Nimcha said:
What annoys me the most is how few people are actually willing to admit they hate this just because they cast some women to play the leading roles.
That's awful presumptuous of you to call them presumptuous of the film.
I don't like it because even though they cast all women to try something new, they essentially made female Egon, Ray, Venkman, and Winston. The spin is they made them all buffoon characters. Ray and Egon were pretty smart in their field and weren't really bumbling idiots. Not to say that these women are, but this trailer is a lot more about what these funny ladies are doing. It looks like this movie is going to be filled with 1 liners and cheap dialogue aimed for a barrage quick chuckles. We might get a brief moment of serious exposition of someone's past just for the sake of a serious moment where someone cries or mopes as that is part of the formula but it looks pretty hollow so far.
Just to give you a feel for the original tone:
Notice how Winston wasn't a black stereotype, he was just a average guy. Notice the not-over-the-top whacky zany atmosphere. Have a look at the original two trailers and you can see an effort to put an actual touch of horror into the ghost scenes. The light hearted tone of the movie is only there to serve as a counter balance to the horror aspect.
Finally, lets again note that they casted all women (instead of multi-sex) because this movie totally isn't about sexism. Just stating that to show how ridiculous that sounds. This movie is totally about sexism. It only exists for the sake of gender bending, otherwise why is the team not multi-sex if we are attempting political correctness?
This new trailer shows no real regard for the source material. It highly suggests that the movie uses Ghostbusters as a simple prop package to an otherwise standard whacky comedy. You can hold off judgement until the movie comes out but I have seen all I need to to know that this new movie is just trying to be loud, obnoxious, whacky, and make fun of the idea of the ghostbusters. Plus, it is a little racist and a little sexist to be honest.