Fallout: Australia?


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Oct 1, 2009
PaulH said:
Besides ... Australia already has battery acid lakes and 80% of the landmass is already barren with lots of venomous things. You don't need anything else to give you a picture of a world that hates you and want you dead.
I wonder if that's why I found the desert in New Vegas so relaxing? Other than the giant scorpions (our scorpions are a bit smaller) it felt positively homely. If they'd replaced the scorpions with snakes it'd feel like traveling on foot over the Nullarbor Plain or through some parts of the bush.

JFuss said:
Hmmmmm true I didn't think of that.
Instead of Nuka cola or sunset sarsaparilla it would probley be Fosters or something :p
Fosters would make me... angry.


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Aug 3, 2010
Fallout would not work in any country but the U.S.(I'm not American). Most of the game's charm comes from the 50's Sinatra/Rat pack styled feel, the classical music, the architecture. Suggesting it anywhere else is simply a stupid idea, it would ruin the entire serise forever, like the Star Wars prequels.

(I've only played New Vegas and know very little beyond that, so I may be wrong with describing the feeling of what Fallout really is.)


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Mar 28, 2010
ciortas1 said:
Is it even a rumor or some guy wanting to know if the forum thought his idea of Fallout: London was worth a damn? I think it's the latter, as a Fallout in anywhere but USA sounds pants-on-head retarded.

So does the Australia one. Of course you are saying this because you're Australian. It would never occur to you otherwise.

Stupid. Fallout is nothing without the setting of USA.
This is a mindset that I think is a little slanted. It is as foolish as saying that Fallout is nothing without the setting of western USA. The problem with this logic is it has no sense of scope. I know and understand that the world of Fallout is based on the 50s red scare with bunkers but the logic is retarded.

In the world of Fallout, some people survived without Vault-Tec's technology. So it makes sense to assume that other people, in other countries, have survived as well. Other things are happening in the world and considering there is a strong element of politics in the series, I think it would be a good idea to explore what is going on in the world. Especially, if they plan to evolve the series to tell a story on a much more epic scale.

Azrael the Cat said:
If you put it in Australia you'd have nothing but ordinary post-apocalyptic, which is quite a different feel and setting. That kind of ultra-modernist nationalism is completely alien to Australia - if someone was to pull out a flag and start waving it about in 1950s Australia, they'd get told to stop acting like a '**** yank'.
This is why I think the world needs to explore other places. I would say politics takes center stage in the world of Fallout. Maybe not grand scale politics that we think of today but smaller scale. As small as people working together and forming societies obviously under some new standard of hierarchy up to ideological embodiments as the NCR. The NCR is gaining more and more power in Fallout and eventually some sort of "rule" is going to become static and society will build back up.
Sure, you wouldn't want to bring in Super Mutants in Fallout: London, or Fallout: Sydney. You would want each place to come with their own lore and unique environment. With this in place, it set a huge stage for a massive story that builds with every sequel. Knowing that each game will probably come into contact with the others down the road, it makes it an interesting idea.


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Jan 8, 2011
starfox444 said:
It depends on when you set the game actually if you want a historically accurate version. I mean modern Australia hasn't been around for that long.
I don't really know how modern australias age has anything to do with whether it would be historically accurate. We were involved in both world wars. We're young, but older than you seem to think.


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Jan 11, 2011
This has probably already been mentioned, but: TANK GIRL!!!!!! TANK GIRL!!!! TANK GIRL!!!!!!! :D

On a more serious note, I partially agree with Wabblefish, though hailing from england, it is an interesting consideration.... we could get some funky mutations, too, just take some imagination ;)


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Dec 26, 2008
Both are good ideas, neither will happen. There is just to much backstry to the american fallout, and it's the wasteland we all love and know. British ghouls can be awesome, as long as they have a mustache and a couple of dogs. But I would prefer to keep it in america.


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Nov 18, 2009
Nietz said:
Wait, a country that had no involvement in the end of the world? I gee, I thought the end of the world involved every country on earth. Way to put me back in my seat.

And would you actually be content with playing the same game over and over again? With the same backstory and region? Just because it was good at some point?
1. Lemme see now... China invades Alaska, Usa fights off attack, China - Usa mutual nuclear bombing. Yep, Australia had no involvement in the end of the world. I'm guessing mildly irradiated, and having to make it's own supplies like food, which isn't hard. Passive and unimportant in the history that is established in Fallout games.

2. Considering that it's what I've been doing since late 1998, and the alternative is Australia which would be "regular Australia with futuristic weapons and regular animals", yeah, I'm perfectly content with playing the "same game over and over again".

(BTW, if you find Fo1, Fo2, Fo3, and Fo4 "The same game" - you should really try playing them to know what you're talking about)


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Jan 12, 2010
tkioz said:
I just had this really awesome, or perhaps stupid, thought; there is that rumour going around about a Fallout: London, but really wouldn't it be better to do a Fallout: Australia?

