It's hard to argue that the short dialogue responses aren't bad design... half the time, you don't know what you're saying.
For example, there's a baseball enthusiast in the game who has a pretty funny idea of how the game is played. One of your responses are "not how you play baseball", but the full line is something like "that's not how you play baseball, you fucking idiot".
I get the intent of the choice, it's to minimize the amount of reading the player has to do, presumably because they figured people felt bogged down by the large amount of dialogue in previous games. You can't deny that there's a problem though, when what your character is saying isn't properly reflected by the shown options; It's bad (or as Zulnam put it, shitty) design.
I've picked the "negative" choice a few times when I thought the person I was talking to was unreasonable, but I've regretted it almost every time since the Sole Survivor comes off as an obnoxious moron, as if they were a third grader on the school grounds.