Firk you Activision, firk you. Sincerely - Gamers


Aug 5, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
Exactly? not really sure what you are getting at here. But if it's what I think it is I would like to point out that liking money and liking your customers are not mutually exclusive
If Activision were a company that cared about their customers then they'd be supporting their older titles. Modern Warfare and World at War are rampant with hackers by now and once Modern Warfare 3 comes along number 2 will face the same neglect.

If they wanted to deliver a quality experience to the consumer they'd had improved and refined the formula, listened to the complaints from players that speak out rather than listen to the numbers of players that don't. Instead of increasing in quality the games have either degraded or maintained the steady baseline. Even as a publisher Activision should have an active role in listening to consumer issues, which I can't think of a single example of them doing.

Sure there are developers and publishers that care what consumers think. But when it boils down to it Call of Duty has been a one trick pony so far, seeming to have hit the roof with Modern Warfare and now it's a recognised name. We all know the next Call of Duty will sell big even if it turns out to be a horrible game.

And you know what will be happening at Activision HQ? It won't be Bobby Kotick going: "Oh no, poor consumers. We've pushed out a terrible game and now they won't be able to enjoy themselves!". No, it'll be: "Noooooooooooooo! Our brand loyalty!".


New member
Sep 11, 2009
crepesack said:
I hate you Activision. Fuck you.
I'm just wondering why you chose to actually say "Fuck" when you said "Firk" in your title.

OT: Shrug. I don't mind Activision.

The games they publish are fun in a mindless sort of way.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Ive never seen a post saying "this is not a rant, BUT" that is not a rant.
You cant expect everyone to be in the computer game buisness because of idealistic ideas and sunshine - some people are just here for the money, which is totally fine

just dont buy the stuff you think is moneygrabbing (retarded horses, map packs, whatever), they will not stop to make overpriced stuff as long as people are buying it, regardless of how much people call them names on some forum

you will get a PR post, that activision is REALLY trying to not be the devil once in the while though