Film These Heroes!

Herb sewell

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Not G. Ivingname said:
Darktau said:
I want that glove, and death is a woman? Meh, whatever turns you on. (The thor movie looks a bit cheesy though :p)
Hay, she has been with Deadpool at times since of his inability to die.

She even took him for "Thirty days" between issues at one point :p
Deadpool, Thanos and Death(Yes the concept of death) have been in a pretty funny love triangle for a while now


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Booster gold sounds promising, as does his plan. I've got to give that a go as soon as I finish building my time machine...which should be yesterday...

I think Strange is already being discussed by various film companies.

Union Jack? It's bad enough Captain Britain (seriously) exists as an answer to Captain America...we don't really go in for patriotism and I'm pretty sure other countries wouldn't want ours rubbed in theirs faces...


New member
Mar 18, 2008
I'm right on board with you, and it's probably no surprise that I'm behind a Strange movie more than anyone else on that list. (Hint: Liam Neeson, Detective!)

I think girl-superhero movies could work if we'd occasionally cast respectable females in respectable roles. Power Girl and Supergirl are up there with Lara Croft on the "even Angelina Jolie can't salvage anything worthwhile here" chart, and let's not even talk about Wonder Woman.

With them out of the way, who comes to mind? For DC, Batgirl? Little chance of a good Batgirl flick if it stars Steph or Cassie, and the sad fact is that Barbara Gordon, with Gail Simone's "I'll walk out the door if you ever let her walk again" hangup, just wouldn't make a good main character as Oracle. A Birds of Prey movie would be pretty epic, but following the relative failure of the TV series, I doubt that'll get greenlit. I don't think the audiences are ready for a Gotham City Sirens movie (villains-as-heroes are best accepted during the "deconstruction" period of a genre, and I don't think we're quite there yet), and Zatanna is just a little too off-the-wall to make a film that is both interesting and faithful. I think they could certainly Jonah-Hex her onto the silver screen, but nobody wants to see that happen.

With Marvel, you're probably looking at an X-teamup consisting of mainly women characters if you want good characters, but then you have all the problems any X-movie comes with. She-Hulk is a great character and a great idea, but we're back to the problem of finding a respectable actress who even vaguely resembles Jennifer Walters. Let's face it, you can't cast Megan Fox for that one. While I'd love a space-opera musical starring Dazzler (possibly with the plot of that What-If where she's the Herald of Galactus?!), the idea probably wouldn't catch fire with the suits... or anyone else, for that matter. Ms. Marvel is Marvel's Wonder Woman - all male-directed feminism, no substance.

Honestly, if I had to pick a female superhero to star in her own movie right now, you know who I'd pick? Empowered. The source material is comedic enough that the film doesn't have to take itself incredibly seriously, she draws her powers from her suit rather than her muscles, so the actress could feasibly be the underfed 110-lb socialite they'd probably cast anyway, and let's face it, EMP is just plain likeable.

However, none of this discussion precludes the fact that the next superhero movie should be about
the Runaways.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
I've been hoping for a Booster Gold movie since I read 52. Green Arrow just seems like the right movie for the times. I mean, what do you think the average moviegoer would rather see, Green Arrow standing up for the impoverished, or Julia Roberts going on vacation?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
kementari said:
I'm right on board with you, and it's probably no surprise that I'm behind a Strange movie more than anyone else on that list. (Hint: Liam Neeson, Detective!)
That's INSANELY inspired fan-casting. Well done. I can easily hear him calling stuff up "By the Crimson Bands of Cytorak!" ...actually, by that same logic, I'd be cool with Morgan Freeman if they wanted to go "colorblind" with the casting.

I think girl-superhero movies could work if we'd occasionally cast respectable females in respectable roles. Power Girl and Supergirl are up there with Lara Croft on the "even Angelina Jolie can't salvage anything worthwhile here" chart, and let's not even talk about Wonder Woman.
I dunno... I think Supergirl would be workable if the film managed to ignore the last 20something years of her (ab)use in the comics and give us a Supergirl (i.e. what "is it" to be a young teenaged woman with the strength of a god in a world that none the less still regards you as "helpless") as opposed to Superbarely-legal-pinup like the current version. I also have a hunch that Wonder Woman will be eminently more "filmmable" if/when "Thor" is a hit and a WW movie can now be easily pitched as "Thor, but with estrogen."

