I finished the game two days ago and it was a bit of a weird experience because unlike what I assume this games target audience to be, I didn't grow up with Final Fantasy 7 or what I understand to be its rather vast expanded universe. What can I say, I was a Nintendo kid. While I do know a thing or two about the game from cultural osmosis alone this was my first direct exposure to Final Fantasy 7.
I will say, as a newcomer, there was some stuff that seemed vague and underexplained to me when it comes to lore, backstory and metatextual themes, though maybe the sequels will elaborate on that. However, I will say, I could follow the basic plot just fine. You are a mercenary, you are in a city ruled by an evil megacorporation working for a resistance group, you meet a girl who turns out to be descended from something like elves, she gets kidnapped by the evil corporation, you rescue her. People like Jim Sterling go on about how "subversive" it is in relation to the original but I simply don't have the context to judge that. That being said:
I fucking loved this. It was certainly not quite what I expected, it felt, much of the time, less like an RPG and more like an Naughty Dog style cinematic action game with emotional und action setpieces connected by mostly linear level (And as a matter of fact, I felt the four more open ended chapters were where the game was at its weakest) but unlike something like Last of Us or Uncharted I actually cared for this story and those characters and the world they live in. It's a game that took me about 40 hours to finish and it never got old for me. For one, because the combat was quite fun, once I got the hang of it, but also because the presentation and writing were, for most of the game, absolutely stellar. There were points where I was literally smiling from ear to ear, simply from how disarmingly charming the game was. Scenes like Wedge introducing me to his cats, or picking flowers with Aerith actually made me fall in love with these characters. Or, hell, the fact that the game actually had an elaborate, Moulin Rouge inspired musical sequence.
Playing FF7Re actually left me with a similar feeling as seeing Star Wars for the first time did. It fully engrossed me in the world it was depicting all the way from its beginning to it action packed finale. The last two chapters had some of the most baroque action setpieces in both gameplay and cutscenes I've ever seen in any visual medium. It might have overdone it a bit in the last chapter, where you get pulled into another dimension, fight something like a god (seemingly just because "that what you do at the end of a JRPG" because the plot really didn't need it) and what even I as a newcomer know is the main antagonist of the original game right after. The last chapter might have leaned a bit too deply into spectacly for spectacles sake but how could I be angry about it when it ends on such a strong note otherwise?
So, I know this sounds like shameless gushing about a game I loved but what can I say? I had a great time with it. I can't wait for the sequel. People will now probably tell me how disrespectful it is to the original and how I'd hate it if I had played that but as far as I'm concerned, it was a hell of an opener.