Far Cry 2: First Impressions


New member
Oct 5, 2008
I've played Far Cry 2 for at least 5 hours now, played on hardcore (the second highest difficulty), so it's time to at least put in my first impressions, I haven't even got close to finishing it yet, so take everything I say here with that disclosure.

In many ways, Far Cry 2 is excellent, but Far Cry 2 also drops the ball in a significant way.

First, the ball dropping. One of the most important and amitious aims of Far Cry 2 was to create a completely open world FPS, and while there's an open world in the sense that there's a large (and beautiful) area to drive around in, it's not implemented in enough depth to be convincing as a world. What you'll find, to put it harshly, is a series of people who want to kill you separated by roads. Ostensibly this is in the middle of a civil war, but you'd be hard pressed to tell that because as you drive around you won't find anyone actually shooting at each other, and the main bases of each side co-exist peacefully in the same central town. There are no civilians, unless it's part of a mission. Outside of the main town, you will find men standing around at checkpoints who will try to shoot you, and if you see a car you can be sure that if the occupants will try to shoot you too. Basically, out in the world no one so far has had anything better to do than either give you a mission, sell you something or either stand or drive around aimlessly so they can try to kill you on sight. I've only done missions for one faction, so it's not like they both hate me. That faction claimed it's a secret I'm working for them, so even their people will try to kill me, but that makes no sense considering the introductory taxi ride where I wasn't killed on sight or the simple logic that they shouldn't want me to be massacring their men every time I drive around. It's just transparently stupid handwaving, really.

This annoyance is exacerbated by the fact that cars come along very frequently, and the enemies respawn at checkpoints minutes after you've turned you've left. Now sometimes it's a welcome diversion to come up to a hostile checkpoint and break up the journey by either getting out of the car to sneak up, scout it and swiftly take the enemies down or to tear through it at top speed as bullets riccochet off your car, but when every checkpoint is hostile and you just went through that sodding checkpoint minutes ago it gets grinding, frustrating and underscores the lack of depth in the game world.

Another area in which the lack of depth shows is the side quests. For example, you can do missions for arms dealers to unlock new weapons for sale. But these missions are so far always the same: find some arms convoy and blow it away. The convoy always has a couple of jeeps, one completely empty truck and it drives back and forth aimlessly in a small area until you arrive to dispatch it. At least the main quest missions are much better.

Far Cry 2 does many excellent things to maintain your immersion in your character, so another annoyance and baffling design decision is that all the dropped guns, ammo, medkits and other pickups have a helpful pulsing glow so you can see them easier. This is entirely unnecessary and highly damaging to the illusion of immersion. It's just plain stupid, and I could not find any way to turn it off.

All this sounds very negative, but Far Cry 2 is at heart a good game, even maybe a great game.

The gunplay is not quite at the level of CoD4 and Crysis, but it is still very fun and intense and explosive. Blowing things up is a blast, it's joyous to watch that explosion destroy flimsy buildings and shake the trees, starting fires that spread through the grass. The AI is excellent, albeit not perfect; all FPS AIs have some level of stupidity, but so far Far Cry 2's AI is among the least stupid FPS AIs I've seen. They are excellent at flanking you, and you'll have to keep a sharp eye out and know when to move to keep them from surrounding you.

The open world gives you a chance to approach objectives how you want, and it's great to play how you want to. Maybe you'll do a little scouting first so you can start the fight with a first well placed grenade and a few well placed bursts of fire on unsuspecting targets. Or maybe you'll go in at night with silenced weapons. Or pick people off with sniper shots. Or just barrel through the front gate and start raising hell with some explosions.

Sometimes it's just magic, like when I was tearing through the grass in an area of savanah at night in a jeep, following the red marker on my map showing a convoy with a man I had to kill, meeting the road as they passed, then leaping out to nail the jeep with the guy in it with the grenade launcher as he sped past me and off into the distance and then finishing off the escorts as they came back to kill me in the same fashion with a series of spectacular explosions in the dark, and then driving off leaving the ruined jeeps and smouldering grass.

The game has many great ideas for creating immersion. The camera remains in your characters POV as you move around, even when getting in and out of cars or moving around in the car. One mission had me threaten someone; the immersive effect of staying in your character's point of view when you pull out your machete and hold it to some guys throat is not to be understated. When you get badly hurt, you need to give yourself emergency first aid, and watching you pull a bullet out of yourself with a pair of pliers is wince inducingly intense. Weapons can be unreliable and found in various states of disrepair; don't be suprised when that rusty piece of shit AK you just picked up jams. When that happens, you have to mash reload, and you see your character struggling to clear the jammed round. This can be brilliantly tense when your gun jams at a crucial moment and you have to sprint and hide while trying to fix it. I wouldn't want every game to have weapons that jam, but in this game it really works.