With them out of the way, who comes to mind? For DC, Batgirl?
Y'know, it's funny... my favorite never-gonna-happen Batman 3 "fancasting" rumor to come up immediately after "Inception" came out was people hoping that they'd just skip Robin entirely and instead make Ellen Paige a pre-crippled Barbara Gordon Batgirl. Not gonna happen, but I can't say I'd be opposed to it.

However, none of this discussion precludes the fact that the next superhero movie should be about
the Runaways.
Only reason that wasn't on the list was because it's already being prepared, same as Deadpool ;)

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I liked the idea of a Runaways movie unti Marvel's unholy alliance with Disney. What would be a great movie would just turn into a vehicle for their tween starlet lot, and have a lot left on the cutting room floor. Heck, I'd prefer a Joss Whedon TV series for them anyway.

Question is a good one, Charlie or Montoya.

Doc Strange has been in the works for a while, long enoguh for us to doubt it's existance.

Luke Cage, I could go for it, as a trowback to blakcsloitation films.

Green Arrow's a nice idea but reeks of cliche.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
MovieBob said:
kementari said:
I'm right on board with you, and it's probably no surprise that I'm behind a Strange movie more than anyone else on that list. (Hint: Liam Neeson, Detective!)
That's INSANELY inspired fan-casting. Well done. I can easily hear him calling stuff up "By the Crimson Bands of Cytorak!" ...actually, by that same logic, I'd be cool with Morgan Freeman if they wanted to go "colorblind" with the casting.
That WOULD be an awesome fit, either of them!

Dangit, I really REALLY want a Doc Strange movie. I refuse to believe that I live in a world where the only live action Strange movie is that godawful made-for-tv one from years ago.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Elesar said:
I'll agree with all of those except Dr. Stange(love?). The problem is, and this is present in the comics and several comic writers have said as much, Dr. Strange is so powerful and his abilities are so varied, it's hard for anything to feel threatening. This can sink a movie, and it's one the main problems with Superman to this day (I've done my urgency rant on this very site, so I'm not going into it again).
Personally I think a Doc Strange movie could be made to work, and hopefully the one they have planned (or in production) will be well done.

I do vaguely remember one Doc Strange comic where the universe was destroyed, and he remade it exactly as it was - so yeah, not exactly underpowered. A potentially very interesting character, though, with a lot of potential for story depth.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
While I would love to see it I highly doubt a Dr. Strange movie. If I'm not mistaken Dr. Doom was a student of the Magician and those rights belong to Sony and their Fantastic Four movies. If a Dr. Strange movie gets made I would love to have Dr. Doom in it, just so we can have the ultimate badassery of a Dr. Doom who also knows magic (There's one comic where an alien is trying to invade the most powerful being in the area, and it passes up Thor because Dr. Doom is nearby, that's the kind of awesome I'm talking about).


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Yeah, here's the thing, I agree with all your ideas, but some of them might be too risky for some studios because either the character, name, or premise doesn't sound as "cool" or "awesome" as you think it does.

Doctor Strange and Animal Man seem like awesome characters with cool powers and good potential for movies, but... Well, ask one guy who's never read comics who either of these characters are and see the reaction.

Also, your last suggestion. Yeah, the Hulk whaling on dinosaurs is cool, but, uhh... I don't know, it just doesn't seem like it has enough "coolness" to warrant a movie. Yeah, dinosaurs are awesome but I think you give them a LITTLE too much credit then they deserve.

One last thing, though... Detective Chimp: MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Joe Matsuda said:
hmmmmmm....A Booster Gold movie? should I put this lightly?.....

