Fallout 4 Mod Adds Full Sentence Dialogue

Ushiromiya Battler

Oddly satisfied
Feb 7, 2010
Bindal said:
The Hungry Samurai said:
I haven't saved Valentine or met him yet and if you have just explained to me that he's a Synth WTF spoilers?
Considering that half his face is missing and he outright tells you that, I don't think it's much of a spoiler.
Apparently I'm an idiot, cause I didn't think he was a synth at all.
I just thought he was a robot like that combat robot in Goodneighboor, just more human looking.

Ftaghn To You Too

New member
Nov 25, 2009
While this makes the system slightly better (and shows how wacky Bethesda is for not including this in the first place) the dialog system as a whole remains terrible. This is a flaw that I don't think will be easily fixed by modding.
Oct 15, 2015
Ushiromiya Battler said:
Bindal said:
The Hungry Samurai said:
I haven't saved Valentine or met him yet and if you have just explained to me that he's a Synth WTF spoilers?
Considering that half his face is missing and he outright tells you that, I don't think it's much of a spoiler.
Apparently I'm an idiot, cause I didn't think he was a synth at all.
I just thought he was a robot like that combat robot in Goodneighboor, just more human looking.
Thats what gen 1 and 2 synths are. Just humanoid robots with rudimentary AI. Gen 3s are the only ones that are flesh and blood, and Valentine is not a gen3.
Dec 16, 2009
I've yet to play FO4, but the dialog did have me a little worried

Finally, a win for PC gaming, we've needed it this year, I'm looking at you Batman


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Zulnam said:
Nice one Bethesda. Now, besides fixing the bugs, the modders also have to fix your schitty design choices.
Obvious console port is obvious, as the saying goes.

OT; Now we need a decent body mesh, no, not just for nudity. The one Bethesda made scales horribly. My female looks like she has pipe-cleaner legs and arms stuck on a barrel.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I to agree that it was a "shitty" design choice.....ive made a few mistakes talking to people although i always save just before i do almost anything in fallout because you know......the slight glitch can cause a game breaking nuclear fallout :)


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
I knew it was only a matter of time before a modder fixed this mistep, but it's still a shame that by hamstringing themselves with the 'wheel' which is really more of a dialogue cross we're left with fewer options.
I suppose that's the price of a voiced protagonist though.

Thanks for spreading the news about this.
Going to download it right now.
Oct 22, 2011
I expected this mod to be one of the very first ones. You're still limited to only four options, but atleast you don't have to guess what does your character want to say.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
and it hasnt taken a week before the modders are already fixing your game. shame on your bethesda. offloading more and more of your game to modders you lazy bum.


New member
May 14, 2012
Mikeybb said:
I knew it was only a matter of time before a modder fixed this mistep, but it's still a shame that by hamstringing themselves with the 'wheel' which is really more of a dialogue cross we're left with fewer options.
I suppose that's the price of a voiced protagonist though.

Thanks for spreading the news about this.
Going to download it right now.
If that's the cost for a voice protagonist, then it's just another reason to show why you SHOULDN'T make a voice protagonist (and even if you did, there is enough room - Mass Effect also had up to six choices, which worked well enough)

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Blazing Hero said:
Thank god a modder fixed that dialogue system. I have very few complaints but that was the biggest one. Bethesda really screwed up with that ideas implementation...
Well they did and didn't, the game was "improved" towards a mass market and the mass market wants the simplest path through the game, if they made it play mostly by itself they would probably get even better sales figures.
Now the small percentage of people who give a shit might get upset by this, but when you really want to make the big bucks those are not the people you worry about.

Luckily we still have the option of mods, and for now they don't come at $15 a piece.


Sperm Alien
Mar 26, 2009
Zulnam said:
Whatever you may think of the dialogue system, the fact of the matter is that this could have EASILY been an editable option from the Settings menu, thus pleasing everybody.

Want proof for that? It took seven days for a mod to be released that changes the dialogue system.

OOOhhh, we can't put a few larger buttons with more text in our game. It might bug the AI!
Yes, it took seven days for a mod to be released that changes the dialogue system...

The full nude mod for FO4 was on the Nexus on the 14th, which would be four day for a mod to change something Bethesda did. Does that mean that they should have included a settings option for the nude preference by default in the game? Because by your logic, it does.

