Oh hells yeah. I love how you'll be like;Anah said:
As much as I loved sneaking about, I had to shoot that bloody thing empty just to see the reload animation.
Over and over again.
'Oh ok I'll just reload...man that was cool, wait why'd it stop? Guess I'll just tap the reload button again and...wait there's still a shot missing, so I'll just re-...WHY IS NOTHING HAPPENING!?'
It may be finicky, but it's damn cool.
Along with Metro ones there's also the Bastard gun and the Pneumo Rifle, both of which are bizarre and very, very cool.
My overall favourites would be the guns from Doom 3 and any game that features the M1 Garand, particularly the one from the original and second Call of Duty's.
I mean, what's not to love about a gun which goes 'KaPEW! KaPEW! KaP- PING!!!!!!'