KingdomFantasyXIII said:
13 was second weakest selling "modern" console (anything after the SNES) core numbered FF game (beating out 9). FF13-2 was the second weakest selling numbered or spin-off FF game on modern consoles with a nearly 70% drop in sales from 13 to 13-2. What did 13-2 sell better than as far as console games? Dirge of Cerberus, and even then it was by less than 25%. 13-2 Sold less than X-2 which seems to be the most reviled game in the series even among people who dislike 13. Let that sink in.
You make the claim that all the people who dislike FF13 is whine and ***** without explaining their position. Bull. The people who dislike FF13 have written encyclopedias longer than the one IN FF13 on what they see as wrong with FF13 and 13-2. You choose to ignore the long, LONG, LOOOONG lists of academic quality analyses examining FF13 from top to bottom explaining how it fails as an FF game, as an RPG, and as a game in general. There has been no game in my history of gaming that has had so many people calmly, coherently, and intelligently look at it, point out and explain the failings of everything from basic story telling and design to the localization to the actual mechanical flaws. Even Mass Effect 3 has not been under the microscope to the extent FF13 has.
You know what I hear out of the pro-FF13 camp? People crying "hater", or "I had fun so its good", or saying we just didn't want the series to change, or that we don't "get it", or we didn't give it a chance despite putting 30+hrs in to it cause its not until hour 50 that it gets good, or the most preposterous defense of them all "It isn't supposed to be an RPG." WHAT!? Mr. Fantastic couldn't reach that far.
I had started to soften on the series after 13-2, which I kinda liked though I'd hardly call it good, but Thank you KingdomFantasyXIII for reigniting that seething hatred I have for the 13 series and its fandom by reminding me of how smug and self-centered FF13 fans are for not only living in utter denial of the fact that people have logical, well founded reasons for disliking the game, the fact the series is selling poorly by FF standards, but also trying to take some seat of moral superiority through their delusional view that only their opinion is valid.