more interesting things than bloatflies, more settlements like the ones in Vegas, slightly more interesting storylines and raiders that actually raid.

If they want to go completly different though I'd like to see other countries maybe London, Paris or Shanghai would all be awesome (if they set it in China it'd be cool if the war started again and you were part of the invading force that gets cut off like a real version of the Operation Anchorage DLC).


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I'd want the game to be set in post apocalypse London partially run by a King/Queen of the wasteland, partially run by a restored London Parliament. I like to see it set here because you can have 'keep calm and carry on' posters and such, punk imagery, you could begin it in the Tower of London to allude to Elder Scrolls, possible eurotunnel DLC and Super Mutants in Beefeater costumes, oh and cockney ghouls.

In general, more stability, better balance between weapon types and that's about it actually.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Lt. Vinciti said:
Perhaps a Hardcore mode that removes Fast Travel

I've never used the fast travel. I got fallout new vegas a few days ago, been playing it alot. but i've NEVER used the fast travel. I know i can, and i know how to, i just never think about using it...


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Crazycat690 said:
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?
...New Vegas was more a Fallout game than Fallout 3 was, it had people actually familiar with the other Fallout games making it, even having more and similar systems from the first Fallout games. I liked the terrain and story alot better in New Vegas, Fallout 3 had very booring enviroments and the main story was... well shit IMO, what I liked in Fallout 3 was the side missions, so I'm just saying I disagree with your statement, Fallout 3 is the game which I wouldn't consider a Fallout game. Even if bugs and glitches are more present in New Vegas...
I agree man Vegas was Fallout 3 in my opinion, it even continues a lot of threads from Fallout 2 with Marcus and even little things like Cassidy being the daughter of the old Cassidy. Fallout 3 was a great game but it was a bit too grey and depressing for me to be a proper sequel, Fallout always had a sense of humour which 3 sadly lacked for me.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Just to nerd out a bit more for a minute I think it'd be cool if they implemented the travel system of 1 and 2 for a change. Imagine a mix between Bioware and Fallout 3, you'd have a home hub (maybe a caravan you act as a guard set up like Dragoss Effectn Age Origins camp or maybe a Rangers base) and as soon as you leave you can pick a map location maybe in between you get attacked by raiders or whatever.

I love Bethesda open worlds but in my opinion they're getting too samey, seen one and you've seen them all. Now if you cut out some of that open world stuff they could spend time making settlements and cities much more interesting and unique. Not to rag on Bethesda but they have a tendancy to cut and paste items and even buildings, now I understand for time and size etc but imo Fallout wasn't about quantity it was always a treat visiting new towns because they all had a different character to them imagine Shady Sands and Vault City in a Bethesda game they'd be the same, I know Fallout 1 and 2 reused stuff but they weren't as blatant as Bethesda.

Thinking about it Dragon Age Origins owes a lot to Fallout for it's travel system, oh now I wish Bioware would get the Fallout licence.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Since it's going to run on Skyrim engine, I hope dual wielding will finally make it's way into the Fallout universe, and I hope it'll make a grand entrance by letting you mix melee and guns.

My greatest wish would however be for SPECIAL core attributes to finally be meaningful again. What I hated about F3 and F:NV was how little of a difference it made to have certain stats at 1 or 10.

Also, the usual improvements to graphics and A.I., cause those are always welcome, and maybe it's time to finally let us mix and match different articles and layers of our armors... Homage was paid in F3/F:NV, time for upgrades.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Honestly I'd want a prequel to all the games, it never made sense to have games set after Fallout 2 (regardless of their quality), simply because by that point in the story, humanity had pretty much pulled themselves from the ashes and successfully started anew.

I want a game in the bad years, the years immediately after the first vaults open with people who could remember pre-war society struggling to surivive in a cruel and brutal world. There's no safe cities, no uniform currency (even if it's just bottlecaps), new species of mutant animals are flourishing and everything is bleak.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
This is what i would like

Improved Engine,
Less Load Time
More Weapons lots more
More Enemies like 'Android's' 'Birds/Flying Enemies'
A Choice of Race 'Ghoul' 'Human' 'Android' 'Super Mutant' with origin stories
HUGE world hopefully one of these
Austin/West Elizabeth/Mexico all in one yes like RDR
New York City and it's Outskirt's
Companions will talk to you as you walk around the world [yes like Dragon age Origins]
More Gore
A ZOO imagine fighting a Radiated Tiger/Monkey's and Rob Schiender
No Spider's
Buyable Mount's like riding Giant Ant's or a Yaoi Guai
LOTS of Music and i mean LOTS and when you complete missions you get more music.
Play your own music while playing the game, imagine listening to 'Won't Back Down' charging into the Enclave with your Sledgehammer
Lots of Custom Weapons to Build
BOAT's i swear there is like 1 Boat in Fallout that has significance
Hybrid Enemies [i don't know where i was going with that]
MUSIC did i mention it?
Lots of customizable features while makeing your chacrter eg Piercing,Tattoo's
When you get hurt you can get Scar's

Yeah thats about it


New member
Jun 8, 2010
WolfThomas said:
Honestly I'd want a prequel to all the games, it never made sense to have games set after Fallout 2 (regardless of their quality), simply because by that point in the story, humanity had pretty much pulled themselves from the ashes and successfully started anew.
Pffft, tell that to the people of the Capital Wasteland who don't even know how to build a well.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
i think they need to move fallout north a bit. out of the desert and more into an area that might snow. like washington or something.

maybe actually have weather and seasons so if you play for enoguh ingame days you get a full year. or maybe split the game up into 4 sections for the seasons. cause im sure that depending o nthe seasons your survivial skills would be tested differently. like water harder to find in summer cause the lakes dry up and winter has some days where its really cold so gun jam more and you need shelter for the night.

also i want them to make hardcore mod actually hard. like make it so food is scarce so you get to eat like one meal a day and are nearly always suffering from starvation or thirst to some degree.