And I'm not just saying that because I'm Australia, I'm saying it because think of all the seriously cool mutations they could put into the game!

I mean seriously rabid dogs and scaled up insects with the occasional cool beast like the Deathclaws, the UK would be just more of the same! Not so with Australia, we're already as close to a <a href=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathWorld>Death World as you're going to get on this planet, now imagine mutated platypuses jumping out of rivers trying to ear your faces, swinging their poisoned paws!

Rabid Kangaroos bounding along, kicking you in the guts (I've seen that happen, it's not fun).

Or how about Kolas scaled up trying to rip your face off (they already do it now, imagine them the size of a grizzly!), it would be like Dropbears brought to life!

So, inspired or stupid? or both!
Theres a really really REALLY old flash video somewhere on the internet called "END OF ZE WORLD" I imagine that is what started fallout and austrailia's reaction would be much the same.

and I think The next fallout game would have to be set in another country, Instead of a Fallout London make it Fallout UK where the map is as big as if not bigger than just cause 2's, have the nuclear winter just coming to an end and people are frantically trying to re-establish living on the surface, i mean they wont have been living in vaults but they would have something similar or even just living in a damned cave.

Better than a fallout london would be fallout UK better than Fallout UK would be fallout Europe where you can choose which country you start in travelling say from france to england means you gotta cross the channel and theres a chance a massive mutated sea monster will attack the boat resident evil style?

theres still the Forced Mutation Virus from that blown up oil rig before, why not have that travel airborne and give the player the option of being a supermutant?

Fallout: DOWN UNDER would come much later once they have named and sufficently mutated the creatures but lets not forget africa will they're array of beautiful creatures, Imagine an elephant herd after fallout. now that would be scary.



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Aug 27, 2010
fallout london would be rubbish
and i say that as an englishman by the way

The worst we can expect mutant-wise would be rabid squirrels
and the occassional wild hamster

plus even if you were to do a british one, don't do london, it'll be like the nightmare of the D.C. ruins all over again
having to travel through underground train stations EVERYWHERE

australia would be cool in terms of bad guys
i.e. mutated crocs, Shark-lurks, radsnakes and giant kangaroos
but there are 2 fundamental reasons why fallout will never leave america

1) the backstory. The NCR, the enclave, the brotherhood of steel etc. are ALL exclusivly based in the USA. as well as the fact that the whole game series is based on a bizarre futuristic retrospective on the 50's american dream
2) the market for british or australian version would never be as big


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Feb 20, 2010
Fallout Canada

Fallout : China

Fallout : India

Fallout : Japan ( Giant Robots + Fallout theme = F**** epic)

I'm just spouting random ideas here. The main strength of the game is it's "Apocalyptic 50's type of thing" feel. Probably the game's strength and weakness.


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Dec 5, 2009
InevitableFate said:
Australia doesn't need radiation and viruses to be a deadly wasteland of death and poison.

Three words: Bird. Eating. Spiders.

And no mutant could ever be as bizarre as the Platypus.

Besides I'm half convinced Australians are immune to radiation... and poison... and bullets. Pretty much just invunerable really.

Basically nothing would have changed.
You sir, have just taken the words right out of my mouth.
I personally think Fallout doesn't need a new region, it needs a new ENGINE! New Vegas could have been so much better without the glitches, freezes and the frequent graphical problem when my weapon is held about my head while crouching. Ruins the immersion that I love about fallout.


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Jan 11, 2011
supermariner said:
The worst we can expect mutant-wise would be rabid squirrels
Hehe, we already have them, my friend :p

Dont beleive me? My brother's ex has a morbid fear of squirrels, after being randomly attacked by several of them. My friend goes to oxford brookes university; the students are warned not to feed the squirrels, due to aswell as many other reasons, they have been known to attack as a pack for food XD


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Nov 7, 2010
rb26dett said:
Would be bad if Fallout left USA.

All of the iconic enemies were created in post nuclear USA from stuff that inhabited USA before that (be it mutations, remnants of previous powers, or just FEV). Outside of USA - No supermutants, no nightkin, no deathclaws, no Brotherhood of steel, no NCR, no Enclave... sure there'd be other beasts to kill.. but really? No thanks

Also all of the fallouts were in USA before, so it gives us chances to see the results of our previous adventures (thanks for nothing Fo3 and FoT), which is always nice. Having a clean slate at this moment wouldn't prove much improvement.

Why would you want to walk the country that had literally no involvement in the conflict that ended the world as we know it? There's no severe history to learn there, nothing significant happened, no real war to learn of...
how do we know that each country doesn't have its own version of all these creatures/organisations? by changing the country we could get an entirely different story to the previous fallouts

another american setting will probably have a new character, miles away from anything past characters have done so a change of country wouldn't be a huge change.

all we know about the war is from fragments of stories that have survived and since the news will concentrate on the audience country we have no idea what role any other country played in the war.