Favourite 'Blow off steam' game


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I tend to alternate between Just Cause 2 and The Saboteur- JC2 for out and out mayhem, and TS for more sneaky pissing off the Nazis and leaving them looking around scratching their heads as I leap away over the rooftops giggling like a schoolgirl, before causing the next explosion that sends them into another frenzy. As already mentioned, Mercenaries was excellent for this too.

Outside that, quick deathmatches, preferrably with Instagib in UT99 or UT2004, or Perfect Dark/Timesplitters/The World Is Not Enough always quench my thirst for shooty shooty death.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Mirrors edge and Alice: madness returns, particularly the card level are good for stress. I think its the bright simple aesthetic and music. Even if I'm failing in those I don't get mad.

Alternatively if I'm feeling pissed off and violent I shoot people dicks off and wrap explosives around their heads in Bulletstorm or run people down while on horseback in M&B:Warband. It use to be FO:3 but I don't have that installed anymore.

My mother isn't much into gaming but she use to play Doom when stressed. She also has a model of a rat doing the finger that tended to appear on her desk.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Viva Pinata.

Until Professor Pester comes along. But even then, he's too adorable to cause stress. Easy come easy go, oh well.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
One, the other, or both. Chill, or Bay it up.

Sims, Rune factory, Pokemon, hopefully Harvest Moon soon.

Of course there's Dynasty Warriors, Saints Row 2, 3, or 4, and GTAO, and Way of the Samurai 4. Or wwe 13. Might get 14 once I know how restricted the Divas are. rar.

Sometimes I want to faff about in the world... sometimes I want to watch it BURN!! WAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!
Or just maul mofoz.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
Games really can be the perfect stress-reliver, though, can't they?

Pissed off? Blow something up. Nerve frazzled? Play something like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing and just watch the world happen.

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Let's see... TF2 is always fun. Mount and Blade does the job when I want to hit someone with something large and pointy. Call of Juarez Gunslinger recently joined the list for a surprisingly fun arcade mode, the perfect thing when you just want to spend five minutes as a badass with a revolver.

When that's all over and I want something nonviolent to take me out of the fury, I set Minecraft to peaceful, spawn a new world, and go exploring. Just finding new stuff around every corner usually helps me calm down once I've vented.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Saints Row 3. Nothing like some wanton destruction in my bright purple street sweeper with spikes all over it. The "Insurance Fraud" minigames also make me laugh constantly. Ragdoll physics and bouncing off the hood of six different cars in a row can fix any bad day.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I play Prototype. Just running around and creating all manner of carnage. There's just something about grabbing a car and running through a dense crowd that is just very cathartic.

Although from the looks of it, inFamous: Second Son might become my next Blow Off Steam game once I own a PS4.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Well the most recent has got to be Scribblenauts Unlimited, I just got this from a humble bundle and I've found it very cathartic and great at reducing stress and just having fun when I don't want do deal with my other games (trying to keep my heavily modded Skyrim working without crashing every 5 minutes is a trial in frustration).

When I want to go really old-school, I hit up Earthbound... it just seems like there's no way to screw up in this game, and for me if I want a good stress-free game, I go for something where you can't really make a "wrong" decision but still find tons of enjoyment.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Usually Grand Theft Auto ... it has been a great game to blow off steam ever since I started playing the series.
It still is in this present time.

Now I heard of Dynasty Warriors and it seems a lot of the posters on here has chosen that one.
Hearing about this I probably want to get it now, so can someone tell me what Dynasty Warrior game I should get to fit a console of this generation ... actually make that past generation, you know 360 and the PS3.

... saying that those are "past gen" is going to be weird.
So yeah it would be great if I could get a recommendation on a DW game. :D

Azkar Almsivi

New member
Sep 3, 2012
My most recent was XCOM: Enemy Unknown, specifically clearing Exalt cells.

Get ahead of them in tech, then the grueling slog against greatly superior alien enemies becomes a rainbow waterslide of rainbows and gumdrops.
6 Exalt soldiers firing out of a hotel's first floor, Mec Trooper stomps up and sprays napalm through the windows and doors, followed by heavy fire from my other members as they attempt to flee and panic in vain as they scream and try to call for help on their radios that I'm jamming.

Best ever steam dispersal game would be TES 3: Morrowind for me though. The hours I sunk into that world... I have to go back one day, but I really need to put some hours aside to appreciate, hours I don't have, sadly.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
For me it's probably going to have to be Trauma Team or when I had it, Far Cry 3. But that's been replaced by Blood Dragon, so we're all good!


Aug 25, 2013
I guess it's LoL, even if 50% of the time I end up more frustrated than I began.

ThreeName said:
Sure as hell ain't Just Cause 2, that game is so damn frustrating I can't get any fun out of it. Quite sad, seems everyone else is playing it right.

I love some Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with medium bots. They're dumb as sticks and great fun to pick off.
Thank you I thought I was the only living being on this planet who found that game totally unbearable.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
Command & Conquer Generals, just flip it on easy (I really suck at RTS games but still love them) and steamroll over everything.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Prototype 2.
Some games let you murder civilians at a whim. Only one lets you deliver a flying elbow drop from the roof of the empire state building straight into the face of an old lady.

The darkness 2.
Ripping goons limb from limb and blowing off legs with single pistol bullets is great fun.

Splinter cell conviction.
Just replay the 3rd echelon mission. Sneaking through the office bit is really satisfying and i'm sure it's the only game where you can kick someone from a balcony and then impale them with an american flag.