AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,621 rumor that's going around the office? There may be two kinds of women in the world, but at least...
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,623 was telling me something.. For the first time in history...
Dr.Susse Lv.1 NPC Apr 17, 2009 16,498 2 43 May 8, 2011 #4,625 Can dance boggie all night. You know things are bad when......
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,627 yelling, but it's less coherent. Ghosts are generally seen as...
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,629 demanding creatures. If you're ever in Ireland...
Dr.Susse Lv.1 NPC Apr 17, 2009 16,498 2 43 May 8, 2011 #4,631 I'll buy you a beer. Can we all just......
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,633 I call dibs on the biggest sword. Soon there'll be a day when you get to...
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,635 will people ever learn the proper usage of "to" and "too"? Sometimes a jam will come along that makes toast so...
will people ever learn the proper usage of "to" and "too"? Sometimes a jam will come along that makes toast so...
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,637 person on probation not playing along? Can you really use sugar in place of...
AwesomeExpress Packages Delivered: 84 / 1900 Feb 4, 2010 13,692 0 0 May 8, 2011 #4,639 student, practice you will if strong in the force you will become. Whenever I hear that song...