Favorite Video Game Weapons?


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
One of my favourite weapons is from Blood 2: The Chosen - I'll steal something I've written before about it

First, I find the name awesome - it's not just any orb, neither is it "the orb of mutilation", nor "the orb of death" nor whatever name makes it seem more important. It's just the orb because it's that awesome.

Second, it the look - it's a levitating smooth metal sphere with prongs and it has a reflection! When I first saw it, I was impressed. Consider that was also one of the first first person shooters I had played and you wouldn't really get reflection in games since much later anyway. It's way more impressive when I consider it now.

Another cool thing about the orb is that it runs on magic. Yup, this seemingly technological gizmo is actually fuelled by arcane means. Something about that just always excited me.

Last, but in no way least, is what it actually does. Let me just paste the description:

The Cabal's nasty take on the In-the-Egg-Scrambler seeks out enemy skulls and drills straight to their deepest thoughts. Accuracy isn't all important since the Orb detects motion and can even give chase if enemies see it coming. The alt fire gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Be the ball." Switch in to Orb's-eye view to hunt down your enemies personally. Just remember that your own carcass sits vulnerable where you left it, so don't be surprised if you're dead when you get back. Inspired by the flying orbs in the Phantasm movie series.
Yeah - it's a homing projectile that seeks out the enemy's head, then automatically attaches to and it starts drilling into them. Which, as you might imagine, causes some amount of pain and discomfort. Actually, looks like a big amount. Oh, and if they aren't dead after a while - the orb finishes it's nastiness by fucking exploding.

It's gruesome, it's effective, it's absolutely terrifying to think this might be used against you, it just feels like a terrible weapon even by using it in-game. It's one of my all time favourite weapons in video games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
<spoiler=Doom - Super Shotgun>https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ColorlessPossibleIceblueredtopzebra-size_restricted.gif

<spoiler=Devil May Cry 3 - Beowulf>http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/f/fd/Vergil_wolf_img01.png/revision/latest?cb=20150405084422

<spoiler=Devil May Cry 1 - Alastor>http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/a/af/DA_Alastor.jpg/revision/20080302100842

<spoiler=Bayonetta - Durga>http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/9/9e/Kali.png/revision/latest?cb=20110908233807

<spoiler=Final Fight 1 - The Lead Pipe>http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/capcomdatabase/images/e/e8/Final_Fight_Haggar_Pipe.png/revision/latest?cb=20141022164842

Respect the pipe! Respect it!

<spoiler=Arsura's Wrath - His Fists>http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/asuraswrath/images/9/9b/Asura_Vs._Augus.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130225173921

<spoiler=Serious Sam - Cannon> http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu358/The405_photo/Ed%20Williams%20-%20Games/Serious%20Sam%203%20BFE/serious-sam-cannon.jpg


Jan 5, 2010
Blaster Launcher in X-Com UFO Defence.

This thing just utterly eats anything for breakfast, its the ultimate FU to any enemy and can bypass cover or concealment. Once you have it the only limitation is the ammunition. Combined with psi to view the battlefield it basically puts you in near total control of the battlefield. if you want everything in a considerable AoE dead, they're dead.
And to top it all off? You have total control of every movement of the bomb. if you're skilled and know the terrain you can thread this thing through ten windows, up and down flights of stairs and hit the exact spot you desire. Its the ultimate weapon beyond psionics.



Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Blade of Mercy - Bloodborne
Boom hammer - Bloodborne
Gauss cannon - Fallout New Vegas
Super Shotgun - DOOM
The Soul Reaver - Legacy of Kain
Moonlight Greatsword - Dark Souls
Dragonslayer Spear - Dark Souls

There's more, but that's enough for now.


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
Bloodborne's Boom Hammer.

I love hammers and I love explosions. What's not to love? I took a page from Gabe's book and I call it my Boomyknocker.

