Favourite TYPE of weapon in FPS?


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Handguns, they are amazingly accurate when they are in the right hands. Its always satisfying when you hear someone yell at the top of their lungs when they've been killed by a headshot with a pistol from one-hundred yards away. Always fun... Especially with the silenced handgun in Counter Strike: Source. People say its inaccurate but its not.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Why not take both? An AR+GL with grenades filled with buckshot would be pretty sweet.

And has no one ever played Rise of the Triad? My funny joke went over everyone's head. :(


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Anything that is singleshot and highpowered. Not sniper rifles because you lose your periphial vision but guns like high powered pistols (magnums or desert eagles) or ironsight rifles. I can usually hit anything with one shot at medium-long range so if I can be sure that its a kill then im good.

As matter of fact in unreal tournament I would use the sniper rifle with the zoom just barely on and headshoted everyone at medium and short range.

Oh by the way this is my first post...hi!


New member
Apr 7, 2008
my favorite weapon by far is a bow
and for all of those FPSs that feel the need to not give me a bow (*angry at not having my bow*) i usualy use the flak cannon/shotgun or a rifle with a scope and 3 round burst


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Shotguns, a modern classic that gives the satisfaction of pulverizing firepower with the extra thrill of widespread shot, with the rush of close-quarters.

Coming in a close second is the crossbow, weapon of antiquity with the present versions being a McGyvered edition with utilitarian twists, such as shooting super-heated rebar or incendiary/trap bolts. The best part is that they could be used in short range sniping and you can retrieve bolts, giving you a feeling of some old time bloke.

Then Gravity Gun because it makes me feel like I'm more resourceful than I am, and the supercharged version is oh so sweet.

Then pistols. And standard pistols, none of those magnums or mini-SMGs, you actually have to use skills with those if you hope to stand a chance, but then they're not for the big boss where you need to do a sh*tload of damage in the smallest time possible.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
I haven't played many FPS games, but I used to play Unreal Tournament a lot with my friends, and it was always a rush to the flak cannon. Nothing is deadlier when you step around a corner and run head first into someone, just pull the trigger and watch the gore fly! Dual enforcers (or equivalent) was always nice too, but my second favourite weapon was the sniper rifle, not to camp, but as an over-powered pistol (you can't get a head shot with any other weapon in UT). Kinda slow, but I was usually good enough at aiming to take them out in one shot with it.

The Red Faction railgun drove me mad, nothing infuriated me more than running down an empty corridor then suddenly dying in a blue flash as some damn camper took me out from 3 rooms away! I was torn between the heavy machinegun and the twin nano's in that game, and I always grabbed some satchel bombs too, to stick on people and watch them explode as they run away :D

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
Xodion said:
I was torn between the heavy machinegun and the twin nano's in that game, and I always grabbed some satchel bombs too, to stick on people and watch them explode as they run away :D
Uh, aren't the twin nanos only in RF2?
Nov 28, 2007
I'm your Gorilla fighting type of guy, your in and out extreme annoyance to larger forces, so:

1)Shotgun, when you want to personal and sure in a kill because if the shot don't kill them you can beat their head in. <3

2)Scoped Machine guns, like the sniper but more fairer to players as the range is cut

3)Sniper rifle, I like the type where you have to cock it after each shot or wait a bit before it is steady again. I like having be skilled to make a kill and having to make each shot count, as well as the gap between shots gives the other players a chance.

And Though they are limited and rare, The Nuke Launcher (see Starship Troopers for an awesome one)... I Really like the type of one where you have to run for cover after shooting it.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
It all depends on the game, but I find that while the shotguns or the rocket launchers are shiney and pretty, the TRUE hero gun of any FPS is the trusty, crude-yet-effective one that pulls you through 90% of the game's difficult encounters. And in a good majority of recent FPSes, this has been the staple Assault Rifle.

A good assault rifle is accurate and powerful; though she may not shoot exceptionally fast, she puts forth the hurt needed to stand tall in a world of shiney boomfest weapons, and she shines her brightest in the absolute most fun combat range: middle range. Short range is usually simply won by the guy who holds down the trigger and runs sideways while jumping and crouching, and while sniping requires skill, it's a lot less risky since your targets often can't get a good shot back at you. But at mid-range, it often comes down to who can balance dodging and being unpredictable with firing accurately and effectively. These are the true tests of skill.

However, I do have to give mad props to the Shotgun from F.E.A.R. That thing is just plain sexy.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I'm noticing that alot of Snipers/Shotgunners like the Shotgun/Snipers. Or the machine gunners like a shotgun or sniper. It's like snipers are afraid of close range and need a buddy for close range, such as the shotgun, or vice versa.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
depends where you are and what type of enemys and such
if i did have a favorite
would have to be an assault rifle
or a sniper rifle


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Assault Rifle baby good all around weapon I've killed snipers at long range, shotgunners at close range, and machine gunners at medium when used correctly it become the most versatile and trust worthy weapon I know and probably ever will know.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
The Pulse Rifle from HL2. I just love the sound of it, combined with its accuracy and power.


New member
Aug 9, 2007
Hmm this thread got me thinking, any players of COD4 try out the P90 w/ the Doubletap & Bandoleer Perks? You want to talk about mowing down a lot of people real fast in small enclosed areas, the rate of fire is simply scary.

magnus gallant

New member
Mar 20, 2008
you know what makes or breaks a fps for me? a good pistol, nothing is better than a great pistol, one thats powerful and makes a really cool noise, ill beat an entire game with just the pistol if its good enough, revolver desert eagle, i dont care, as long as its not something like a wimpy ppk
even 007 nightfire had the raptor which was great, i loved it


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I love the shotgun.
there's nuthin better than playing anything mulitplayer with your cousins just to have them blindly run around a corner right into two shotgun shells to the face.