Im not quite sure what people are so upset over. Im not a huge fan of Bethesda, I've usually found their games decently good but lacking a lot of things to make them truly enjoyable, yet why would I sprout rage over something like this?
Sure, quantity doesnt mean quality but at least this (likely) means they're making an actual voiced protagonist rather then someone that just says "yes" or "no" or "ouch!". Im having trouble seeing that as a bad thing, I consider it quite an upgrade to the mute, numb and lifeless player characters they've had in their previous games. Im quite curious to see how it'll work out.
Its reasonable to stay cautious and not hop on the hype-train, but just because they say "we're going to have this!" doesnt HAVE to mean that they're not gonna do other things as well......such as quality. Witcher 3 prooved that quantity doesnt have to exclude quality.
It can go either way. Lets not pretend we know which way it'll be, we'll just have to wait and see.