Fighting games and taunt buttons .


Not a Premium Member
Sep 17, 2011
Ghaleon640 said:
I try not to let it bug me, but whenever I run into someone who taunts, especially if they do it constantly once they find out they are the better player, it gets very annoying and I just stop and think... this guy is an asshole. I find that it detracts. I think guilty gear had two kinds of taunts, actual taunts, and the other was saying 'well done' I thought that was a pretty cool thing to do.
Yeah, GG had taunt and respect. It was a neat concept since taunting an opponent gave them 50% tension at the start of the next round, so you would be handicapping yourself by doing so.

However, when concerning taunting at large, it really depends on how it's handled by the devs. With games like Street Fighter and Soul Calibur, you can just spam the taunt button after winning, which most taunters tend to do. More often than not, this just comes off looking weird and awkward and doesn't really accomplish anything.

Games like Guilty Gear and Blazblue, on the other hand, work well with them, for a couple of reasons. To start, the character does their own animation after each win, so mashing the taunt button after a win just isn't possible. Secondly, if you decide to do it mid-match (the only place where you can really do it at all), it's really not bad since every character's taunt is basically just something they would say normally, in keeping with their character. It just flows more naturally, if that makes any sense. It really depends on the game (and the community surrounding it)

And to those who talk of taunting as though they were mind-games, you guys need to get off net-play and go sign up for a minor or two. Nobody who plays FGs seriously is going to get angry and trip over themselves as a result. I've never seen that happen once in-person.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
When I played SF4 online I taunted by not moving a whole lot until they do something that demands I react.

It can be surprisingly effective at times, had one guy yelling at me over the mike to 'do something'

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
Fighting games, not so sure about, but games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Sam's DLC for Revengeance, they can help build up your meter's, and put a risk/reward system in place where the enemies become more aggressive and more vulnerable at the same time, plus it gives them an extra bit of character.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.

/random high horse rant

I would half agree with them as characterisation tools but the thing is, stuff like BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena (especially P4A) have them taunt or say something witty on wins regardless (which is the bomb, by the way) so that's not really an excuse.

I'm just sick to death of some prick post match taunting because he picked Swag Team #024 or because he has a shitty connection and picked Hulk and Sentinel GG!
You're the exact type of person I go out of my way to use taunts on at any available chance. Why?

Because you are taking them way to damn seriously. Taunts are made for people with that attitude. The ones that it will goad into doing something foolish quickly, instead of reacting to them calmly. If you're getting so hot headed over a match that a three second animation sends you into a fury, you damn well better believe I'm going to use it.

That's the straight definition of taunting, to "Provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks". If it's going to provoke you into doing something stupid, then it's something I will use because if you can't keep your cool about it and respond appropriately, that's your own fault for falling for it.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
I never teabag or anything, and only taunt when I've won a match or got a second and the person I'm fighting is an asshole. Or when the other player taunts and we just kinda goof around.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.

/random high horse rant

I would half agree with them as characterisation tools but the thing is, stuff like BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena (especially P4A) have them taunt or say something witty on wins regardless (which is the bomb, by the way) so that's not really an excuse.

I'm just sick to death of some prick post match taunting because he picked Swag Team #024 or because he has a shitty connection and picked Hulk and Sentinel GG!
Says the guy who ABUSES emotes in LoL (HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ha...)

OT: Not in fighting games, because it takes up too much time, but in League then too fkn right I do. My playstyle is to naturally fuck with people's heads, therefore that Singed laughbaiting goes a long way...


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I don't taunt, since most of the time it serves no propose.

Even in games where taunting has some effects, like Street Fighter 3 (extra damage) and Final Fantasy (stats bonuses), I don't like to use them since it wastes time and leaves me way too vulnerable.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Correct me if I'm wrong here but in a fight a taunt is a valid strategy most often used to strengthen the greatest gambit in the art of war; the bluff.

It is better to win without fighting.

It is totally legitimate not to mention very entertaining when done right for both the player and any spectators. Denying the right to taunt is like saying no fun allowed.

Having said that there are a lot of legitimate arseholes online... *cough*


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
I like taunts. They are often show off the personality of the character in a quick, cute, little animation. I don't use it much because I'm tend to forget but I don't care much if I get taunted in return.

Honestly, I'm a bit surprised there actually is some backlash over them. I basically see them as little tics videogamers have, like bunny hopping wherever they go, writing gg at the end of a match or reloading whenever expending one bullet.
I know about bad days but I don't think watching an avatar trash-talk would make it that worse.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.

Uh. It's a game. Relax. If something like that automatically turns somebody into a prick well then I just don't know who isn't one based on such a low standard for prickhood. Not like they kicked your dog or anything.

OT: The only taunts that bother me are the 12 year olds on xbox live who have no vocabulary so they just repeat everything everyone else says. Taunts and trash talk are part of the game IMO and if you don't like it or can't handle it, I have 4 easy solutions...
1.) Get really, really good so you hardly ever lose.
2.) Put the game down and don't play it. That's allowed you know and there's no shame in it.
3.) Don't read anything into it. It's probably not personal and if you're playing over the internet, especially in a fighting game, how else are you supposed to show that you're happy you won?
4.) Ignore it.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.
Ouch, salty much? Did you have a bad experience to cause your anger to spike so much? That's not me being facetious; that's a legitimate question.