FYI that mod has also been downloaded 30k more times than the UI Fix (granted probably because it has been available longer) it is currently the 3rd most downloaded mod, behind the Configu Tool tweaks, and the enhanced wasteland presets.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Smilomaniac said:
It's hard to argue that the short dialogue responses aren't bad design... half the time, you don't know what you're saying.
For example, there's a baseball enthusiast in the game who has a pretty funny idea of how the game is played. One of your responses are "not how you play baseball", but the full line is something like "that's not how you play baseball, you fucking idiot".

I get the intent of the choice, it's to minimize the amount of reading the player has to do, presumably because they figured people felt bogged down by the large amount of dialogue in previous games. You can't deny that there's a problem though, when what your character is saying isn't properly reflected by the shown options; It's bad (or as Zulnam put it, shitty) design.

I've picked the "negative" choice a few times when I thought the person I was talking to was unreasonable, but I've regretted it almost every time since the Sole Survivor comes off as an obnoxious moron, as if they were a third grader on the school grounds.
While I agree that more information (such as this mod has given) would certainly be an improvement, I would say that the issue of the character saying things like "that's not how you play baseball, you fucking idiot" when the indiction is "that's not how you play baseball" is less about the UI and more about bad writing. Either the line wasn't written well to begin with or the description to inform the player of what sort of response they would be given was badly written.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I don't see the voiced character as much of a problem. Sure, I would have loved 4 ways of saying yes to a quest, but this is Bethesda we're talking about here. Fallout 3 has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a game. They just don't have the chops, or at least the inclination to make a game with meaningful dialog. Lets not forget that they didn't make New Vegas. I prefer a simplified dialog system that has mostly logical sentences and responses to Fallout 3's garbled mess.
Should we ask for better? Sure. Bethesda however has made it abundantly clear that they don't give two shits about writing convincing dialog.

That said, I have to agree with everyone that one word descriptions of a response sucked ass, and so did clicking those microscopic buttons.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
That's useful. The responses looked like you were doing an idiot (low int) run of Fallout 1, except low int doesn't matter for dialogue options in this one.


New member
May 14, 2012
Braedan said:
I don't see the voiced character as much of a problem. Sure, I would have loved 4 ways of saying yes to a quest, but this is Bethesda we're talking about here. Fallout 3 has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a game. They just don't have the chops, or at least the inclination to make a game with meaningful dialog. Lets not forget that they didn't make New Vegas. I prefer a simplified dialog system that has mostly logical sentences and responses to Fallout 3's garbled mess.
Should we ask for better? Sure. Bethesda however has made it abundantly clear that they don't give two shits about writing convincing dialog.

That said, I have to agree with everyone that one word descriptions of a response sucked ass, and so did clicking those microscopic buttons.
At least in Fallout 3, you KNEW what your character was going to say. Because it was written out for you.
Here, you have to guess. And it's not uncommon that your character says the exact opposite of what you thought he would say because you only get a single word - which can mean anything.


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
Bindal said:
If that's the cost for a voice protagonist, then it's just another reason to show why you SHOULDN'T make a voice protagonist (and even if you did, there is enough room - Mass Effect also had up to six choices, which worked well enough)
Good point regarding mass effect.

To be honest, I'd rather have an unvoiced protagonist and more options than voiced in most situations.
Despite never hearing them, it does allow you to give them a 'voice' of their own through the options you select.
Better for roleplaying.

That said, sometimes dialogue can feel a little stilted and unnatural under that model given the absence of quicker back and forth elements of the dialogue between the pc and npc.
not to say this more lifelike communication happens too often in games anyway, but sometimes in game dialogue can read/sound like two people talking on a forum rather than talking to each other face to face.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
AnthrSolidSnake said:
It's a step in the right direction, but it's still the incredibly watered down conversation replies. However I doubt anyone can really do anything without removing the voice acting.
I don't see why not (to remove voice acting). A mod to have a silent protagonist.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Zulnam said:
Nice one Bethesda. Now, besides fixing the bugs, the modders also have to fix your schitty design choices.
You must not be familiar with every other Bethesda game ever. Fixing crap design choices is a staple of the mod community. From Skyrim's UI mods to nearly everything else.

Look, the game itself is fantastic. It rightfully deserves to be a GOTY contender and all the sales it's still making. The reason why some people are particularly outspoken now is just because they keep making the same mistakes thanks to them still using the same engine (albeit heavily altered at this point).