Dark Souls' Black Knight Greataxe

I love big weapons. I probably should have said that first. I love this weapon in specific because it's so huge yet its so fast. Much faster than any Ultra Greatsword I could find and still deals as much damage. I think.

Dr. Thrax

New member
Dec 5, 2011

Can be worn on your hands or feet, they project energy claws in two flavors: Strong but slow Fire, and swift but soft Lightning. You can change the element with a simple attack, and once you purchase the second set, you can have the two elements be different. Fire on the feet allows you to walk on lava unharmed, Lightning on feet allows you to avoid being shocked in the one segment where electrified water is a hazard. Regardless of element, wearing Durga on both hands and feet causes one of Bayonetta's combos to be extended with a flurry of punches and kicks before throwing out a Wicked Weave.

A pair of whips that are attached to the wrists or ankles. Much more useful than Kulshedra was from the first game, it's an excellent crowd-control weapon. You can grab enemies and throw them behind you, and you can grab enemies mid-air to pull yourself to them. The damage it deals isn't bad for a medium ranged weapon, and is good for maintaining a safe distance between you and your target.

Aside from looking pretty, the Tundra Beads are the strongest Rosary-type Divine Instrument in the game. They also have an inherent ice-element to them, that allows you to use the Tundra Beads as a source of ice when you use your Divine Brush. Rosaries are ranged melee weapons, used as a whip in the primary slot, or as a projectile weapon in secondary. They deal small damage in rapid amounts, and are good at hitting multiple enemies.

Thunder Edge is the best Glaive-type Divine Instrument. Glaives are slow, but hit hard. As its name suggests, Thunder Edge acts as a source of lightning for all of your Divine Brush Techniques, allowing you to use them even when a natural source isn't available.


New member
Nov 5, 2011
Atma Weapon from Final Fantasy VI. Gotta love a glowing blue sword that just gets bigger and bigger as you get stronger.

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold from Borderlands 2, because cheesing after you've seen everything is fun. Probably have like 30+ of the bastards across all characters.

Corvo's Folding Blade from the Dishonored games, the coolest sword to commit mass murder with before you quickload your pacifist playthroughs.

Bumper swords from Fallout:NV, my go to weapon to back up the dialogue options of Terrifying Presence perk with style. Two handed swords fashioned from car parts, what's not to like?

The pistol from BioShock, fully upgraded it looks so awesome you can't help but use it constantly.

Magnorbs from Starbound, flinging floating orbs of metal which can be repurposed as a shield makes you feel like Magneto.

Lightning Daggers from Dark Messiah of Might&Magic, the dagger moveset looks pretty slick to begin with, I really dig that particular one's hollowed out design. Plus it glows and zaps people.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dr. Thrax" post="9.949300.23958773 said:

Can be worn on your hands or feet, they project energy claws in two flavors: Strong but slow Fire, and swift but soft Lightning.
You can change the element with a simple attack, and once you purchase the second set, you can have the two elements be different.
Fire on the feet allows you to walk on lava unharmed, Lightning on feet allows you to avoid being shocked in the one segment where electrified water is a hazard. Regardless of element, wearing Durga on both hands and feet causes one of Bayonetta's combos to be extended with a flurry of punches and kicks before throwing out a Wicked Weave.

A pair of whips that are attached to the wrists or ankles. Much more useful than Kulshedra was from the first game, it's an excellent crowd-control weapon. You can grab enemies and throw them behind you, and you can grab enemies mid-air to pull yourself to them.
The damage it deals isn't bad for a medium ranged weapon, and is good for maintaining a safe distance between you and your target.


Oh, how I hated the whip from the first game. I forgot all about Alruna. Usually, I put the whips on the feet and the chainsaw on fists. It's really useful for getting combo point on the hardest difficulty and taking down mooks or bosses health. If there is any problem I had with Bayonetta 2 is that enemies became more damage spongey.