With a few exceptions, taunts are ultimately harmless. And yes, in some games taunting does open up some sort of metagame. In SFIII for example, taunting gives some kind of tangible benefit for most characters, such as:

- Urien's can cause a hard knockdown for Aegis Reflector mix-ups, and it gives him a slight attack boost.
- Similar to the above, his older brother Gill can laugh and greatly increase his damage output for the next attack (laugh, then do Seraphic Wing... yikes...)
- Ibuki's taunt can cause a stun if it connects, leading to a combo.
- Makoto is another character who can increase her damage by taunting.
- Elena is another character whose taunt has multiple benefits, those being that it can launch for a juggle combo, and it also increases her stun recovery rate.
- Q has probably the best taunt as each taunt increases his defense to the point where he only takes half damage (watch a match with Kuroda on the sticks, you'll see).

The list goes on. Outside of that and very select characters in very select games (Bryan Fury in the later Tekken games, Taokaka in Blazblue, the aforementioned Deadpool in U/MvC3), taunts do little more than show someone trying to cheeky; I usually just give a smirk, call the person I'm playing a bastard, and then go on about my business. I'll take that shit over a half-baked (fuck, or full-baked) racial slur any day, but that's just me.

I'll tell you what fries my chicken: playing a 3D fighter, losing, and my opponent keeps attacking me. Now that shit is annoying.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
So you're telling me that you're a prick? Alrighty then! I completely disagree with being a dick just to win a game, go on about mind games and advantages all you want I just cannot condone it on a very fundamental level. Yes I will get annoyed by it and yes I may make some mistakes (or go into a righteous fury mode and comeback so hard you won't even know what hit you) but the fact that you care about winning so much that you'd potentially ruin someone's good mood and/or day just to increase your online rank by one win is actually repulsive to me. Seriously, i'm a little bit upset.

I mean what if the guy was having a really shitty day and you just made it worse when he tried to have fun and play some video games? What if someone drops a game altogether because you're exacerbating the "everyone's a dick" problem?

Oh wait, silly me i'm asking someone on The Internet to consider other people's feelings. lol nvm.

To clarify I was mostly talking about post match taunting which may be exclusive to Marvel vs Capcom games. Nothing ruins a good game like the guy mashing taunt over your dead body.

I don't even see many taunts actually. There was one guy with a Swagneto team that was taunting everywhere just because he could do the 80% combo every single time flawlessly and he knows how to get in. I'm not even half that guy's skill level so oh no i'm hurt by the taunt, let me get combo'd harder.

I get a real feeling that the BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena players are just nicer in general, especially for XBL standards. Like, I get advice and/or GGs from multiple people fairly regularly in both BB and P4A and I don't think I have had one single rage message.

Whereas in UMVC3, if it's not some rage message spam it's teabagging, if it's not teabagging it's taunting after the match and there is nary a GG to be seen.

I have to assume ArcSys attracts a nicer community but I will lay some heavy blame on X-Factor as a mechanic. Look at it, you might as well rename it Maximum Salt Mode. You fail a comeback you get taunted for trying, you get comeback'd the guy taunts you for his "legendary" comeback of the ages. Eventually you get this horrendous vicious circle building up over the game's lifespan.

That's just my conjecture but I think it's on the mark.
Ya, I'm a prick, sure call me that, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why? Because if I'm playing with someone who is taking the game so damn seriously and is so into it that even the slightest bit of provocation is enough to annoy them this deeply, where they start flipping out for doing one move, I'm likely already not having any fun to begin with.

Do I care about winning? A bit, yeah, but not too much really. I care more about fun, but you seem to be walking this odd line during this entire thing, where you can only have fun in one specific way, and only that way, and any deviation from it is unfair/unsportsmanlike/whatever.

In the end, it's just not my problem. If you're having a shitty day, and you go online to play games, it's your choice. But the moment you start getting angry at the way I play my games, and how I have fun with them, you're just as liable to be called a prick as me. Because in the end, how I play is how I play. And while it might be a bit annoying that a match was lost, getting pissed off either over losing or the three second animation that the other guy uses is just absurd and juvenile.

I'm just going to say, but the way you're writing this right now doesn't in fact make a whole lot of sense. You accuse me of being the type of player that is a dick and only in it for the victory, when it sounds like the only time you're having fun with it is when you yourself are not losing. Otherwise I just can't comprehend why a little bit of a jab is causing that much grief. Either you weren't playing to have fun from the start, or your so insecure that even the slightest bump to your ego causes you to fly off the handlebars.

Because when I'm playing fighting games for the most part, you know what I'm often doing? I'm sitting around with a couple friends, with a few open beers between us, smack talking the hell out of one another, and having a chorus of "AWWWWWW SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"'s yelled anytime something awesome on screen happens. And you better believe when it's a fight like that, you're going to be wanting to taunt the hell out of your opponent any chance you get.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I just remembered something...

You guys wanna know a dick move? Taunting in the middle of a combo. That, my friends, is a dick move.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
I get a real feeling that the BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena players are just nicer in general, especially for XBL standards. Like, I get advice and/or GGs from multiple people fairly regularly in both BB and P4A and I don't think I have had one single rage message.
You're fortunate, and I say that with all the sincerity I can muster. I once played a guy/gal who rage-quit on me 3 straight times, and then had the gall to get mad at me for it.

And don't get me started on the one person who rage-quit during the win pose. Oi...


New member
Aug 16, 2010
It's an unblockable attack that leaves you at +17 frames, why WOULDNT you use it!?!
Too bad they nerfed the tracking to hell in Tag 2 and removed the 1+2,2 40something damage continuation...