Final Fantasy fans! What's your favourite Final Fantasy game and why?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Final Fantasy Tactics.

Best political story; lots of backstabbing and double-deals. Great variability in the gameplay; probably the best in the series. It has very good, memorable characters, though not the best in the franchise.

It was everything FF12 wanted to be but couldn't; and it's a pity they turned Troubled Ivalice into Disney Furville Ivalice from FFTA onward.

The Abhorrent

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May 7, 2011
For me it's a toss-up between VI and IX, though leaning towards VI. Both games have great stories and fun gameplay; a bit simple storywise, but both are executed exceptionally well. As someone who generally prefers more complex & sophisticated plots, it's shows me that a better story isn't necessarily a deeper one.

What edges VI out ahead for me is the soundtrack, which is (in my opinion) the best in all of gaming; so many iconic tunes, including many of the best pieces of music ever put into a game. IX's advantages are it's more modern presentation, which allow for a much wider range of expression; VI's sprite-based graphics age very well, but ultimately are still dated and very limited. I would also give IX the advantage for comedy, the legendary "Ooh... soft." scene being the most prevalent example. VI has a more serious and dramatic focus, but isn't lacking in comedy either.

In any event, both games would certainly benefit from being remade into modern-era games (well, hopefully)... or at least on par in terms of technology with FFX (fully rendered environments and voice acting), should the costs for full HD be prohibitive.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
TheKasp said:
*looks around*

Final Fantasy 13-2... I like the faster paced combat, it is basically the first time I don't snore off while playing FF.

Storywise... I won't say anything. We talk about a series of games where FF X is considered a good story.

Characters: The same as above.

Nah, I'm kidding. XIII-2 is great, though the story is chock full of plotholes. That's my only major complaint, along with a very minor bit of lackluster voice acting.

However, my absolute favorite is IX. Why? Well, it's sort of a swan song to the entire series, with numerous references to all 8 of the previous games. The gameplay is damn near perfect, from the combat to the leveling system to the minigames. The story is one of the darkest and best of the series, a contrast to the comical art style. Heck, I'm sure if the game was given a fresh coat of HD paint it would be able to hold up very well to most newer releases today.

EDIT: I've seen some people break it down to different categories, so I guess I'll do that.

Battle mechanics: XIII-2
Leveling system: FFV
Story: FFIX
Characters: FFIX
Music: FFVII
Art direction: FFIX


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I posted this in another thread, but it applies to this one as well and I could never really voice 'why' again as well as I did that time, so here's a shameless cut-and-paste as to why my favorite game in the series, as well as my favorite game of all time, is Final Fantasy X-2.

Before I play Final Fantasy X-2, I have to prepare. I have to plan in advance to set entire weekends aside just for this game. I have to make myself a nice hot cup of sweet, sweet coffee. I have to take a long, hot bath. I have to wear something loose-fitting and comfortable. I have to wrap up in blankets with the massive strategy guide set across my thighs. I've never ritualized a game before or since Final Fantasy X-2, and so many people have asked me "why the hell? Of all the games in the world, why Final Fantasy X-2?" The answer is because I've never, not even once, played a game that elicited every single positive emotional reaction I can think of, except this one. This is the only game that has made me laugh, cry, laugh until I cry, cry until I laugh, place my hands over my mouth in shock and surprise, place my hands over my heart and say "d'awwwww", thrust my arms upward and cheer with satisfaction, and truly feel at peace. I could talk about the combat, which I still think is the best in any J-RPG. I could talk about the amusing dialogue and cast of appealing characters spearheaded by the most believable female Japan has ever written. I could talk about the endless wealth of things to do, the clutch of fun minigames, the sense of wonder as I uncovered all sorts of new and exciting things, but the most important thing about Final Fantasy X-2 is that no matter what, if it's in my PS2 and I'm playing it, I'm always smiling. There is never a moment that is frustrating, never a moment that is tedious, never a "oh god, I have to do this part again?!" part. It dispenses happiness from eye-catching start to heartwarming finish and beyond, never once missing a beat. We're living in cynical times, and anything that can be relied upon to make me feel good no matter what is something to be treasured. I will always treasure Final Fantasy X-2.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Raika said:
I posted this in another thread, but it applies to this one as well and I could never really voice 'why' again as well as I did that time, so here's a shameless cut-and-paste as to why my favorite game in the series, as well as my favorite game of all time, is Final Fantasy X-2.