So far, it also takes a view of morality that is refreshingly not black and white. You are stuck in a dirty conflict, surrounded by the corrupt and violent and you basically kill people for diamonds. When you kill people for diamonds, the game doesn't care about telling you they're bad and deserved it, or good and don't. Combine this with the immersiveness of staying in your characters point of view and I felt torn to find myself standing in front of someone who I know little about and who is unarmed and has his hands up and contemplating shooting him in the head. I've done worse in GTA, I suppose, but it was very different to do it while experiencing it as if through my own eyes than impersonally watching it over someones shoulder as they do it. The game also has buddies, fellow mercenaries, for you (and no, they don't want you to go bowling). You can easily get attatched to these guys, because if you get 'killed' you might find youself blacking out but then waking up to find one of your buddies dragging your injured arse to safety. But your buddies can be killed, too, and they are left rolling on the ground yelling in agony. You can fix them up with a syrette, but if you don't have one (or don't care to use one), you'll be confronted with the gut renching options of walking away leaving them to die in agony, or ending their pain.. by killing them. And the game goes on just fine without them if they die.

If Far Cry 2 had been able to create a world that was on even slightly on par with Morrowind or Oblivion in depth, it could have been an amazing game, but it just doesn't and it falls short. So far, I'd call it as being somewhere in the region of good to great.

Edit: Forgot to say, I'm playing the PC version.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I'm pretty much in the same boat. The world is more of a playground than a "world" but that didn't really surprise me when I found this out because Ubisoft Montreal is making this and that's not their specialty.

I have yet to find a hand-glider though :(

For a PC game the controls are pretty limited, I mean there's no lean keys, this gets me hurt, a LOT - but twisting my broken arm back into place is awesome so totally worth it ;).

I LOVE how free I am when I tackle missions though, IED's are my favorite weapon so far, right next to flamethrowers (which is the ultimate "deus ex machina" weapon, seeing as that you can create firewalls for escape - or throwing a random molotov and watching the place go up in flames - which is useful for clearing safehouses.)

The tutorial is a little overly long and getting malaria is the biggest neusance ever (maybe that's why weapons glow - and I just assume the map is updated constantly because of your GPS, but I still don't know why Signs glow) and you've got to go through it to remove the "linearity shackles" despite that the game manual is half-as-long as the tutorial.

Speaking of immersion, you should have mentioned that killing people with a machete is awesome, and extra horrifying if it's one of your buddies in trouble.

I would have preffered less "Syrettes" for healing and doing one of those "first aid maneuvers" to replenish one health portion each time and a syrette for emergency instead, but hey, whatever works.

Still, this feels like crysis scale and freedom on steroids, and IMO the gunplay isn't as good as crysis, but still better than CoD4. I just wish I didn't have to "unlock" all those guns, and not even get paid for my work.

Also, the character you choose seems to affect only 2 things:

1.) What your save file is called

2.) Whether that character is in the game or not.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
Oh yeah, lean keys. I pressed my lean keys, expecting to lean, and nothing happened. Dammit, I want lean keys.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Found a hand glider, it's only useful for quick escapes, you can't fly around forever like in the first one. I guess it depends on the weather too.

Also, I've noticed that doing things for Buddies upgrades your safehouse, but I don't know how to "select" a buddy to help me out. I guess I just gotta do a mission for them.

-and you can't do all the weapon dealer missions until the next act >_< I want that AS50 and Mortar!


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Pretty much agree, though I have to say sometimes the enemy AI is frustratingly inconsistent. There have been times when I'd be right next to a guy, crouching slightly (what I wouldn't give for this game to have a prone option) and it would take him a few minutes to react, but other times I'd be sneaking through the bushes with enemies a few hundred yards away, then I'd slightly brush one of the bigger plants and then they'd all start shouting and opening fire (with perfect bionic-vision accuracy, of course).

Still, I have to say I'm truly enjoying this game. I like that it allows for a lot of different play styles to be incorporated, so whenever I have a target I tend to do some early-morning recon, then wait 'til nightfall, get to high ground, blow up some barrels for distraction, then rush in hackin' away with the machete.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I'm 50% done. A spoiler, in the beginning of Act II, you get some deja vu, and you get a mortar. In fact, I replaced my guided rocket launcher in my box for this weapon. It's that special.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I found Far Cry 2 extremly boring you are always boxed in between two mountains, or in the desert. And when you looked at one desert you looked at them all. Missions are placed just to push more time out of the game. Being at furthest opposite side from you, so you have to drive and then take the bus and it still takes like 15min to get there and then you spend same amount of time going back for new missions. All enemy's have thermal sensors and optic vision after they spotted you they will shoot you no matter where you hide. Respawning camps were a terrible idea. The cars are painfully slow.
And the game just feels extremly slow, dull and closed environment compared to speed and action of Crysis, Crysis Warhead for instance.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Once again, an example of how Australia gets everything 6 months late.

EDIT: That is, unless it's on Steam.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Zrahni post=326.74924.853108 said:
I found Far Cry 2 extremly boring you are always boxed in between two mountains, or in the desert. And when you looked at one desert you looked at them all. Missions are placed just to push more time out of the game. Being at furthest opposite side from you, so you have to drive and then take the bus and it still takes like 15min to get there and then you spend same amount of time going back for new missions. All enemy's have thermal sensors and optic vision after they spotted you they will shoot you no matter where you hide. Respawning camps were a terrible idea. The cars are painfully slow.
And the game just feels extremly slow, dull and closed environment compared to speed and action of Crysis, Crysis Warhead for instance.
Well, you aren't as boxed in as you think, just look closely at the topographic map and you'll be able to find alternate routes. I kinda like it, it's a beautiful place and I'm virtually boundless on how I want to get somewhere - so I'm usually avoiding the guard posts.

