Fallout: Australia?


New member
Feb 20, 2010
Ldude893 said:
Ze_Reaper_Of_Zeath said:
Fallout : China
Y'know, Hong Kong might be devoid of nukes due to the fact that it was a Special Administrative Region in real life. And China might be anticipating a nuclear attack as well so they probably did build their own nuclear bunkers and shelters.
Taking to account that Hong Kong's a mix of East and West, it would be interesting to set a Fallout there.
Hahaha, yes I know, I'm from HK.


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Aug 20, 2009
that owuld be a pretty fucking hard game Australia is already mostly a inhospitable place but combined with mutations and radiation makes it a very very dangarous place


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Karma168 said:
another american setting will probably have a new character, miles away from anything past characters have done so a change of country wouldn't be a huge change.
I think you haven't played Fo1, Fo2 and Fo:NV. Cause if you had, you'd see that you are quite wrong.

Also not really interested in Australias own version of the remnants of the American government XD not nearly racist enough I am sure.

Steampunk Viking

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Jan 15, 2010
tkioz said:
I just had this really awesome, or perhaps stupid, thought; there is that rumour going around about a Fallout: London, but really wouldn't it be better to do a Fallout: Australia?
I want to see Super Mutant Kangaroos :D


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
TriggerHappyAngel said:
They should make Fallout: Rainforest, where all the enemies are giant mutated Mosquito's.

Most. Horryfing. Horror Game. Ever!

No but srsly a Rainforest would be nice instead of Brown and Green.............as long as there are no spiders.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Awesome thread. I am a film maker in Australia and have been thinking about doing a fan film but with Australian perspective. I have played all the games and easily think that Australia was involved in one shape or form as politically we have a very strong alliance with America. The whole 50's feel is a style and design of the Fallout world so just because of lack of American accents I am sure it would work. Anyways would love some thoughts if you did see a short film made in Australia in the Fallout universe, what you'd love to see (keep in mind this would be a no budget production).


New member
May 10, 2008
Why do people think that Fallout MUST BE STRICTLY AMERICAN, otherwise the humour, charm and purpose will be lost!! Why? Who said anyone outside of the US got the humour as it is now? And how many outside the US understand the relevance of the American dream? And wouldn't the comedy and charm be replaced with a different country's comedy and charm? If we can relate to the US charm, are you saying that the US cannot relate to anyone else's charm? Fable had some British humour and twist, that game is popular, so I don't quite see why a Fallout elsewhere wouldn't be.

And who said everything would be lost, having a fallout elsewhere isn't stopping the series going on, technically its a spin off, so its okay to change everything to suit the locale, its not as if I as a gamer particularly care whether the deathclaws and super mutants are in it or not, as long as they are replaced with something equally as interesting.

Come off it, its a game, it isn't a religeon, let others experience what US gamers find so unique and interesting about it. I don't know half the places in Fallout 3 but enjoyed it and understood it all the same, are you saying you would be incapable of doing that if it switched country?

Desert Warrior

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Sep 15, 2009
I love how a lot of people are saying that Australia has nothing of value.
We have a hell of a lot of uranium, which we export to China and in the 50's the English were doing nuclear tests here.
/threadomances for no good reason
OH, plus we've been dragged into almost every bloody war the American's have started since the mid 1950's.

Dinos Dragoneas

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Dec 19, 2011
I don't think it could be playable.

Considering that both fauna and habitat of Australia, in their natural state, are out to kill you in every step of yours, then a Fallout version of them would vaporize you with a just a glance of it. An above average-player with end-game equipment, a Bozar-rifle and an Advanced Powered Armor would have a life expectancy of about 5 minutes.

Let's review:
Snakes with enough venom in one bite to kill 50 men.
Man-eating constrictor snakes twice the length of a small car.
Carnivorous lizzards of twice the size of an adult male.
Ostriches with helmets extremely eager to disembowel you (no joke, these guys have caused more human fatalities than wolves).
Another kind of ostriches that are invulnerable to machine guns and officially defeated the Australian Army in war. (no kidding here, wiki Emu War and see for yourself )
Venomous spiders so huge that have a mana-bar.
Flesh-eating ants.
Acid pools.
Microwave deserts.
Tasmanian devils.

These 100%natural down-under hellspawns make Deathclaws and Mutants look like pansies.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
im pretty sure anybody who said "FALLOUT:CANADA" and was laughed out of the room would tell you not to let the dream die....
Mar 26, 2008
tkioz said:
Leximodicon said:
London would be an interesting-ish game, but not Australia. Meaning no offense, what's worth bombing in Australia? I can't imagine much of an apocalypse.
Ask the Russians, all our major cities and most of our regional centres had ICBMs allocated to them during the cold war. And the vast majority of our population lives in those cities.
The primary school my dad went to had a bomb shelter built in the basement and that was in one of the bayside suburbs of Victoria.

I'm not sure many people are aware of just how diverse Australia's landscape is. Most are probably just familiar with the outback and Fosters. Plus we don't all sound like Steve Irwin.

Considering we have so many deadly critters I think Fallout Australia would be interesting. It makes me think of that Midnight Oil album cover where Sydney is being annihilated by nuclear explosion.