The men are default thing is from her Bechdel test and she reused it for Damsel 3. She reuses her old work for each argument. It's not my doing, I'm just pointing out where she got the argument. It doesn't explain her double standard on gender.JimB said:What does that video say about the Bechdel test? Is she claiming she's rehashing the Bechdel test, or are you doing that? If you're the one doing it, then what is your basis for doing so?Gindil said:Her third video is about how "men are the default," which puts it as a rehash of her opinion from the Bechdel test.
With the whole "men are the default protagonist" of the third video, ignoring any female protagonists and not actually answering the question she presents.And how does she sidestep?Gindil said:Instead of answering the question of how the rescue plot is only sexist when men do it, she sidesteps the issue as indicated by her third video.
Yes. That was her approach and it's actually been well documented that she manipulated dissent against her with her staggered launch of her Kickstarter video with her spamming of 4chan. She'd had 1000 backers before she went complaining to the press to get the 7000 followers she got in the end. But this [] was where she started dismissing comments as trolling even though they only made up ~20% of the comments.Wait, you have proof that she is the one who approached the press and said, "I have a story for you," rather than the press approaching the story?Gindil said:The running to the press for more exposure of her Kickstarter?
Too bad Escapist erased the thread but...You have proof she has ever asked, directly or indirectly, her followers to do anything?Gindil said:The need to hide behind her followers for support?
Asking her backers to do her research []
The kickstarter "Best/Worst" survey []
How she plays the victim card instead of respond to criticism.Is this sentence a reference to some event, and if so, which one?Gindil said:She hasn't even stood up for her own arguments, opting to pull out a troll comment instead of explain her actions for the past two years.
And Anita could have thrown CK under the bus with her actions. I don't care if you care. She took a year off from the project and should have crossed the I's and dotted the T's or commissioned a work she owned instead of performing a Google search, stripping the signature and making someone liable for damages if the IP holder came knocking. It was rude, inconsiderate, and unethical. That's the point.I do not care. I don't believe Cowkitty is particularly owed an explanation even if the use of her image was deliberate; no matter who drew it, it is still an image of Princess Daphne as the video games community perceives her.Gindil said:Hell, even her apology to Cowkitty was weak when you consider what she was doing with her photo without her permission.
I am unaware of any legal basis for what you just said. If you know something I don't, then please point me to the statute you're referring to.Gindil said:There is a strong chance that Dan Bluth could condemn the photo, leaving Cowkitty as the artist liable for damages since all she wanted to do was create fanart.
Look at her posts.You have proof of this?Gindil said:Cowkitty merely wanted to have people enjoy her fanart and yet Anita rudely took off the mark and used it without permission.
The hell you going on about? She's making the same argument as politician Hillary Clinton without evidence to support it. There's no correlation of violence in the real world and violence in media yet Anita makes that point. That's what's crap.So what Anita Sarkeesian said is untrue because someone who is not Anita Sarkeesian said something completely different that is not proven to be true? Crap.Gindil said:First of all, this is the same as Hillary Clinton claiming that video games cause violence.Why not? Is her source untrustworthy? Did it use faulty methodology to arrive at its conclusion?Gindil said:There's no validity to her "nine seconds a woman is beaten" claim.
I don't care if you read the article or not. My point was about the picture in question which shows Zelda and Toadstool. If you want to read it, read it. It's irrelevant to the picture that I found of what I wanted to talk about. That's just petty..."Ignore the content of the argument and look at the picture" is an extremely literal translation of "Don't read the book, just look at the cover and agree with me that the book is therefore bad." No, thank you.Gindil said:Look at her version of Zelda and Link. Ignore this article and look at the first picture [].
Ah yes... The "men wear makeup in video games while Anita's being hypocritical" argument. Not like you'd know anything about that eh?Ah, yes, the old, "Women who wear makeup aren't allowed to be feminists" argument.Gindil said:Anita contradicts herself with her own argument from Damsels. She gives herself and her "creations" more makeup and jewelry while complaining about such things.
No. That's what the Trope actually is and Anita's argument fits those. You didn't know about those tropes?Um, no, I don't. You did not say "Distaff Counterpart." You said "Miss Male Character." Why are you bringing up this new thing now? Are you trying to change the subject?Gindil said:You mean the Distaff Counterpart?I don't think you know what "Miss Male Character" means. Which male character is Daisy a female version of? Which male character is Impa a female version of? Which male character is Karane a female version of?Gindil said:Meanwhile, the perfect Miss Male Character exists in the Nintendo-verse in Daisy, Impa, Karane, and a few others.
It sure as shit is since she's been doing something right in her kingdom to not get kidnapped more than once. Or do you have a reason for ignoring her?Has Daisy ever been a character in a story-based game other than the Mario game for the very first Gameboy, where she was a kidnapped princess needing to be rescued by Mario? If not, then what the hell does this have to do with anything? Are you arguing that her having a slightly more boisterous voice track than Peach's on a Mario Party game is equivalent to actually doing something?Gindil said:Daisy is a counterpart of Peach, showing a more tomboyish side to Peach's girlishness.
Except when she's Sheik, then she's a great character, right? *rolls eyes* Impa shows a lot of different character traits that Zelda doesn't embody. I thought you'd know that just like Mario and Luigi are different Distaffs of each other (even if they're guys...) the same can happen for females too with Zelda and Impa embodying different traits.Um, either you are using some specific slang term here that I don't know, or else you don't know what "distaff" means. It refers either to a part of a spinning wheel for weaving, or else to a thing that is female in nature. How is Impa a female Zelda? Isn't Zelda a female Zelda?Gindil said:Impa is the Distaff of Zelda, who has had various iterations and has always been a mainstay of Zelda games. don't know whom Karane is. Can you explain that to me?Gindil said:Karane is a distaff of Link with a less "sexist" version of dress than what Anita came up with.