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
I heartily endorse this statement, but know what would be better? A movie of The Blue and The Gold.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
MovieBob said:
kementari said:
I'm right on board with you, and it's probably no surprise that I'm behind a Strange movie more than anyone else on that list. (Hint: Liam Neeson, Detective!)
That's INSANELY inspired fan-casting. Well done. I can easily hear him calling stuff up "By the Crimson Bands of Cytorak!" ...actually, by that same logic, I'd be cool with Morgan Freeman if they wanted to go "colorblind" with the casting.
Well, I wanted Donald Glover for Spider-Man (HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SO AWESOME), so I'm right on board with you. But lately, it's almost like they're intentionally channeling thoughts of Neeson to both their writers AND their artists. Seriously, man, it's freaky.

MovieBob said:
I think girl-superhero movies could work if we'd occasionally cast respectable females in respectable roles. Power Girl and Supergirl are up there with Lara Croft on the "even Angelina Jolie can't salvage anything worthwhile here" chart, and let's not even talk about Wonder Woman.
I dunno... I think Supergirl would be workable if the film managed to ignore the last 20something years of her (ab)use in the comics and give us a Supergirl (i.e. what "is it" to be a young teenaged woman with the strength of a god in a world that none the less still regards you as "helpless") as opposed to Superbarely-legal-pinup like the current version. I also have a hunch that Wonder Woman will be eminently more "filmmable" if/when "Thor" is a hit and a WW movie can now be easily pitched as "Thor, but with estrogen."
I dig what you're saying about old-Supergirl, but I sorely doubt that's gonna happen. Although Matt Idelson recently DID say he's tired of seeing Kara's panties, so... who knows?

Also, if Wonder Woman was "Thor, but with estrogen", she'd have captured my interest as a RARE FEMALE READER OF COMICS long ago, but she's just... not. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE for someone to reinvent her as a proponent of equality rather than feminism (how about having her champion the idea of letting men legally disown their unborn children to prevent unmarried women from "having the baby to keep the man" at the same time as trying to punch through the corporate glass ceiling and overturn California's Prop 8?), but I just don't have the faith that this would actually occur. You'd need someone who was actually willing to indulge in political issues, and Grant Morrison at least is dead set against politics in comics. And frankly, Wonder Woman as JUST a supernatural deific entity rather than a supernatural deific entity who champions the cause of the downtrodden is a pale Wonder Woman indeed.

Could happen, though, and I'd love it if it did.

MovieBob said:
With them out of the way, who comes to mind? For DC, Batgirl?
Y'know, it's funny... my favorite never-gonna-happen Batman 3 "fancasting" rumor to come up immediately after "Inception" came out was people hoping that they'd just skip Robin entirely and instead make Ellen Paige a pre-crippled Barbara Gordon Batgirl. Not gonna happen, but I can't say I'd be opposed to it.
All I heard was "Ellen Paige Batgirl", and I've had enough glasses of wine since my last post to send me through the roof on the greatest nerd rush ever.

MovieBob said:
However, none of this discussion precludes the fact that the next superhero movie should be about
the Runaways.
Only reason that wasn't on the list was because it's already being prepared, same as Deadpool ;)
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I had no idea! @_@


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I think it would be awesome to see Captain America and Union Jack kicking ass and chewing bubblegum together!


New member
Apr 23, 2008


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Well, personally I think superheroes should stay for a little while longer, at least until Batman gets a reboot so they can work on a justice league movie (btw I love Nolan's Batman beyond belief but we all know it would be RUINED if it got an expanded universe). Lets be honest, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Wonder Woman and a very awesome appearence from The Question would be great. Having said that some of Images stuff like 'Invincible' has a lot of potential.

Joe Matsuda

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Simriel said:
Joe Matsuda said:
hmmmmmm....A Booster Gold movie? should I put this lightly?.....

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
I heartily endorse this statement, but know what would be better? A movie of The Blue and The Gold.
Holy sweet baby Jesus...that is this smartest thing I have heard anyone say in the history of ever...

and the best part of it is:

at this rate, we have our selves a Justice League International moive in the works...


New member
Jun 16, 2008
I'll only care about 'superhero movies' when they'll start filming Vertigo "graphic novels" like The Sandman, Lucifer, Swamp Thing and do Hellblazer correctly.

Of course, I'll only care so I can rage at the rape that will definately follow. Case in point: Keanu Reeves' Constantine.