FBI Arrests 14 in Raids Against Anonymous


New member
Feb 27, 2011
dinnerordie17 said:
Good, after Lulzsec my admiration for Anon was lost, they're a bunch of attention seekers that hacked Bethesda and can go to jail for all I care.
lulsec just disbanded from anonymous, there the dickbags who hacked psn and bethesda, anonymous just attacks federal stuff, the goverment, etc etc


New member
Oct 25, 2009
RoseArch said:
Stop going after Anon and go after Lulzsec, geniuses. They're the immediate thread and are far more dangerous than Anon.
My thoughts, pretty much. Anon is remarkably weak compared with an organized group specific to hacking.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
RoseArch said:
Stop going after Anon and go after Lulzsec, geniuses. They're the immediate thread and are far more dangerous than Anon.
This is the government we're talking about

Its very unlikely they understand the difference between the two.
Jan 22, 2011
as a former member of anon, i can say that I am not really surprised by this. So yes turn me in for being a former member but that has nothing to do with what happened now, it's also funny that fox news is the only "news outlet" for this That I have seen so far.. but eh I think this clip from George Carlin sums it up.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Good. I'm glad they're tracking down these people. I know it's a losing battle and they'll never get them all, but every one they do get is at least one more.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
There is no such thing as a group of people called 'anonymous'. It's a number of unspecified individuals of unspecified size who don't know each other in any way. That is not a group. If some of those people get together and decide to hack websites, that is a group. If someone decides to hack websites on their own, that is an individual. But you cannot crack down on anonymous, because it's not a group, it's not an 'online activist organization', it's a concept.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Anonymous can't even synch up enough to count to five. (Seriously, they try this and have never once succeeded)

The idea that this stuff is an organized attack rather than 'two or three fucks who happened to browse 4chan' is a little fucking rediculous. Do people in mainstream seriously buy this?


New member
May 6, 2009
I hope we also get 14 convictions out of it as well. Doesn't matter who/what they are, they broke the law, and they deserve to prosecuted.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Actual said:
They don't get it. Anonymous is everyone who stands up to fight injustice, corruption and censorship.

If I do it and hide my name I'm Anonymous. And every time I hear about governments stomping down on people trying to make the world a better place I'm more tempted to join them.

If Anon's crimes were in real life and not the internet they would be smashing windows and chaining themselves to business gates in protest. The local police would give them a fine or small jail sentence, but because it's the internet and they threaten large company's finances they're called terrorists and people call for their execution, it's ridiculous hysteria.
in the end they're fucking up people's shit. people get arrested for that usually.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
AngryMongoose said:
"Playing a game of Whac-A-Mole."

It's more like punching smoke. Poisonous smoke. Poisonous smoke that hates you can gets more poisonous the more you punch it.
So wasps then? :D

I don't know I think the internet is very important to keep free for people to communicate and share ideas. I think this movement has the right idea for standing up for internet rights. The controversy over the newspapers in England should tell you a lot about people controlling sources of information...


New member
Oct 8, 2009
People still believe that this group has no official members or structure? How....sad.

Anyway, I hope they arrest everyone connected to this group, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law, and they get the worst punishments their crimes will allow.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
toothofymir said:
I hope we also get 14 convictions out of it as well. Doesn't matter who/what they are, they broke the law, and they deserve to prosecuted.
I would really hate it if the people were only arrested for having computers on a bot net. Aside from making the owner's lives a living hell, it would be a waste of FBI resources.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
A hacker is a hacker in the end. Even if it wasn't part of Anonymous if its a verified hacker, well. Job well done.


New member
May 13, 2010
-Samurai- said:
People still believe that this group has no official members or structure? How....sad.

Anyway, I hope they arrest everyone connected to this group, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law, and they get the worst punishments their crimes will allow.
It kinda doesn't. I mean it has it's core, definitely. Some of it's members are integral and if they go the fight will slow a lot. However the majority of Anonymous is nebulous. They don't follow orders or get given targets or something.

The ideal of Anonymous is a simple one and those who fall under it are de facto members of the group. It's not an organisation, it pretty much defies concise description so I'll go with:
It's a definitive term used for those on the internet who anonymously further the freedoms of others and elicit the truth (or attempt to do so). Doing it for teh lulz is a different concept but I'd settle with that rather umbrella definition. It encompasses a lot of people but that's the point.

Anyway, this is probably nothing more than the FBI trying to look busy however it's possible that it's genuine, some of Anonymous' core is known to be FBI so it's plausible they've got some actual evidence.

Regardless I disagree with this, it's like trying to catch the annoying little kid who's tattling on you while gangs roam the streets. Deal with the actual problems first, then go for the annoying little wasps.
Apart from anything else if they fail to deal a serious blow I can see some members of Anonymous getting pretty angry and retaliating hard. The last thing anyone needs is Anonymous trying to take on the FBI. That'll just be a clusterfuck.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I love the tizzy some Escapist members throw anytime Anonymous gets mentioned. Most of the members are teenagers and young adults with above average intelligence doing things they shouldn't be either for kicks or attempt to be apart of something bigger, which they're not, at least not on a long term historical scale.

Jeans44 said:
Wow 14 DDOS'ers who probably don't deserve it go to jail, the FBI probably has better things to do.
They are perceived as a potential threat. How many of them could/would go beyond? Who knows if they'll be charged with anything, but now the FBI have profiles on everyone caught so far for future reference. They may be "anonymous" but all of these guys have an established internet handle they do their business under. High profile "cyber terrorism" is not something the authorities are too familiar with, contrary to what Hollywood seems to think.