Also, see if taking a boat would be quicker too. It usually doesn't take me long to get from point A to B.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
If they made mountains climbable and cars faster it would have been better.

And don't tell me it doesn't get old really quick when you take a mission then ride for 5-15min kill a truck, a man or a power generator then ride 5-15min back for new mission and repeat that for x times, till you get one or two odd missions where you have to escort.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Played about 2-3 hours and it has yet to wow me and has left me a few questions like why are their no civilians even the buses don't have drivers, why do road signs point out where safehouses are? why do safehouses offer save points when the pc version can save at any location. why does everyone whos sees me leap out of their car to shoot at me?, and if they wanted an immersive world why have respawning enemies dead people tend to IRL stay dead.

Competant is the word I would use for this game the buddy system works great as the factions aren't really joinable since you are only interested in killing the jackal thus are a means to an end i.e fund the means to kill the jackal, the fire spreading, destroyed an enemy jeep only to set the grass and thus my own jeep on fire causing it to explode, I died...and it was awesome!.
Getting the bus is my prefered way of travel its faster and nobody tries to kill you althought you still need to find a new vehicle once you arrive but they aren't hard to find.
my view is if you can find it for less than £20 or (equivalent local currency) buy it.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
jamesworkshop post=326.74924.853633 said:
Played about 2-3 hours and it has yet to wow me and has left me a few questions like why are their no civilians even the buses don't have drivers, why do road signs point out where safehouses are? why do safehouses offer save points when the pc version can save at any location. why does everyone whos sees me leap out of their car to shoot at me?, and if they wanted an immersive world why have respawning enemies dead people tend to IRL stay dead.

Competant is the word I would use for this game the buddy system works great as the factions aren't really joinable since you are only interested in killing the jackal thus are a means to an end i.e fund the means to kill the jackal, the fire spreading, destroyed an enemy jeep only to set the grass and thus my own jeep on fire causing it to explode, I died...and it was awesome!.
Getting the bus is my prefered way of travel its faster and nobody tries to kill you althought you still need to find a new vehicle once you arrive but they aren't hard to find.
my view is if you can find it for less than £20 or (equivalent local currency) buy it.
Problem is if you played Crysis and you expected Far Cry 2 to be better version of Crysis. Then your dream will be shattered and you will be left with a broken heart :(


New member
Jan 16, 2008
I bought it today and played for three hours. The I sold it on amazon. I know it has it ups (nice graphics, excellent gunplay) but I wanted an FPS, not a f*ing driving-game.
Oh and I HATE grinding.

FarCry 2 SUCKS


New member
Sep 3, 2008
:([/quote]Problem is if you played Crysis and you expected Far Cry 2 to be better version of Crysis. Then your dream will be shattered and you will be left with a broken heart :([/quote]

I expected Farcry 2 to be like how PCgamer described it basically being so awesome that you could never play another FPS again and it simply isn't that groundbreaking the pure FPS perspective is nice but hardly compensates for the 2D world I think fallout 3 is going to have more of an impact


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Wow we have a lot of hate for the driving. USE THE FUCKING BUSSES.

I finished. The ending is kinda morbid, because no one can really take control.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
I'm still wishing that they'd done much more to make the world less shallow, but I'm still having fun playing it. I only rarely feel frustrated at the checkpoints now, mostly I'm happy to jump out and play around with my weapons.

So I'm having fun with it.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
x434343 post=326.74924.854186 said:
Wow we have a lot of hate for the driving. USE THE FUCKING BUSSES.

I finished. The ending is kinda morbid, because no one can really take control.
Problem is i was talking with buses in mind. The driving to buss station then from buss station to objective destination is too slow and too long. If i didn't talk with buses counted in it would as fps as Grid is.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Lord Krunk post=326.74924.853163 said:
Once again, an example of how Australia gets everything 6 months late.

EDIT: That is, unless it's on Steam.
Yeah, that's just awful. I still don't understand why you guys always get games so late.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
davidcrew post=326.74924.856342 said:
Lord Krunk post=326.74924.853163 said:
Once again, an example of how Australia gets everything 6 months late.

EDIT: That is, unless it's on Steam.
Yeah, that's just awful. I still don't understand why you guys always get games so late.
Yahtzee (partially) explained it in his Turok review.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Zrahni post=326.74924.853408 said:
If they made mountains climbable and cars faster it would have been better.

And don't tell me it doesn't get old really quick when you take a mission then ride for 5-15min kill a truck, a man or a power generator then ride 5-15min back for new mission and repeat that for x times, till you get one or two odd missions where you have to escort.
Oh, definitely, BUT - it's our job to make it interesting for ourselves, play it the way you want it. The mission structure sucks but we have to make it not suck. Heck that's my main gripe with the game, the missions structure sucks - but the gameplay in general, I love it.