Fighting games and taunt buttons .


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Chicago Ted said:
The Wykydtron said:
So you're telling me that you're a prick? Alrighty then! I completely disagree with being a dick just to win a game, go on about mind games and advantages all you want I just cannot condone it on a very fundamental level. Yes I will get annoyed by it and yes I may make some mistakes (or go into a righteous fury mode and comeback so hard you won't even know what hit you) but the fact that you care about winning so much that you'd potentially ruin someone's good mood and/or day just to increase your online rank by one win is actually repulsive to me. Seriously, i'm a little bit upset.

I mean what if the guy was having a really shitty day and you just made it worse when he tried to have fun and play some video games? What if someone drops a game altogether because you're exacerbating the "everyone's a dick" problem?

Oh wait, silly me i'm asking someone on The Internet to consider other people's feelings. lol nvm.

To clarify I was mostly talking about post match taunting which may be exclusive to Marvel vs Capcom games. Nothing ruins a good game like the guy mashing taunt over your dead body.

I don't even see many taunts actually. There was one guy with a Swagneto team that was taunting everywhere just because he could do the 80% combo every single time flawlessly and he knows how to get in. I'm not even half that guy's skill level so oh no i'm hurt by the taunt, let me get combo'd harder.

I get a real feeling that the BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena players are just nicer in general, especially for XBL standards. Like, I get advice and/or GGs from multiple people fairly regularly in both BB and P4A and I don't think I have had one single rage message.

Whereas in UMVC3, if it's not some rage message spam it's teabagging, if it's not teabagging it's taunting after the match and there is nary a GG to be seen.

I have to assume ArcSys attracts a nicer community but I will lay some heavy blame on X-Factor as a mechanic. Look at it, you might as well rename it Maximum Salt Mode. You fail a comeback you get taunted for trying, you get comeback'd the guy taunts you for his "legendary" comeback of the ages. Eventually you get this horrendous vicious circle building up over the game's lifespan.

That's just my conjecture but I think it's on the mark.
Ya, I'm a prick, sure call me that, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why? Because if I'm playing with someone who is taking the game so damn seriously and is so into it that even the slightest bit of provocation is enough to annoy them this deeply, where they start flipping out for doing one move, I'm likely already not having any fun to begin with.

Do I care about winning? A bit, yeah, but not too much really. I care more about fun, but you seem to be walking this odd line during this entire thing, where you can only have fun in one specific way, and only that way, and any deviation from it is unfair/unsportsmanlike/whatever.

In the end, it's just not my problem. If you're having a shitty day, and you go online to play games, it's your choice. But the moment you start getting angry at the way I play my games, and how I have fun with them, you're just as liable to be called a prick as me. Because in the end, how I play is how I play. And while it might be a bit annoying that a match was lost, getting pissed off either over losing or the three second animation that the other guy uses is just absurd and juvenile.

I'm just going to say, but the way you're writing this right now doesn't in fact make a whole lot of sense. You accuse me of being the type of player that is a dick and only in it for the victory, when it sounds like the only time you're having fun with it is when you yourself are not losing. Otherwise I just can't comprehend why a little bit of a jab is causing that much grief. Either you weren't playing to have fun from the start, or your so insecure that even the slightest bump to your ego causes you to fly off the handlebars.

Because when I'm playing fighting games for the most part, you know what I'm often doing? I'm sitting around with a couple friends, with a few open beers between us, smack talking the hell out of one another, and having a chorus of "AWWWWWW SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"'s yelled anytime something awesome on screen happens. And you better believe when it's a fight like that, you're going to be wanting to taunt the hell out of your opponent any chance you get.
pretty much all of this.

it's just a game guys. They're not forcing your sister to have sex with them. they pushed a button in a video game.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I like plinking a focus attack into taunt in SF4 when ever I can. Absorbing a projectile with a taunt is pretty fun to do. I frequently use Dan too, and if you're using Dan, you HAVE to taunt. Preferably with taunt 9.

So yeah, I'm fine with taunts. Adds to the character and psychological warfare and all that jazz.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Personally, I always view taunts as a foolish move. Most games make taunting a thing that leaves you vulnerable. Which means if you taunt, you can't defend, attack, or move in. It's basically, leaving you open, or choosing to lose momentum.

I've used taunts before, but only when I am confident in my victory. Maybe not even then.
Though, I know I have played a few games where taunting had an actual affect. Like reducing the opponent's energy or attack meter or something along those lines. In that case, it can actually be a useful tactic. But still risky.