You know what? Well said.

You could put a hundred FF fans into a room and get them to debate which installment is the "best", and they will never agree. OK, so in all likelihood we'd kill each other arguing, but I actually think it's good there's so many differing opinions. Everyone seems to get different things from different games, depending on their tastes.

And the fact that even now, we're still debating over which episode stands above the others, or whether FF so-and-so deserves a remake, to me is testament to the quality of the series as a whole.

The thing that really stood out for me in X-2 was the job system. Now I think about it, it's actually kind of similar to XIII's paradigms, where you load up a selection of roles and then switch between them as you need to. Only individually rather than as a group changing all at once. I liked that - it was a good take on jobs from earlier games. So what if it was girly and a bit cheese-tastic?

Slightly off-topic, I also think Yuna was a very well realised heroine and outshone Tidus for me in X. She actually does come across as incredibly strong - she knows what's supposed to happen to her, but she doesn't stop in the face of it.


New member
May 15, 2010
I played VII through XIII-2. XIII and XIII-2 were the only ones I could stand playing after the 5 hour mark.


New member
Feb 2, 2012
I don't have one that I like everything about over all of the others, because a lot of them had things that put them in there own league. I liked FFIV for the character diversity of the party members and the 5 member battles. I liked FFV for the broad amount of customization you could do with your party members without being able to just switch plug-ins from one character to another (I'm looking at you VII and VIII). FFX had my favorite story of the series, and I thought that FFXIII had the best presentation of its story (not talking about graphics, but about character growth and plot movement, though it could have been faster about it).

Overall though, I'd probably say that IX balanced all of these things the best, so I'll say that was my favorite. I have yet to get through FFVI though (hell, that game starts out slowly).


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Mar 20, 2010
TizzytheTormentor said:
Zidane grabs Garnets ass whilst climbing a ladder on a moving airship...and when he grabs her ass cheek he says "Ooh Soft"
Haha, I played through that part today!
IX is my favourite too. It's just so charming, and the one I grew up watching my brother play.

John Farrell

New member
Oct 26, 2011
I'd have to go with V. Love the class system, story is not as pretentious as other final fantasies and multiple endings based in the last fight.


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Aug 7, 2008
I used to spend hours (days?) on end playing FFXI (online) while listening to the soundtrack of XI, VII, & VIII. ahhh I miss those days.

What? so yeah it would either be XI or Tactics. Stop looking at me like that.


New member
May 10, 2011
Final Fantasy VII because it has an awesome world setting and an interesting antagonist (Sephiroth).

I also like Final Fantasy IX because they tried to blend the old school RPG feeling with the newer RPG generation. It resulted in a pretty nostalgic atmosphere.

Everything after FFX is no longer a FF game to me.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
It's a toss-up between 6 (U.S.#3), 7 and 9. If 7 got an HD remake for next gen systems (Wii U and the competitiors it will have) then it would probably win hands down because I loved the materia system. Everything after 9 blows goats. Thank the Gawds 9 was an awesome swansong for the series.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
TizzytheTormentor said:
Final Fantasy IX Why other than having the best characters, story, music and just about everything else?

Zidane grabs Garnets ass whilst climbing a ladder on a moving airship...and when he grabs her ass cheek he says "Ooh Soft"
I second this nomination.

Actually started playing FF IX a few days ago. I ended up playing that scene 5 times because I am focusing on stealing every item off every boss I fight. Makes me chuckle and smile every time I see the ooh soft comment :D


New member
Oct 26, 2009
FFX, its my favourite game of all time. Story, characters, music, graphics - its almost flawless to me. BUT, FFIX is very very close. Zidane is my favourite character of all time, in anything... ever! X)


New member
Jul 2, 2011
I have 5.


These are the only ones that I've really played. I haven't beaten 13 yet but it's really good. Can't wait to get 13-2. And also, I'm thinking of getting Dissidia 012 for my PSP, is it any good?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Final Fantasy 8, it was the first FF I played, I grew up playing it and I also loved the characters. A lot of people see Squall as a whinny kid who does not seem to care about other peoples' emotions but then again he was a loner growing up and as a result he probably lacks some social skills to give a hoot. But he also grows OUT of that stage as the game progresses.
The music was very awesome as i still listen to it in my car.
Last but not least, it had Laguna in the game. That battle theme during the Laguna parts were amazing.