New member
May 25, 2009
In SW:Battlefront 2 the burst rifle you got as a kill-streak reward was BEAST as hell

In Brother's in Arms- Hell's Highway the Kar98 is really damn good. It is the only thing that one-shots people and hits where you aim it (even the M1 Garand takes two rounds to kill and isn't accurate). The G43 and STG44 are really damn good too.

In Red Faction Guerilla I pretty much used no weapons beyond the Railgun for killing tank pilots, the nanobot thing for flying vehicles, and the hammer for quite literally everything else. In a normal combat scenario I quite literally wouldn't fire a single shot and would just bring Mjolnir to bear upon my enemies.

In Payday 2 I used to be a BEAST with the Repeater.

In Doom 2 the basic shotgun was the single most useful weapon in the game. Too damn good.

In Dragonball Xenoverse 2 the Special Beam Cannon is strong, but the Supernova Cooler is too damn stronk (Espeically since I am a Frieza Race in Golden Form with max Ki Supers)

Ol Painless in Fallout 3 was among my most used weapons. Accurate, decent damage, and the ammo was easy to find.

In New Vegas I started to use mostly modded weapons, but the Shoulder Mounted MG was really good.

In FO4 the .308 Combat Rifle was my go-to murder machine, though a .38 Combat Rifle was great for light duty work since the ammo was more common than radiant quests. Now though I am using just mod weapons.

In Skyrim I always go sneaky sniper with a bow, but I do dig the Dwarven Crossbow.

In Mount&Blade Warband I always tried to get a Balanced Heavy Bastard Sword to go with my shield, lance, and javelins. It would make mooks cry like an anime fan on prom night.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Only the most devastating weapon ever forged in video game history.

That's right, the Hoe of Destruction

Dr. Thrax

New member
Dec 5, 2011
CoCage said:
Ioh, how I hated the whip from the first game. I forgot all about Alruna. Usually, I put the whips on the feet and the chainsaw on fits. It's really useful for getting combo point on the hardest difficulty and taking down mooks or bosses health. If there is any problem I had with Bayonetta 2 is that enmeies became more damage spongey.
God, Kulshedra was worse than useless, I don't know anyone who even used it outside of that one Alfhiem that was pretty much only possible using it. My combo is generally Rakshasa on hands and Alruna on feet. I know Salamandra is a powerhouse weapon, but I just don't like how it handles. Then again, I haven't played it on Infinite Climax mode anyway, so I can play around with different weapon loadouts.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
-The human pistol from Halo: Combat Evolved. It was so ridiculously effective in so many situations that I hardly ever switched it out.

-The Concussion Rifle from the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series. Primary fire cleared rooms with its massive explosions, and secondary fire was essentially a one-hit kill railgun.

-The Huntsman from Team Fortress 2. Yes it's cheap with a hitbox the size of Jupiter, but goddamn if it isn't fun to use. Getting salty messages calling me a "lucksman" and "cuntsman" was just icing on the cake. I jokingly referred to it as the best melee weapon in the game, as it registers headshots regardless of distance or how long you've primed the arrow. This resulted in plenty of point-blank kills by simply backpedaling and keeping my view in the general vicinity of the enemy's head.

-Roadhog's hook/scrap gun combo from Overwatch. There are few things more satisfying than reeling in that one annoying Tracer or Gengi and straight-up murdering them. I've even yanked some overconfident Pharahs out of the sky on a few occasions.

-The Ion Cannon beacon from Command & Conquer: Renegade. The buildup was amazing, listening to EVA's countdown as dark storm clouds formed, thunder rumbled and plasma droplets began to rain, followed by a huge pillar of destructive light. Any unit, vehicle or building unlucky enough to inhabit the spot in question was inevitably annihilated. It's just too bad the actual destructive affects were relatively anemic due to engine limitations, with buildings swapping out their normal wall textures for charred/torn versions. I would have loved to see full-on demolitions with realistic physics, but that was sadly beyond the game's scope.