At the end of the day, I don't really mind them. Worst case I think I'll half jokingly call someone a dick for taunting. That's about it, though.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
It's just for fun. It also give you a free shot at the person who does it if you're quick enough.

daveman247 said:
Can't speak for fighting games but teabagging in an FPS/ whatever is all in good fun. Or in Tf2 there IS an actual taunt button which is always fun to use. Its sort of a release, epspecially if I have finally dealt with a troublesome player. Sure some get mad, but whatever, its a game :p Maybe it'll make them slip up or maybe it will make them try harder.
There are also lethal taunts in TF2. Getting away with killing someone with a taunt is very satisfying.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
SageRuffin said:
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.
Ouch, salty much? Did you have a bad experience to cause your anger to spike so much? That's not me being facetious; that's a legitimate question.
Try 2 straight months of UMVC3. Every other match was a post match taunter and/or teabagger for two straights months at least. I don't even mind losing, I stopped caring about my rank around 7th Lord (about a month or two after launch) and it's been kicked around from anywhere from Rookie to Fighter to 8th Lord since so I don't care about the fact that I lost, it's how the guy responds to it with a taunt for no good reason.

Maybe the idea of good sportsmanship i'm still in favour of is too archaic now?

Maybe it's just because I always felt like Marvel vs Capcom was just not a game you ever take seriously competitively ('cept like y'know EVO and stuff) because come on, it's a game where Dante has a punch up with Hulk and Phoenix Wright prosecutes Doctor Doom.

These were all different guys by the way, not many continuous runbacks until the game's anniversary last December.

I never let one bad experience affect me before and I never really plan to. I would not still be playing League if I usually let myself be affected by that shit for example.

But I literally dropped Marvel because lol salty winners (only in Marvel could that be a thing) running full swag teams post match taunting throughout every online session I did forever.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
KaosuHamoni said:
The Wykydtron said:
God no, a thousand times no. There is literally no point in putting into the game apart from giving people a "I feel like being a prick" button.

Fucking mind games now? Is that the new word for being a prick? You people disgust me. Regardless of your "good" excuses, winning a game is apparently more important than being a decent human being now.

/random high horse rant

I would half agree with them as characterisation tools but the thing is, stuff like BlazBlue and Persona 4 Arena (especially P4A) have them taunt or say something witty on wins regardless (which is the bomb, by the way) so that's not really an excuse.

I'm just sick to death of some prick post match taunting because he picked Swag Team #024 or because he has a shitty connection and picked Hulk and Sentinel GG!
Says the guy who ABUSES emotes in LoL (HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ha...)

OT: Not in fighting games, because it takes up too much time, but in League then too fkn right I do. My playstyle is to naturally fuck with people's heads, therefore that Singed laughbaiting goes a long way...
You know Riot themselves issued me an order telling me to stop playing Nunu Bot because I was messing with other players' sanity. So I picked up Singed instead :D



New member
Jul 10, 2009
I like taunts in games personally. They are fun. Yeah I get that they are unsporting and such, but nothing is better than having Diddy Kong dance while people slip around the level on banana peels while trying to hit him. Though Teabagging I am not a fan of. I also only do taunts in TF2 where everyone will just taunt when the match is beginning or over or in Smash Bros because why the hell not.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Kheapathic said:
You call it unsportsmanlike, we call it mind games. They exist for a myriad of reasons but basically it's there to taunt your opponent. Most of what I've had to say was already said, specifically by IlluminaTIma.

Finishing up with your opponent, yes I taunt. Why? Because as I said before, mind games. There's also games like Soul Calibur or Tekken which allow you some bonus time to wail on your already defeated opponent, which I do. I don't teabag, mainly because I don't play a lot of FPS.. and... there's only two people who should be touching my junk.

My group of friends and I also have a house rule (regardless of whose house). Since there is a skill gap between us, to stop one person from monopolizing a controller and giving it up only when they're bored or need to piss. Every match that they win, they are required to taunt that many times before the next match is over; if they don't meet the required amount of taunts, they're disqualified. Theoretically speaking if they kept winning, they'd eventually have to taunt so many times they should get stomped. This keeps controller rotation semi-constant and things fun.
Really? When I get together with a group of friends to keep controllers rotating the winning player usually just gives up their controller voluntarily.


a single man with a sword
Jun 5, 2010
I dont mind taunts but I do like what one of the WWE games did and that taunts helped build up for your finshers but if you were interrupted it was a huge loss so it evened itself out and allowed players to keep the personas of their wrestlers true. i dont really play that game anymore but still a fine example of how to incorporate taunts without making them obnoxious


