Find Out Who Earned the Most Money in Hollywood in 2010

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Find Out Who Earned the Most Money in Hollywood in 2010

Everyone knows that people in Hollywood make a metric ton of cash, but that doesn't mean we don't love hearing who made the most and how much.

Vanity Fair released its list of the top 40 "creative" earners in the Hollywood film industry in 2010. The problem with such lists is that you quickly realize how much money people who are lucky enough to star in big franchises make. At least there are a fair number of film directors and producers who earned their salaries and bonuses the hard way: by being the driving force behind creating a piece of art. On the other hand there are people like Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart whose only claim to fame is starring in those movies about sparkly vampires.

James Cameron certainly earned his $257 million by producing and directing the Avatar craze, and most of that cash was made by how much that movie made at the box office in 2010. Johnny Depp was the only other figure in Hollywood to reportedly earn seven figures by grossing $100 million for starring in Alice in Wonderland, the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and that movie with Angelina Jolie.

I guess I'm just bitter that Lautner somehow grossed $33.5 million for those silly Twilight movies.

Here's the list of the top ten earners from 2010, feel free to head to Vanity Fair for the full list []:

10. Robert Downey Jr.
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $31.5 MILLION (2009 rank: 28)
$15 million: Fee for starring in upcoming untitled Sherlock Holmes sequel
$12 million: Iron Man 2 (back-end, based on worldwide gross of $627 million, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$3.5 million: Sherlock Holmes (back-end, based on worldwide gross of $523 million, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$1 million: Older film revenue

9. Taylor Lautner
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $33.5 million (2009 rank: -)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 1 (fee for co-starring in upcoming penultimate Twilight film)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 2 (fee for co-starring in upcoming final Twilight film)
$7.5 million: Abduction (fee for starring in upcoming John Singleton thriller)
$1 million: Older film revenue, mostly from Twilight franchise

8. Todd Phillips
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $34 MILLION (2009 rank: 5)
$15 million: The Hangover Part II (fee for writing, producing, and directing)
$13 million: The Hangover (back-end for producing and directing; excludes $39 million earned in 2009)
$3 million: Due Date (back-end for producing and directing, based on worldwide gross of $200 million, as of December 31, 2010)
$2 million: Older film revenue
$1 million: Project X (fee for producing upcoming low-budget comedy)

7. Adam Sandler
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $50 MILLION (2009 rank: 12)
$25 million: Just Go with It (fee for producing and starring in upcoming comedy opposite Jennifer Aniston)
$20 million: Jack and Jill (fee for producing and starring in upcoming comedy with Katie Holmes and Al Pacino)
$3 million: Grown Ups (back-end for starring and writing, based on worldwide gross of $271 million, plus share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$2 million: Older film revenue

6. Tim Burton
DIRECTOR (William Morris Endeavor)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $53 MILLION (2009 rank: -)
$50 million: Alice in Wonderland (back-end for directing, based on worldwide gross of $1.02 billion, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$3 million: Older film revenue

5. Leonardo DiCaprio
ACTOR (Special Artists Agency)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $62 MILLION (2009 rank: -)
$59 million: Inception (back-end for starring in somewhat convoluted Christopher Nolan film)
$3 million: Back-end for starring in somewhat convoluted Martin Scorsese film Shutter Island, older film revenue

4. Christopher Nolan
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $71.5 MILLION (2009 rank: -)
$69 million: Inception (back-end for writing, producing, and directing, based on worldwide gross of $823 million, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$2.5 million: Older film revenue

3. Steven Spielberg
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $80 MILLION (2009 rank: 2)
$50 million: Universal-theme-park royalties and consulting fees
$20 million: War Horse (fee for directing and producing upcoming World War I drama)
$10 million: Older film revenue

2. Johnny Depp
ACTOR (United Talent Agency)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $100 MILLION (2009 rank: 21)
$40 million: Alice in Wonderland (back-end for starring in Tim Burton film, based on worldwide gross of $1.02 billion)
$35 million: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (up-front money for starring in next installment of Jerry Bruckheimer's waterlogged but ludicrously profitable franchise)
$20 million: The Tourist (fee for co-starring in one of the year's bigger flops alongside Angelina Jolie)
$5 million: Older film revenue

1. James Cameron
WRITER, DIRECTOR, PRODUCER (Creative Artists Agency)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $257 MILLION (2009 rank: 4)
$248 million: Avatar (back-end for writing, producing, and directing, based on 2010 worldwide box-office gross of $1.95 billion, and share of DVD and pay-television revenue; excludes $50 million earned in 2009)
$5 million: Avatar (share of toy licensing, other revenue)
$4 million: Older film revenue (e.g., back-end and royalties from earlier projects, other payments)

Source: Vanity Fair []

(Image [])



New member
Nov 7, 2009
Jim hit the Jackpot, made more money than the 2nd, 3rd and 4th combined. Tim Burton, on the other hand, sure as shit doesn't deserve any of that cash. Fucking sick of him and his bullshit.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Noo! Zee pirates! Zey hurt ze industry!

hehe seriously tho these amounts of money are just... mind boggling? Well ok not quite, I'm really not surprised how much actors make. But still... wow. James Cameron makes $248 mil off Avatar, the most pirated movie since forever. Good stuff man!

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Elsewhere, George Lucas is plotting his return to the Vanity Fair rich list by taking your freshly ravaged childhood and raping it just a little bit more with his upcoming Indiana Jones V and VI sequels...


New member
Jan 12, 2008
Man. I still hate the fact that so many people bought into the overwhelmingly mediocre film that is Avatar.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
If only that money was put into something something useful instead of solid gold mansions.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
It's interesting how Leonardo DiCaprio can be paid vastly different sums of money depending on the film...

...oh and how the hell did Adam Sandler make it on the list?


New member
Jul 23, 2009
halbarad said:
Man. I still hate the fact that so many people bought into the overwhelmingly mediocre film that is Avatar.
ya... fuck Sam Worthington. How in the world did he get an acting job???

There's nothing 'Worthington' about him.

[sub][sub]I know, that was god awful LOL XD[/sub][/sub]


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Thank you Hollywood for reminding me how expensive drinks are in your theaters.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I'm not surprised by this list (it seems the Avatar-haters such as myself are, once again, the minority), but the fact that Lautner is on this list fills me with rage.
Feb 13, 2008
Greg Tito said:
I guess I'm just bitter that Lautner somehow grossed $33.5 million for those silly Twilight movies.
I think you mean "greased".

Seriously though, one guy showing his pecs is worth:

1 Rush Limbaugh year
1 5.3 acre hotel in Haiti
1 Bill Clinton Inaugural speech
About 1/2000th of the Gulf War
1 Facebook
191 Years of a Surgeons pay
1000 teacher years
500 odd policemen years
1/1000th of the Germans First World War debt
1 days worth of sales for God Of War 3
1 Glenn Beck year
1 Global Fund to prevent poverty and starvation in Niger
7 Seasons of House MD (Pay to Hugh Laurie)
Kenya's GDP
3/10 of the NHS spending
1/21 of the Millenium Dome
7.5 minute advert at the Superbowl

I'll just let that sink in.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Greg Tito said:
James Cameron certainly earned his $257 million by producing and directing the Avatar craze, *snip*
This phrase, it does not make any sense whatsoever.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Most of the list is surprisingly low, with the exception of Cameron. Yeesh. That man knows business.