New member
Nov 4, 2014
The concussion rifle from Dark Forces. The actual damage wasn't that high; using it on anything heavily armored would leave you disappointed. But there was something profoundly satisfying about seeing a door slide open and a dozen stormtroopers pop out to ambush you- then blowing them all away with a single shot.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Toss up for me:

The Darkness: well, the Darkness. From start to finish, it never got old using the ?snakes? to sneak up on enemies to bite their faces off and eat their hearts.

Dark Sector: I grew up in the ?80s, and one of my favorite fantasy movies from the time was ?Krull? strictly because the Glaive was such a cool weapon. So when ?Dark Sector? came out with the glaive as the signature weapon, I was immediately drawn to it. Taking out legs and necks with aftertouch was a childhood dream come true.

Dark Souls: the Dragonslayer Spear. This is my most recent entry (I only got it a week or so ago,) but on my NG+2 of ?Dark Souls,? I beat Ornstein and Smough for the first time without summoning help AND killed Ornstein last (the harder of two options) to earn his soul for the Dragonslayer Spear. It was a HUGE accomplishment for me, certainly my proudest Dark Souls feat since October when I finally started to play it again after letting it beat me back in 2013. It?s not my strongest weapon (Black Knight halberd +5 has been my go-to since NG,) but I still use it AND wear Ornstein?s armor because I still can?t believe I beat him by myself.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Although specifically, any game with a rocket launcher that lets you rocket jump. I tend to favor explosive projectile weapons because I like the extra challenge of having to lead your target (also my twitch aim isn't what it used to be), but also using them for added mobility? Sold! It's why I have been playing Soldier since Quake TF.

The Tau Cannon, the version from HL1.
Rapid-fire laser? Yes.
That can also ricochet off walls, letting you bounce it around corners in the right conditions? Yes.
That you can charge for a very powerful single shot? Yes.
That charge shot penetrates multiple enemies? Yes
Or just shoots through walls if one happens to be in the way? Yes.
Said charge shot can also fling you through the air at breakneck speeds? Fuck Yes!
Then use it again mid-air to keep yourself airborne or change direction, even reverse it? I think I came.


Anime Nerds Unite
Apr 25, 2013
Well, if i had to pick, I would go with Ragna's BloodScythe:

or Sol's Junkyard Dog MK3:

Both are absurd weapons with unique internal mechanics that allow for cool moments.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
Space Marine: The Thunder Hammer (+ jump pack for extra smashing goodness). Not only is it able to auto-execute most enemies, it has an area effect that makes the grenades look like firecrackers. Combine that with the jump pack and it's so much fun it should probably be illegal.

Fallout New Vegas: The riot shotgun. Legitimately more dakka than is practical, especially with the lightened bolt modification. Clears rooms, trenches, roads, Legion camps, casinos, nightstalker dens, and gives deathclaws pause in just two easy steps: Point and click.

Mass Effect 3: The Javelin sniper rifle and Javik's cheat gun. The Javelin gibs enemies, pierces cover, and doesn't give a shit about whether the target is visible. The only down side is the weight. While Javik's cheat gun can't pierce cover, it can melt enemies, doesn't need ammo, and makes a mockery of armor. The only down side is the weight. And that it makes an already easy game even easier, but that's subjective.


Any Color you like
Jul 19, 2007
Although i don't like Rage from ID very much, i loved how the Shotgun looked and felt.
Then of course Rocket Launcher from Q3 and the new Doom.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Fallout 3 Shishkebab was always my go to melee weapon cause flaming lawnmower blade is a cool string of words

Stake launcher from Painkiller because it's the impalement of the half life crossbow with a bit more umph

If Vehichle mounted guns count the earthshaker cannon on the Basilisk from Dawn Of War also the entire Baneblade because too much tank is not a thing

The Vector Cannon Zone of the Enders 2. Because Nothing says powerful like a massive beam cannon with so much recoil that you have to tether your MECH to the ground to fire it.