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Because it's funny to see Lizardman do that little dance! If you see them as a "troll button", I think you're taking things far too's a game, people are allowed to give a visual representation of the fact they're proud of that last combo.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Headsprouter said:
Because it's funny to see Lizardman do that little dance! If you see them as a "troll button", I think you're taking things far too's a game, people are allowed to give a visual representation of the fact they're proud of that last combo.
This. This so hard. And if you don't like getting taunted, get better and don't give the other player time to taunt.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I think it's fun, I always taunt after I take a life in SSB before they respawn (there's JUST enough time for a taunt after all). It's sort of celeratory to me, like the equivalent of saying "Yeah!" or "Woohoo!" or even a friendly "In your face," it's not as bad as tea bagging.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Kheapathic said:
Vault Citizen said:
Kheapathic said:
You call it unsportsmanlike, we call it mind games. They exist for a myriad of reasons but basically it's there to taunt your opponent. Most of what I've had to say was already said, specifically by IlluminaTIma.

Finishing up with your opponent, yes I taunt. Why? Because as I said before, mind games. There's also games like Soul Calibur or Tekken which allow you some bonus time to wail on your already defeated opponent, which I do. I don't teabag, mainly because I don't play a lot of FPS.. and... there's only two people who should be touching my junk.

My group of friends and I also have a house rule (regardless of whose house). Since there is a skill gap between us, to stop one person from monopolizing a controller and giving it up only when they're bored or need to piss. Every match that they win, they are required to taunt that many times before the next match is over; if they don't meet the required amount of taunts, they're disqualified. Theoretically speaking if they kept winning, they'd eventually have to taunt so many times they should get stomped. This keeps controller rotation semi-constant and things fun.
Really? When I get together with a group of friends to keep controllers rotating the winning player usually just gives up their controller voluntarily.
My friends and I stick to Arcade Rules, "Winner stays, loser pays." At the same time we recognized that isn't always the best way, so we decided on taunting per the number of matches won. It makes it a game within itself and is pretty fun.
There is something appealing about that, I host a regular videogame club and I should mention it next time


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
I like taunting...but not to anger my opponent if i can help it.

In good fight scenes in film the people often take time to taunt their opponent so only makes the fight more cinematic, adds a little personality into the mix.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
IllumInaTIma said:
Because taunts are kinda fun. I don't really mind if someone taunts me, I feel satisfied if I can get away with taunt myself. Plus, considering limitations fighting genre imposes, taunts are excellent little characterization tools. In Dead or Alive 5 every character taunt tells something about a character. Ayane is arrogant so she dismissively laughs "Hmph, idiot", Christie is a true definition of femme fatale so she teasingly says "Come over here", Kokoro is young and gentle so she awkwardly says "I'm sorry". Also, taunts are as much of a technique as sidestepping or juggling. Make your foe enraged and lose focus. PLUS, sometimes taunt ACTUALLY is a battle technique, for example in Tekken Miguel's taunt suddenly transitions to a freaking one hit kill.
Agreed DOA does taunts well I especially like it in 5 that the more arrogant/confident/cheeky characters have more taunts than other meeker characters and apparently some will gain more taunts in DOA5U which could be fun. Also Zack has the greatest taunts ever with his Zack Beam taunt that actually does damage and his zero gravity taunt that can actually dodge attacks ofc neither does either very well but its fun to kill someone with Zack Beam especially as its so stupid.

I rarely taunt people myself I just cant be arsed the only exceptions are if I know them or we have established some sort of rapor then I may taunt every so often. I will taunt if someone sends me abuse or gives me shit and I win.

tying into your second point taunting after rounds is an important tactic for Tira in SC5 because it has a good chance of changing your stance so if you end the round in Jolly stance (i.e shit stance) then you will want to taunt to try and change to gloomy (awesome stance) to set yourself up better for the next round.

Taunts dont usually bother me to be honest if I find they are starting to get to me I just stop playing for a bit but really I rarely get taunted.

Also in most games taunting mid match is just asking to get your face kicked in or at best you are sacrificing better options just to taunt but if its actual taunt tech then thats fair enough also.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Panthera said:
I don't taunt (doesn't achieve anything) except in Smash Bros (because it's mandatory to demand people show you their moves), but I always get a laugh out of people who try to make it into some sort of "honour" thing. It's a taunt button in a video game. There's no honour or dishonour, someone is taking a moment to stop beating you up and do a random fluff action. It's utterly meaningless and it's hilarious so many people try to impose their imaginary code of conduct on others.

... And then /THREAD.

I seriously have a hard time trying to take people seriously "unsportsmanlike, no honour" Wow really? o_O

I had to check again what forum was this- for the looks of it it looked like some sort of real life fight or something.